Viscounts | Titles by Rank
- Viscounts of Banho
- Viscounts of Barbacena
- Viscounts of Barbacena-br
- Viscounts of Barcel
- Viscounts of Barcelinhos
- Viscounts of Barcelona
- Viscounts of Bardez
- Viscounts of Bargème
- Viscounts of Barra Mansa
- Viscounts of Barrantes
- Viscounts of Barreira
- Viscounts of Barreiro
- Viscounts of Barreiros
- Viscounts of Barrionuevo
- Viscounts of Barros Lima
- Viscounts of Barrosa
- Viscounts of Barroso
- Viscounts of Bas
- Viscounts of Bastos
- Viscounts of Baux d' Aviette
- Viscounts of Béarn
- Viscounts of Beaucorps
- Viscounts of Beauharnais
- Viscounts of Beaumont
- Viscounts of Beaumont-Maine
- Viscounts of Beaumont-sur-Sarthe
- Viscounts of Beaune
- Viscounts of Beaurain
- Viscounts of Beaurepaire-Rohan
- Viscounts of Begijar
- Viscounts of Beire
- Viscounts of Beirós
- Viscounts of Bela Vista
- Viscounts of Belfort
- Viscounts of Belloch
- Viscounts of Bellver
- Viscounts of Belsunce
- Viscounts of Belver
- Viscounts of Benagazil
- Viscounts of Benalcanfor
- Viscounts of Benaojan
- Viscounts of Benauge
- Viscounts of Benavente
- Viscounts of Benavente-br
- Viscounts of Beniel
- Viscounts of Bernuy
- Viscounts of Bertiandos
- Viscounts of Besalu
- Viscounts of Bessone
- Viscounts of Betera