Viscounts | Titles by Rank
- Viscounts of Torres Cabrera
- Viscounts of Torres Novas
- Viscounts of Torres Solanot
- Viscounts of Torresecas
- Viscounts of Tortozendo
- Viscounts of Tourinho
- Viscounts of Tours
- Viscounts of Tramagal
- Viscounts of Trancoso
- Viscounts of Treixedo
- Viscounts of Tremembé
- Viscounts of Três Rios
- Viscounts of Trevões
- Viscounts of Trindade
- Viscounts of Trogoff de Boisguézennec
- Viscounts of Troyes
- Viscounts of Truchis de Lays
- Viscounts of Truchis de Varennes
- Viscounts of Turenne
- Viscounts of Tuy
- Viscounts of Ubá
- Viscounts of Uberaba
- Viscounts of Ugena
- Viscounts of Upigny
- Viscounts of Upigny
- Viscounts of Uraraí
- Viscounts of Uruguai
- Viscounts of Ussel
- Viscounts of Utinga
- Viscounts of Uzès
- Viscounts of Vaernewyck d' Angest
- Viscounts of Val de Erro
- Viscounts of Valbranca
- Viscounts of Valdemouro
- Viscounts of Valderato
- Viscounts of Valderro
- Viscounts of Valdoeiro
- Viscounts of Vale da Costa
- Viscounts of Vale da Gama
- Viscounts of Vale da Piedade
- Viscounts of Vale de Remígio
- Viscounts of Vale de Sobreda
- Viscounts of Vale de Sobreira
- Viscounts of Vale Flor
- Viscounts of Vale Paraíso
- Viscounts of Vale Pereiro
- Viscounts of Valmer
- Viscounts of Valmor
- Viscounts of Valongo
- Viscounts of Valoria