Dukes of Marlborough
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1 John Churchill, 1st duke of Marlborough * 1650
2 Henrietta Churchill, 2nd duchess of Marlborough * 1681
3 Charles Spencer, 3rd duke of Marlborough * 1706
4 George Spencer, 4th duke of Marlborough * 1739
5 George Spencer-Churchill, duke of Malborough * 1766
6 George Spencer-Churchill, 6th duke of Malborough * 1793
7 John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th duke of Marlborough * 1822
8 George Charles Spencer-Churchill, 8th duke of Marlborough * 1844
9 Charles Spencer-Churchill, 9th duke of Marlborough * 1871
10 John Spencer-Churchill, 10th duke of Marlborough * 1897
11 John Spencer-Churchill, 11th duke of Marlborough * 1926
12 Jamie Spencer-Churchill, duke of Marlborough * 1955
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