Counts of Schwerin
Grafen von Schwerin
Family filter On/Off- N * 1978
- Achim Albert Karl Bruno, count of Schwerin * 1891
- Adam Otto Johann, count of Schwerin
- Adam Otto, count of Schwerin
- Adam Otto, count of Schwerin
- Adolf Henning, count of Schwerin
- Adolf Leopold Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1789
- Adolf Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Adolf Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Albert Julius Karl, count of Schwerin * 1813
- Albert, count of Schwerin
- Albert, count of Schwerin * 1870
- Albert, count of Schwerin
- Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1965
- Albrecht, count of Schwerin
- Alexander Gerald Oliver, count of Schwerin * 1990
- Alexander Hermann Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1959
- Alfred Wilhelm Detlof, count of Schwerin * 1859
- Alphons Julius Otto, count of Schwerin * 1810
- Andreas, count of Schwerin * 1959
- Anton Detlof, count of Schwerin * 1600
- Anton Detlof, count of Schwerin
- August Wilhelm Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1726
- Axel Adalbert, count of Schwerin * 1983
- Axel August, count of Schwerin
- Axel Fredrik, count of Schwerin
- Axel Fredrik, count of Schwerin
- Axel Friedrich Wilhelm Otto Karl Hellmuth, count of Schwerin * 1850
- Axel Karl Ulrich, count of Schwerin * 1889
- Axel Rüdiger, count of Schwerin * 1879
- Axel, count of Schwerin * 1969
- Axel, count of Schwerin
- Axel, count of Schwerin * 1939
- Axel, count of Schwerin
- Balthasar Friedrich Julius, count of Schwerin
- Barnim, count of Schwerin
- Bengt Julius, count of Schwerin
- Bernd, count of Schwerin
- Bernhard Detlof Michael, count of Schwerin * 1953
- Bernhard Helmuth Robert Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1885
- Bernhard Roderich Nikolaus, count of Schwerin * 1950
- Bernhard Rudolf Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1892
- Bernhard Ulrich Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1927
- Bernhard Wilhelm Helmut Karl, count of Schwerin * 1831
- Bernhard, count of Schwerin
- Bodo, count of Schwerin * 1938
- Bogislav Axel Karl Ulrich, count of Schwerin * 1892
- Bogislav Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Hermann Heinrich Bernhard, count of Schwerin * 1851
- Bogislav Konrad Adolf, count of Schwerin * 1833
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1959
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1861
- Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Bogislaw, count of Schwerin * 1622
- Botho Ludwig Stanislaus, count of Schwerin * 1921
- Botho, count of Schwerin * 1866
- Bruno Carl Wilhelm Gustav Albert, count of Schwerin * 1855
- Bruno Woldemar Felix Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1921
- Carl Bogislaus Oktavius, count of Schwerin
- Carl Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1906
- Carl Filip Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Carl Filip Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Carl Filip Otto, count of Schwerin
- Carl Filip, count of Schwerin
- Carl Filip, count of Schwerin
- Carl Friedrich Otto, count of Schwerin
- Carl Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold August, count of Schwerin
- Carl Gustaf, count of Schwerin
- Carl Gustav, count of Schwerin
- Carl Johann Gustav Adolf Julius, count of Schwerin
- Carl Johann, count of Schwerin
- Carl Julius, count of Schwerin
- Carl Ludwig Ernst, count of Schwerin * 1760
- Carl Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Carl Otto Alexander, count of Schwerin
- Carl Otto, count of Schwerin
- Carl Otto, count of Schwerin
- Carl Ulrik, count of Schwerin
- Carl Werner Axel, count of Schwerin
- Carl, count of Schwerin
- Carl, count of Schwerin
- Christian Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1787
- Christian, count of Schwerin
- Christian, count of Schwerin * 1939
- Christoph Andreas, count of Schwerin * 1933
- Christoph Heinrich Maximilian Friedrich Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1868
- Christoph Hugold, count of Schwerin * 1619
- Christoph Otto, count of Schwerin * 1982
- Christoph Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Christoph, count of Schwerin
- Claes Filip, count of Schwerin
- Claes Ulrik, count of Schwerin
- Claus, count of Schwerin * 1567
- Curd Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Curd Detloff, count of Schwerin
- Curd Detloff, count of Schwerin
- Curd-Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1889
- Curd-Christoph, count of Schwerin
- Curt Adolf Gerd Alexander Maria, count of Schwerin * 1893
- Curt Christoph Hans Richard, count of Schwerin * 1862
- Curt Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1944
