Baronesses of Kotzau
Freiinen von Kotzau
Family filter On/Off- Aline, baroness of Kotzau * 1826
- Anna, baroness of Kotzau * 1862
- Carl, baroness of Kotzau * 1866
- Caroline Ernestine Wilhelmine Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1786
- Caroline Henriette Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1775
- Christiane Carolina Sophie Augusta Friederike, baroness of Kotzau * 1796
- Christiane Charlotte Augusta, baroness of Kotzau * 1782
- Christine Dorothea Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1729
- Christine Wilhelmine, baroness of Kotzau * 1736
- Clementine, baroness of Kotzau * 1833
- Edelmuthe Caroline Marianne Luise Wilhelmine Thersia Ernestine, baroness of Kotzau * 1792
- Eleonore Caroline Antoinette, baroness of Kotzau * 1744
- Eleonore Charlotte Wilhelmine, baroness of Kotzau * 1740
- Eleonore Charlotte, baroness of Kotzau * 1735
- Elisabeth Magdalena Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1780
- Elisabeth, baroness of Kotzau * 1873
- Erdmute Friederike Wilhelmine Sophie Christiane Luise Carolina, baroness of Kotzau * 1789
- Erdmute Henriette Eleanore Wilhelmine Carolina Friederike, baroness of Kotzau * 1794
- Erdmute Henriette Friederike Wilhelmine Christiane Sophie Augusta, baroness of Kotzau * 1788
- Erdmuthe Caroline Eleonore Wilhelmine Luise Friederike, baroness of Kotzau * 1791
- Erdmuthe Karoline, baroness of Kotzau * 1799
- Friederike Christiane Augusta Sophie, baroness of Kotzau * 1765
- Friederike Regina Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1737
- Ida Klara Sophia, baroness of Kotzau * 1837
- Johanna Augusta, baroness of Kotzau * 1738
- Johanna Rosina Wilhelmine, baroness of Kotzau * 1784
- Johanna Wilhelmine Albertine Augusta, baroness of Kotzau * 1807
- Luise Charlotte Friederike Augusta Christina, baroness of Kotzau * 1809
- Luise Wilhelmine Charlotte, baroness of Kotzau * 1741
- Margarete Magdalena Luise Henriette Dorothea Augusta, baroness of Kotzau * 1805
- Maria Elise, baroness of Kotzau * 1824
- Maria, baroness of Kotzau * 1869
- N, baroness of Kotzau * 1805
- Regina Magdalena Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1732
- Regina Magdalena Therese, baroness of Kotzau * 1733
- Rosa, baroness of Kotzau * 1888
- Sophie Theresia, baroness of Kotzau * 1735
- Therese Auguste, baroness of Kotzau * 1731
- Therese Christine Wilhelmine, baroness of Kotzau * 1748
- Theresia Christine Wilhelmine, baroness of Kotzau * 1748
- Wilhelmine Johanna, baroness of Kotzau * 1746
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