Earls, Counts | Titles by Rank
- Counts of Salm-Reifferscheidt
- Counts of Salm-Reifferscheidt-Bedburg
- Counts of Salm-Reifferscheidt-Krautheim-Dyck
- Counts of Salona
- Counts of Saltés
- Counts of Salvaterra
- Counts of Salvatierra
- Counts of Salvatierra de Alava
- Counts of Sambuy
- Counts of Sambuy
- Counts of Samitier
- Counts of Samodães
- Counts of Samoggia
- Counts of Samsoe
- Counts of San Antolín de Sotillo
- Counts of San Antonio
- Counts of San Antonio de Vista Alegre
- Counts of San Bartolomé de Jala
- Counts of San Bernardo
- Counts of San Clemente
- Counts of San Cristoforo
- Counts of San Diego
- Counts of San Esteban
- Counts of San Esteban de Cañengo
- Counts of San Estebán de Gormáz
- Counts of San Fernando de la Unión
- Counts of San Flaviano
- Counts of San Gervasio
- Counts of San Javier
- Counts of San Juan
- Counts of San Juan de Jaruco
- Counts of San Luis
- Counts of San Marco
- Counts of San Martín de Quiroga
- Counts of San Martino
- Counts of San Mateo de Valparaíso
- Counts of San Miguel
- Counts of San Pedro
- Counts of San Pedro de Ruiseñada
- Counts of San Rafael
- Counts of San Remy
- Counts of San Roman
- Counts of San Secondo
- Counts of San Valentino
- Counts of Sancerre
- Counts of Sandels
- Counts of Sandim
- Counts of Sandizell
- Counts of Sandizell-Orentschuk
- Counts of Sandomil