- Curt Ernst Heinrich Ludwig Boguslav, count of Schwerin * 1784
- Curt Filip Gottlob Alexander, count of Schwerin
- Curt Gösta, count of Schwerin
- Curt, count of Schwerin * 1876
- Curt, count of Schwerin * 1858
- David, count of Schwerin * 1984
- Detlef Botho Gottfried, count of Schwerin * 1936
- Detlef Ulrich Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1944
- Detlef, count of Schwerin * 1946
- Detloff Otto Bernhard, count of Schwerin * 1920
- Dietrich, count of Schwerin * 1959
- Eberhard Axel Gustav Albert, count of Schwerin * 1927
- Eberhard Manfred Maximilian, count of Schwerin * 1943
- Eberhard Viktor Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1894
- Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1882
- Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1872
- Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1875
- Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1845
- Eckard, count of Schwerin
- Edmund, count of Schwerin * 1848
- Ekkehard Friedrich Walter, count of Schwerin * 1929
- Erckhinger, count of Schwerin
- Erckhinger, count of Schwerin
- Erdmuth Elisabeth, count of Schwerin
- Erich Traugott Hermann Gustav Otto Friedrich Karl Christian, count of Schwerin * 1870
- Erich, count of Schwerin * 1892
- Ernst Amandus Ottomar Emil Maria Wolfgang, count of Schwerin * 1873
- Ernst Otto Aemilius, count of Schwerin
- Eugen, count of Schwerin * 1717
- Eugen, count of Schwerin * 1823
- Fabian Otomar Karl, count of Schwerin * 1804
- Felix Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1701
- Felix Friedrich Woldemar Paul, count of Schwerin * 1892
- Felix Heinrich, count of Schwerin
- Felix, count of Schwerin
- Filip Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Filip Fredrik Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Filip Verner Gustaf Erik, count of Schwerin
- Filip, count of Schwerin
- Filip, count of Schwerin
- Franz Felix, count of Schwerin
- Franz Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1886
- Franz Henning, count of Schwerin * 1816
- Franz, count of Schwerin
- Fredrik Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Fredrik Boguslaus, count of Schwerin
- Fredrik Hugold, count of Schwerin
- Fredrik Rosensparre, count of Schwerin
- Fredrik Vilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1717
- Friedrich Alexander, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1714
- Friedrich August Leopold Karl, count of Schwerin * 1750
- Friedrich Boguslav, count of Schwerin * 1674
- Friedrich Carl Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1763
- Friedrich Carl Heinrich, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Julius, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Karl Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1753
- Friedrich Kurt Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1856
- Friedrich Leopold Karl, count of Schwerin * 1857
- Friedrich Martin Konstantin, count of Schwerin * 1875
- Friedrich Philipp Boguslav, count of Schwerin * 1779
- Friedrich Rudolf Bernhard, count of Schwerin * 1869
- Friedrich Wilhelm Adolf Joachim Dettlof Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1791
- Friedrich Wilhelm Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1736
- Friedrich Wilhelm Felix, count of Schwerin * 1740
- Friedrich Wilhelm Gotthold, count of Schwerin * 1840
- Friedrich Wilhelm Konrad, count of Schwerin * 1933
- Friedrich Wilhelm Maximilian Bogislav Leonhard, count of Schwerin * 1840
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1678
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich-Viktor Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1949
- Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1709
- Friedrich, count of Schwerin
- Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1862
- Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1893
- Fritz, count of Schwerin * 1893
- Fritz, count of Schwerin
- Georg Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1753
- Georg Gottfried Otto, count of Schwerin * 1862
- Georg Ludwig Friedrich Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1782
- Georg Thilo, count of Schwerin * 1886
- Georg Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1712
- Georg, count of Schwerin * 1888
- Gerd Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1857
- Gerd Friedrich Martin, count of Schwerin * 1901
- Gerd, count of Schwerin
- Gerd, count of Schwerin
- Gerhard Helmuth Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1899
- Gerhard Waldemar Martin, count of Schwerin * 1922
- Gisela Marie Hertha Margarethe, count of Schwerin * 1913
- Gneomar Constantin Boguslav, count of Schwerin * 1721
- Götz Michael Roland, count of Schwerin * 1971
- Gunther Gernot Eric, count of Schwerin * 1959
