Earls, Counts | Titles by Rank
- Counts of Artaza
- Counts of Arteche
- Counts of Artois
- Counts of Arzacollar
- Counts of Asalto
- Counts of Asaro na Sicília
- Counts of Aschersleben
- Counts of Asmir
- Counts of Aspam
- Counts of Aspremont Nantevil
- Counts of Aspremont-Lynden
- Counts of Assumar
- Counts of Astarac
- Counts of Atalaia
- Counts of Atalaia-a
- Counts of Atarés
- Counts of Atouguia
- Counts of Attems
- Counts of Attems-Gilleis
- Counts of Atuyer
- Counts of Audiffret-Pasquier
- Counts of Auersperg
- Counts of Auersperg-Kichberg
- Counts of Aumale
- Counts of Auriac
- Counts of Aurora
- Counts of Autol
- Counts of Autun
- Counts of Auvergne
- Counts of Auvillard
- Counts of Auxerre
- Counts of Auxonne
- Counts of Aveiras
- Counts of Avelar
- Counts of Avelino
- Counts of Avellino
- Counts of Aviau de Ternay
- Counts of Avignon
- Counts of Ávila
- Counts of Avilez
- Counts of Avintes
- Counts of Avranches
- Counts of Ayala
- Counts of Ayamans
- Counts of Ayamonte
- Counts of Ayanz
- Counts of Aybar
- Counts of Ayen
- Counts of Aytona
- Counts of Azambuja