Earls, Counts | Titles by Rank
- Counts of Adhémar de Lansac
- Counts of Agarez
- Counts of Agen
- Counts of Agimont
- Counts of Agosta
- Counts of Agoult
- Counts of Agrela
- Counts of Agrolongo
- Counts of Agromonte de Valdecabriel
- Counts of Aguado
- Counts of Águeda
- Counts of Agüera
- Counts of Agüero
- Counts of Aguiar
- Counts of Aguiar-e
- Counts of Aguila
- Counts of Aguilar
- Counts of Aguilar de Inestrillas
- Counts of Ahlefeldt
- Counts of Ahlefeldt-Rixingen
- Counts of Aichelberg
- Counts of Aichelburg
- Counts of Aicholt
- Counts of Aiello
- Counts of Ala
- Counts of Alacha
- Counts of Alaholfsbaar
- Counts of Alais
- Counts of Álamo
- Counts of Alastaya
- Counts of Alava
- Counts of Alba de Liste
- Counts of Alba de Tormes
- Counts of Alba de Yeltes
- Counts of Alba Real
- Counts of Alba Real de Tajo
- Counts of Albalat
- Counts of Albatera
- Counts of Albay
- Counts of Albayda
- Counts of Albercón
- Counts of Albi
- Counts of Albiz
- Counts of Albon
- Counts of Albox
- Counts of Albuquerque
- Counts of Alburquerque-e
- Counts of Alcantara de Querrieu
- Counts of Alcântara I
- Counts of Alcântara II