- Günzel I von Hagen, count of Schwerin * 1130
- Günzel I von Hagen, count of Schwerin * c. 1120
- Günzel I von Hagen, count of Schwerin
- Günzel I, count of Schwerin
- Günzel III, count of Schwerin * c. 1210
- Günzel IV, count of Schwerin
- Günzel V, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf Adolf, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf Alexis, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf Henning Filip, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf Verner, count of Schwerin
- Gustaf, count of Schwerin
- Gustav Philipp Wilhelm Karl, count of Schwerin * 1808
- Gustav Rudolf Max Karl Friedrich Richard, count of Schwerin * 1856
- Gustav Theodor Friedrich Ulrich Karl, count of Schwerin * 1869
- Hagen-Volker, count of Schwerin * 1938
- Hans Axel Tammo, count of Schwerin * 1847
- Hans Bogislav Gerd Georg von Gerstenbergk Edler von Zech, count of Schwerin * 1921
- Hans Bogislav Viktor Georg, count of Schwerin * 1883
- Hans Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Hans Bogislaw, count of Schwerin * 1683
- Hans Felix, count of Schwerin
- Hans Felix, count of Schwerin
- Hans Hugold, count of Schwerin * 1593
- Hans Hugold, count of Schwerin
- Hans Hugold, count of Schwerin
- Hans Hugold, count of Schwerin
- Hans Joachim, count of Schwerin * 1613
- Hans Jürgen, count of Schwerin
- Hans Jürgen, count of Schwerin
- Hans-Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1949
- Hans-Bone Viktor Albert Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1907
- Hans-Bone, count of Schwerin
- Hans-Bone, count of Schwerin * 1868
- Hans-Heinrich Karl Viktor, count of Schwerin * 1889
- Hans-Heinrich Ulrich Rudolf Tassilo Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1897
- Hans-Henning, count of Schwerin * 1937
- Hans-Joachim Richard Bernhard Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1902
- Hans-Josef Friedrich Andreas Otto Christian, count of Schwerin * 1941
- Hans-Jürgen Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1926
- Hans-Jürgen Friedrich Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1901
- Hans, count of Schwerin
- Harald Rüdiger, count of Schwerin * 1911
- Hartmut Christoph Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1966
- Hedwig Johanna Gustava Lovisa, count of Schwerin
- Hedwig, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich Bogislav Detlev, count of Schwerin * 1743
- Heinrich Boguslav Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1827
- Heinrich Christoph, count of Schwerin * ? 1670
- Heinrich Friedrich Maximilian Kurt, count of Schwerin * 1836
- Heinrich Gustav Otto, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich I, count of Schwerin * c. 1170
- Heinrich II, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich III, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich IV, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich Ludwig Wilhelm Karl, count of Schwerin * 1776
- Heinrich, count of Schwerin
- Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1877
- Heinrich, count of Schwerin * 1620
- Hella Margot Gisela, count of Schwerin * 1918
- Hellmuth Kurt-Christoph Walter Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1923
- Hellmuth, count of Schwerin * 1896
- Helmod I, count of Schwerin
- Helmold II, count of Schwerin
- Helmold III, count of Schwerin
- Helmold, count of Schwerin
- Helmut Rüdiger Hans Detlof, count of Schwerin * 1969
- Helmuth Friedrich Otto Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1817
- Helmuth Rüdiger Hans Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1926
- Helmuth, count of Schwerin * 1887
- Hennig Hans Waldemar Armand, count of Schwerin * 1833
- Henning Bernd, count of Schwerin * 1631
- Henning Detloff, count of Schwerin
- Henning Karl Anton Hermann Ludwig Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1880
- Henning Kurt Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1858
- Henning, count of Schwerin
- Henning, count of Schwerin
- Henning, count of Schwerin
- Henrik, count of Schwerin
- Hermann Eberhard Karl Albert, count of Schwerin * 1867
- Hermann Georg, count of Schwerin * 1935
- Hermann Heinrich Karl Kurt, count of Schwerin * 1807
- Hermann Otto Louis Karl, count of Schwerin * 1851
- Hermann, count of Schwerin
- Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1828
- Hermann, count of Schwerin
- Hertha Marie Pauline, count of Schwerin * 1901
- Hilda Gustava, count of Schwerin
- Hubertus Sebastian, count of Schwerin * 1974
- Hubertus, count of Schwerin * 1948
- Hugo, count of Schwerin * 1819
- Hugold Detloff, count of Schwerin
- Ivo, count of Schwerin * 1968
- Jakob Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Jakob Filip, count of Schwerin
