Bishops of Regensburg
Bischöfe von Regensburg
Family filter On/Off- Albrecht Ernst von Wartemberg, bishop of Laodiceia * 1636
Clemens August, elector and archbishop of Cologne * 1700
- Clemens, duke of Bavaria, bishop of Freising and von Regensburg * 1671
- Friedrich von Hohenzollern-Nuremberg, bishop of Regensburg
- Johannes III, bishop of Regensburg * 1488
- Philipp Wilhelm, bishop of Regensburg * 1576
- Ruprecht II, bishop of Regensburg * 1461
- Ruprecht, bishop of Regensburg * 1437
- Sigismund Albrecht of Bavaria, bishop of Freising and Regensberg * 1623
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