Counts of Attems
Grafen von Attems
Family filter On/Off- Paolo, Graf von Attems * 1942
- Albert Leopold Friedrich, count of Attems * 1826
- Albrecht Gotthard Josef, count of Attems * 1888
- Alexander, count of Attems * 1984
- Alfons Bernhard Hippolyt Anton, count of Attems * 1714
- Alfons Maria Hermann Joseph, count of Attems * 1799
- Alfons Maria, count of Attems * 1857
- Alfons, count of Attems
- Alfons, count of Attems * 1634
- Alfred Karl Valentin, count of Attems * 1854
- Alois Maria Ignaz Franz de Paula Felix Nepomuk Judas Thaddeus, count of Attems * 1776
- Alois, count of Attems * 1616
- Aloysius, count of Attems * 1927
- Andreas Joseph, count of Attems * 1724
- Andreas Viktor, count of Attems * 1637
- Andreas, count of Attems * c. 1589
- Andreas, count of Attems * 1527
- Anton Albert August, count of Attems * 1790
- Anton August Paul, count of Attems * 1819
- Anton Ferdinand, count of Attems * 1691
- Anton Karl Maria Franz Maximilian, count of Attems * 1899
- Arbeno Heinrich Franz Anastasius, count of Attems * 1895
- Arbeno Maria, count of Attems * 1898
- Arbogast Veronica Joseph Richard Michael, count of Attems * 1874
- August Anton Joseph Ernst Ferdinand, count of Attems * 1752
- Bernhardin Andreas, count of Attems * 1635
- Bernhardin Theodor Anton Dominik, count of Attems * 1719
- Carl Ludwig Arthur, count of Attems * 1900
- Carlo Bruno, count of Attems * 1935
- Christian August, count of Attems * 1719
- Christian Johann Anton, count of Attems * 1787
- Christian Leopold, count of Attems * 1824
- Christof Ferdinand Michael Albrecht, count of Attems * 1921
- Dismas Maria Heinrich Hugo Christian, count of Attems * 1818
- Dismas Maximilian Siegmund Engelbert Franz, count of Attems * 1718
- Edmund, count of Attems * 1845
- Edmund, count of Attems * 1891
- Edmund, count of Attems * 1924
- Emil Hans, count of Attems * 1921
- Emil, count of Attems * 1857
- Erich Hermann Maria Franz Maximilian, count of Attems * 1893
- Ernst Joseph Amadeus Wenzel Karl Michael Adam, count of Attems * 1742
- Ernst Karl, count of Attems * c. 1623
- Ernst Maria Aloys Anton Johann Gundacker, count of Attems * 1747
- Eugen Maria Vincenz Joseph Franz Seraph, count of Attems * 1815
- Fabius Arbeno, count of Attems * 1903
- Ferdinand Alois Christian, count of Attems * 1808
- Ferdinand Andreas Anton Franz Johann Nepomuk Michael, count of Attems * 1775
- Ferdinand Hyazinth Maria, count of Attems * 1697
- Ferdinand Joseph, count of Attems * 1709
- Ferdinand Maria Ignaz Joseph Thadeus, count of Attems * 1746
- Ferdinand Maria von Attems, count of Heiligenkreuz * 1885
- Ferdinand, count of Attems * 1945
- Ferrando, count of Attems * c. 1564
- Ferrante Johann Baptist, count of Attems * 1626
- Ferrante, count of Attems * 1493
- Franz Adam, count of Attems * 1674
- Franz Alois Hannibal Michael Adam, count of Attems * 1747
- Franz Andreas, count of Attems * c. 1639
- Franz Anton, count of Attems * 1645
- Franz Fererius Anton Maria Felix Franz de Paula, count of Attems * 1783
- Franz Ignaz, count of Attems * 1676
- Franz Joseph Michael, count of Attems * 1914
- Franz Nikolaus Anton, count of Attems * 1670
- Franz Seraph Alfons Gabriel Felix, count of Attems * 1799
- Franz Seraphin Aloys Vincenz Fererius Stanislaus, count of Attems * 1754
- Franz von Assisi, count of Attems * 1926
- Franz Xaver Anton, count of Attems * 1848
- Franz Xaver Maria Anton Alexander Vincenz Ferrerius Johann Nepomuk Alois Joseph Demeter, count of Attems * 1785
- Friedrich Anton, count of Attems * 1644
- Friedrich Johann, count of Attems * 1885
- Friedrich Karl Johann Ludwig Ulrich Prokop Michaeö, count of Attems * 1755
- Friedrich Maria Ferdinand Ignaz Franz Alois Veit Felix Athanasius, count of Attems * 1818