- Jakob Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Jakob, count of Schwerin
- Jakob, count of Schwerin
- Joachim Felix, count of Schwerin
- Joachim Friedrich Karl, count of Schwerin * 1864
- Joachim Heinrich Eberhard Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1910
- Joachim, count of Schwerin
- Joachim, count of Schwerin
- Joachim, count of Schwerin
- Joachim, count of Schwerin
- Johan, count of Schwerin
- Johann Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Johann Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1660
- Johann Christoph Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1935
- Johann Christoph Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1776
- Johann Gottlob, count of Schwerin
- Julius, count of Schwerin
- Jürgen Christoph, count of Schwerin
- Jürgen-Werner Max, count of Schwerin * 1905
- Jürgen, count of Schwerin
- Karl Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1824
- Karl August Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Karl Christoph Adolf Georg, count of Schwerin * 1780
- Karl Ernst Heinrich Rudolf Traugott, count of Schwerin * 1831
- Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Konstantin Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1840
- Karl Gottfried, count of Schwerin * 1899
- Karl Gottlob, count of Schwerin * 1858
- Karl Heinrich Felix, count of Schwerin * 1782
- Karl Heinrich Otto Alphons Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1840
- Karl Otto Philipp, count of Schwerin * 1716
- Karl Otto, count of Schwerin * 1711
- Karl Viktor Hans Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1844
- Karl-Josef Friedrich Bernhard Rulekin Sylvester, count of Schwerin * 1895
- Karl, count of Schwerin * 1676
- Kasimir Wilhelm Karl Ludwig Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1791
- Klaus Leonhard, count of Schwerin * 1884
- Kurt Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1891
- Kurt Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1684
- Kurt Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1853
- Kurt Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1890
- Kurt Fabian Emil Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1826
- Kurt Filip Carl, count of Schwerin
- Kurt Filip, count of Schwerin
- Kurt Friedrich Theodor, count of Schwerin * 1817
- Leonhard Gustav Wilhelm Bernhard, count of Schwerin * 1908
- Leopold Ferdinand, count of Schwerin * 1716
- Louis, count of Schwerin * 1863
- Ludwig August Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1794
- Ludwig Gottfried Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1756
- Ludwig Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1729
- Ludwig Otto Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1767
- Ludwig Otto Sigismund, count of Schwerin * 1710
- Ludwig Otto Sigismund, count of Schwerin
- Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Lutz, count of Schwerin
- Manfred Kurt Christoph, count of Schwerin * 1931
- Manfred Victor Hans, count of Schwerin * 1895
- Manfred, count of Schwerin
- Markus Lutz, count of Schwerin * 1973
- Markus Sebastian, count of Schwerin * 1970
- Martin, count of Schwerin * 1962
- Mathias, count of Schwerin * 1965
- Max Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Max Guido Otto, count of Schwerin * 1843
- Max-Jürgen Rudolf, count of Schwerin * 1940
- Max, count of Schwerin
- Maximilian Albert Ernst Helmuth, count of Schwerin * 1856
- Maximilian Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1977
- Maximilian Heinrich Anton Karl Kurt, count of Schwerin * 1804
- Maximilian Michael Georg, count of Schwerin * 1872
- Moritz Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1652
- Moritz, count of Schwerin
- Oldag Detloff Eberhard, count of Schwerin * 1958
- Oldag Eberhard Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1929
- Oldag Maximilian Ulrich Egon, count of Schwerin * 1909
- Oldag Rüdiger, count of Schwerin * 1918
- Oliver, count of Schwerin * 1966
- Oskar, count of Schwerin * 1846
- Otto Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1737
- Otto Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1882
- Otto Alexander, count of Schwerin * 1737
- Otto Bogislaus, count of Schwerin * 1660
- Otto Bogislav, count of Schwerin * ? 1683
- Otto Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Otto Carel, count of Schwerin * 1972
- Otto Carl Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1739
- Otto Ernst Hugo, count of Schwerin * 1851
- Otto Fredrik, count of Schwerin
- Otto Friedrich Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1796
- Otto Friedrich, count of Schwerin
- Otto Gottfried Ludwig Emanuel, count of Schwerin * 1823
