Earls, Counts | Titles by Rank
- Counts of Civrac
- Counts of Civry
- Counts of Clam-Gallas
- Counts of Clam-Martinic
- Counts of Clare
- Counts of Clary and Aldringen
- Counts of Clerfayt, Calonne e Orville
- Counts of Clermont
- Counts of Clermont d' Amboise
- Counts of Clermont Lodève
- Counts of Clermont-en-Argonne
- Counts of Clermont-en-Beauvaisis
- Counts of Clermont-Ferrand
- Counts of Clermont-Tonnerre
- Counts of Clèves
- Counts of Clonard
- Counts of Closen
- Counts of Cobatillas
- Counts of Cobentzl
- Counts of Cobenzl
- Counts of Cocentaina
- Counts of Coculim
- Counts of Coigny
- Counts of Colbert-Cannet
- Counts of Colbert-Turgis
- Counts of Colchado
- Counts of Coligny
- Counts of Collalto e San Salvatore
- Counts of Collegno
- Counts of Collesano
- Counts of Collesano
- Counts of Collobiano
- Counts of Colloredo
- Counts of Colloredo e Mels
- Counts of Colloredo-Mannsfeld
- Counts of Colloredo-Waldsee
- Counts of Colmar
- Counts of Colombí
- Counts of Colomera
- Counts of Colorno
- Counts of Combourcier
- Counts of Combourg
- Counts of Commarain
- Counts of Commarque
- Counts of Comminges
- Counts of Comminges e Couserans
- Counts of Compiègne
- Counts of Conceição
- Counts of Concordia
- Counts of Concordia