- Friedrich-Christian Alfred Egon Marius Anton Josef Karl Ludwig Maria, count of Attems * 1937
- Friedrich, count of Attems * 1828
- Friedrich, count of Attems * 1688
- Georg Friedrich, count of Attems * c. 1590
- Heinrich Christian, count of Attems * 1858
- Heinrich Johann Nepomuk, count of Attems * 1814
- Heinrich Karl Michael, count of Attems * 1834
- Heinrich Ludwig, count of Attems * 1669
- Heinrich Maria Wilhelm Karl Anton Alois Gervasius, count of Attems * 1813
- Heinrich Moritz, count of Attems * 1852
- Heinrich Theodor Michael, count of Attems * 1870
- Heinrich, count of Attems * 1910
- Hermann Euseb, count of Attems * 1628
- Hermann Franz Seraph August, count of Attems * 1855
- Hermann Heinrich Maximilian, count of Attems * 1737
- Hermann Jakob Joseph Johann Baptist Hubert, count of Attems * 1756
- Hermann Jakob, count of Attems * c. 1631
- Hermann Mathias, count of Attems * c. 1625
- Hermann, count of Attems * 1811
- Hermann, count of Attems * 1865
- Hermann, count of Attems
- Hieronymus Joseph, count of Attems * 1629
- Ignaz Franz Xaver Vincenz Desider Expeditus Johann Nepomuk, count of Attems * 1750
- Ignaz Maria Emil Hans Edmund Max Ernst Philipp Ferdinand, count of Attems
- Ignaz Maria Maximilian Dismas Josef Leander, count of Attems * 1652
- Ignaz Maria Philipp Cajetan Gregor, count of Attems * 1844
- Ignaz Maria Weikhard Probus Alois Franz de Paula Felix Johann Nepomuk Mathia, count of Attems * 1774
- Ignaz Maria, count of Attems * 1714
- Ignaz, count of Attems * 1918
- Jakob Alfons, count of Attems * 1607
- Johann Andreas, count of Attems * 1676
- Johann Anton, count of Attems * 1653
- Johann Franz Joseph, count of Attems * 1645
- Johann Franz, count of Attems * c. 1603
- Johann Franz, count of Attems * 1665
- Johann Franz, count of Attems * 1643
- Johann Friedrich, count of Attems, baron of Heiligenkreuz * 1593
- Johann Heinrich Dominik, count of Attems * 1670
- Johann Heinrich, count of Attems * c. 1633
- Johann Jacob, count of Attems * 1598
- Johann Jakob, count of Attems * 1656
- Johann Joseph Leonhard, count of Attems * 1603
- Johann Joseph, count of Attems * 1671
- Johann Kaspar, count of Attems * 1630
- Johann Ludwig, count of Attems * 1749
- Johann Maria Ferdinand Anton Michael, count of Attems * 1875
- Johann Martin Joseph, count of Attems * 1609
- Johann Nepomuk Friedrich Franz Michael, count of Attems * 1779
- Johann Nepomuk Maria Anton Karl Alois Simon, count of Attems * 1825
- Johann Philipp, count of Attems * 1643
- Johann Wilhelm, count of Attems * c. 1632
- Johann, count of Attems * 1947
- Johann, count of Attems
- Johannes, count of Attems * 1969
- Joseph Anton, count of Attems * 1786
- Joseph Bernhard Maria, count of Attems * 1727
- Joseph Ferdinand Buschek, count of Attems
- Joseph Franz, count of Attems * 1814
- Joseph Franz, count of Attems * 1686
- Joseph Ignaz Christoph Maria Franz Xaver Philipp Jakob, count of Attems * 1734
- Joseph Ignaz, count of Attems * c. 1661
- Joseph Johann Nepomuk Michael Adam, count of Attems * 1746
- Joseph Johann Nepomuk Michael, count of Attems * 1836
- Joseph Maria Alois Johann Nepomuk Franz de Paula Felix Thaddeus, count of Attems * 1780
- Joseph Oswald, count of Attems * 1679
- Joseph Peter Anton, count of Attems * 1698
- Joseph Philipp Alois Adam Christian, count of Attems * 1754
- Joseph Theophil Amadeus, count of Attems * 1731
- Joseph von Calasanz Maximilian Oskar Franz Maria, count of Attems * 1923
- Joseph, count of Attems
- Judas Thaddeus Alois Franz de Paula Felix Ferdinand Liborius, count of Attems * 1786
- Julius Anton, count of Attems * 1652
- Julius, count of Attems * 1837
- Karl Anton Maria Franz Maximilian, count of Attems * 1897
- Karl August Theodor Michael, count of Attems * 1868
- Karl Bernhard Michael, count of Attems * 1809