- Otto Heinrich Gustav Eugen, count of Schwerin * 1855
- Otto Jakob, count of Schwerin
- Otto Jakob, count of Schwerin
- Otto Julius, count of Schwerin
- Otto Karl Max Botho, count of Schwerin * 1894
- Otto Kuno Eugen Erich Wolffried, count of Schwerin * 1939
- Otto Kuno Eugen Erich Wolfried, count of Schwerin * 1939
- Otto Martin Rudolph, count of Schwerin * 1894
- Otto Polykarpus, count of Schwerin
- Otto Wilhelm Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1763
- Otto Wilhelm Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1822
- Otto-Carell, count of Schwerin * 1972
- Otto-Martin Gustav Richard, count of Schwerin * 1891
- Otto, count of Schwerin * 1645
- Otto, count of Schwerin
- Otto, count of Schwerin * 1865
- Otto, count of Schwerin
- Otto, count of Schwerin * 1684
- Otto, count of Schwerin * 1889
- Otto, count of Schwerin * 1893
- Philip Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Philip Richard Dan, count of Schwerin * 1970
- Philipp Adolf, count of Schwerin
- Philipp Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Philipp Bogislav, count of Schwerin
- Philipp Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1722
- Philipp Julius, count of Schwerin * 1662
- Philipp Julius, count of Schwerin * 1617
- Philipp Julius, count of Schwerin * ? 1684
- Philipp Julius, count of Schwerin
- Philipp Julius, count of Schwerin * 1715
- Philipp, count of Schwerin
- Phillip Nikolaus, count of Schwerin * 1981
- Reimar Julius, count of Schwerin
- Reinhold, count of Schwerin
- Richard Eiler, count of Schwerin * 1974
- Richard Erdmann Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1827
- Richard Karl Leonhard, count of Schwerin * 1874
- Richard Leonhard, count of Schwerin * 1920
- Roderich Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1920
- Roderich, count of Schwerin
- Rolf, count of Schwerin
- Rudolf Theodor Adolf Karl Colmar, count of Schwerin * 1815
- Siegfried Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1863
- Siegfried, count of Schwerin * 1943
- Siegwart Armin Wolfgang, count of Schwerin * 1924
- Simon, count of Schwerin
- Stanislaus Konstantin, count of Schwerin * 1871
- Stanislaus, count of Schwerin
- Stefan Eberhard Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1950
- Svante Filip Verner, count of Schwerin
- Sven Filip Bogislaus, count of Schwerin
- Thilo, count of Schwerin * 1975
- Thilo, count of Schwerin * 1964
- Thorsten-Jörg, count of Schwerin * 1963
- Traugott, count of Schwerin * 1878
- Ulrich Bernd, count of Schwerin
- Ulrich Christoph, count of Schwerin
- Ulrich Dettlof, count of Schwerin * 1903
- Ulrich Friedrich Karl, count of Schwerin * 1865
- Ulrich Karl August Friedrich, count of Schwerin * 1842
- Ulrich Karl Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1864
- Ulrich-Wilhelm Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1980
- Ulrich-Wilhelm, count of Schwerin von Schwanenfeld * 1902
- Ulrich, count of Schwerin * 1870
- Ulrich, count of Schwerin * 1648
- Verner Gottlob, count of Schwerin
- Verner, count of Schwerin
- Verner, count of Schwerin
- Viktor Friedrich Wilhelm Hermann Luther, count of Schwerin * 1814
- Viktor Gottlieb Verner, count of Schwerin
- Viktor Heinrich Bernhard Axel, count of Schwerin * 1873
- Viktor Leonhard Helge, count of Schwerin * 1972
- Werner Detlof, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm Carl Aemilius, count of Schwerin * 1727
- Wilhelm Friedrich Karl, count of Schwerin * 1739
- Wilhelm Heinrich Ferdinand Leopold Bogislav, count of Schwerin * 1739
- Wilhelm Heinrich Florus, count of Schwerin * 1754
- Wilhelm Johann, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm Leopold, count of Schwerin * 1715
- Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold Carl Albrecht, count of Schwerin * 1767
- Wilhelm Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm Ludwig, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm Moritz Dettlof, count of Schwerin * 1869
- Wilhelm Otto Karl, count of Schwerin * 1806
- Wilhelm Stanislaus Hermann, count of Schwerin * 1827
- Wilhelm von Schwanenfeld, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm Werner Otto, count of Schwerin * 1773
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1866
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin
- Wilhelm, count of Schwerin * 1721
- Woldemar Gerd Rudolf, count of Schwerin * 1861
- Woldemar Leopold Günther Axel, count of Schwerin * 1896
- Wolf Ludwig, count of Schwerin * 1956
- Wolf-Detlof, count of Schwerin
- Wolf-Detloff, count of Schwerin * 1923
- Wolf-Dietrich, count of Schwerin
- Wolfgang Leonhard, count of Schwerin * 1944
- Wolfgang, count of Schwerin
- Wolfgang, count of Schwerin
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