Counts of Orgaz
Condes de Orgaz
Family filter On/Off- 1 Alvaro Perez de Guzman, 1st count of Orgaz, lord of Santa Olalla
- 2 Isabel de Borbon y Guzman, 2nd countess of Orgaz
- 3 Juan Hurtado de Mendoza, 3rd count of Orgaz * c. 1530
- 5 Baltasar Hurtado de Mendoza y Rojas, 5th count of Orgaz
- 7 Agustín de Mendoza Sandoval Guzman y Roxas, 7th count of Orgaz * c. 1670
- 13 Joaquin Crespi de Valldaura y Carvajal, 13rd count of Orgaz * 1795
- 20 Esteban Crespí de Valldaura y Cavero, 16th count of Castrillo * 1899
- 21 Gonzalo Crespí de Valldaura y Bosch-Labrús, 8th marquess of Villasidro * 1936
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