- Karl Borromäus Michael Ludwig, count of Attems * 1883
- Karl Christian Nikolaus, count of Attems * 1810
- Karl Maria Ignaz Friedrich, count of Attems * 1860
- Karl, count of Attems * 1869
- Leonhard Anton, count of Attems * 1654
- Leonhard, count of Attems * c. 1530
- Leopold Christian Ignaz Aloys Johann Nepomuk Anton, count of Attems * 1758
- Leopold Franz Ludwig, count of Attems * 1808
- Lorenz, count of Attems * c. 1592
- Lorenz, count of Attems
- Lorenz, count of Attems
- Lucius Bernhardin, count of Attems * 1723
- Ludwig Anton Maria Chlodwig Alfred, count of Attems * 1902
- Ludwig Anton, count of Attems * 1818
- Ludwig Maria Michael Karl Konstantin Franziskus Ulrich, count of Attems * 1929
- Ludwig Paolo, count of Attems * 1901
- Ludwig Philipp Michael, count of Attems * 1710
- Ludwig, count of Attems * c. 1624
- Manfred Eberhard Karl Borromäus Michael Richard, count of Attems * 1892
- Manfred Maximilian Victor, count of Attems * 1935
- Maria Anton Hugo Heinrich Alois Wilhelm Joseph Rombert, count of Attems * 1844
- Maria Franz Xaver Anton Adolf, count of Attems * 1729
- Maria Julius Cäsar Anton Karl Alois Ernst Cajetan Copertin, count of Attems * 1821
- Maria Karl Vincenz Franz Xaver Johann Nepomuk Stephan, count of Attems * 1755
- Maria Wilhelm Franz Anton Karl Aloys, count of Attems * 1810
- Mario, count of Attems * 1933
- Marius Anton Karl Joseph Heinrich, count of Attems * 1893
- Marius Anton, count of Attems * 1862
- Massimo Artemio, count of Attems * 1936
- Matteo, count of Attems * 1987
- Max Ernst, count of Attems * 1923
- Maximilian Franz Xaver, count of Attems * 1674
- Maximilian Franz, count of Attems * 1629
- Maximilian Hermann, count of Attems * 1607
- Maximilian Karl Anton, count of Attems * 1939
- Maximilian Michael Josef Andreas, count of Attems * 1894
- Maximilian, count of Attems * 1896
- Maximilian, count of Attems * 1983
- Meinhard Deodat Franz, count of Attems * 1901
- Nikolaus Felix Ferdinand Anton, count of Attems * 1769
- Nikolaus, count of Attems * 1852
- Odorico Franz Anton, count of Attems * 1854
- Othmar Anton Heinrich, count of Attems * 1899
- Otto, count of Attems * 1865
- Peter Anton Ignaz, count of Attems * 1722
- Peter Anton Maria, count of Attems * 1899
- Peter Anton Raimund, count of Attems * 1661
- Peter Anton, count of Attems * 1657
- Raimond Karl, count of Attems * 1661
- Raimund Jakob, count of Attems * 1627
- Rudolf Hermann Joseph Johann Maria, count of Attems * 1829
- Rudolf Leonhard Joseph, count of Attems * 1647
- Rudolf Otto Ulvinus Udalricus, count of Attems * 1896
- Rudolf Victor Heinrich, count of Attems * 1944
- Rudolf, count of Attems * 1872
- Rudolf, count of Attems * 1816
- Sigismund Andreas, count of Attems * 1653
- Sigismund Douglas Michael Edmund Wilhelm Robert Maria, count of Attems * 1914
- Sigismund Joseph Michael, count of Attems * 1840
- Sigismund Karl Anton Michael, count of Attems * 1708
- Sigismund Leopold Maria Blasius, count of Attems * 1720
- Sigismund Marius, count of Attems * 1672
- Sigismund Wolfgang, count of Attems * 1675
- Simon Joseph, count of Attems * 1605
- Simon, count of Attems
- Thaddäus Cajetan Bernhard, count of Attems * 1691
- Viktor Johann Michael, count of Attems * 1878
- Viktor Karl August, count of Attems * 1864
- Walter Franz Albert, count of Attems * 1893
- Walther Eduard Josef, count of Attems * 1859
- Werner Cornelius Anton Maria, count of Attems * 1900
- Wilhelm Anton Michael, count of Attems * 1848
- Wolf Sigismund, count of Attems * c. 1552
- Wolfgang Bernhardin, count of Attems * 1559
- Wolfgang Friedrich Richard Albrecht Michael, count of Attems * 1941
- Wolfgang Joseph Michael, count of Attems * 1844
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