Counts of Nostitz-Rieneck
Grafen von Nostitz-Rieneck
Family filter On/Off- Albert Franz, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1807
- Albert Karl Werner Ferdinand, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1843
- Aloys, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1925
- Anton Johann, count of Nostitz-Rieneck
- Anton, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * bp 2007
- August Albert, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1851
- Benjamin, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * bp 2005
- Carl-Erwein Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1850
- Christof Wenzel Friedrich Pius Josef Maria Bernardus, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1914
- Christof, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1946
- Dominik, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1973
- Eduard, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1797
- Emanuel, count of Nostitz-Rieneck
- Erwein Felix Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1863
- Erwein Hartwig Johann Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1887
- Erwein Leopold Maria Alexius, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1898
- Erwein Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1806
- Erwein Wenzel Alois Heinrich Johann Joseph Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 2006
- Erwein, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1921
- Ferdinand, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1943
- Franz Anton Bohuslaw Friedrich Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1888
- Franz de Paula Anton Joseph Johann Nepomuk Wenzel Philipp, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1725
- Franz Joseph, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1758
- Franz Wenzel, count of Nostitz-Rieneck
- Franz-Erwein, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1970
- Franz-Otto, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1940
- Franz, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1923
- Franz, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1850
- Friedrich Carl Anton Eustach Franz Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1900
- Friedrich Maria Chrysoganus, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1762
- Friedrich Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1835
- Friedrich Moritz, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1728
- Friedrich, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1938
- Friedrich, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * c. 1893
- Friedrich, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1963
- Georg Friedrich Josef, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1971
- Georg Maria Longinus, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1904
- Gregor Josef Karl Christof Maria Thaddäus, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1956
- Heinrich Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1854
- Hermann Ägidius Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1892
- Hermnan, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1812
- Hugo Karl Maria Joseph Herminegild, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1887
- Hugo Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1814
- Hugo, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1943
- Johann Hartwig, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1610
- Johann Nepomuk, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1768
- Johann Wilhelm Hermann, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1847
- Johannes Nepomuk Ernst Josef Maria Thaddäus, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1952
- Joseph, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1941
- Joseph, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1767
- Karl Joseph, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1682
- Karl, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1849
- Karl, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1801
- Karl, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1901
- Laurent, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1977
- Leopold Abraham Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1865
- Leopold Adam Johannes Josef Maria, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1933
- Louis, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1982
- Maria Josef Hartwig Matthias, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1878
- Martin Karl Friedrich Kasimir, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1937
- Moriz, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1800
- Oscar, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * bp 2009
- Robert, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1798
- Robert, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1949
- Sigmund, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1815
- Vincenz Maria Joseph Eusebius Erwein Friedrich, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1911
- Wenzel Desiderius, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1669
- Wolfgang Hubert, count of Nostitz-Rieneck * 1890
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