Portugal | Titles by Name
- Adaís-móres de Portugal
- Admirals of Portugal
- Alferes de Portugal
- Alferes-móres do Reino
- Ambassadores of Portugal in France
- Ambassadores of Portugal in London
- Ambassadors of Portugal in Austria
- Ambassadors of Portugal in Brasil
- Ambassadors of Portugal in Italy
- Ambassadors of Portugal in Spain
- Ambassadors of Portugal in The Netherlands
- Ambassadors of Portugal in the United States of America
- Ambassadors of Portugal in the Vatican
- Aposentadores-móres
- Bastonários da Ordem dos Advogados
- Bispos-coadjutores
- Captains of Ginetes
- Cevadeiros-mores
- Chancellors of Portugal
- Chief Butlers
- Constables of Portugal
- Counts of Portugal
- Counts soberano de Portugal
- Escrivães da Puridade
- Estribeiros-móres
- Fadistas
- Finance Ministers - Portugal
- Finance Ministers - Portugal
- Foreign Affairs Ministers - Portugal
- Generals of the Portuguese Army
- Governors of Portugal
- Governors of Portugal
- Grand Admirals
- Guarda-móres da Alfândega
- Infantas of Portugal
- Infantes of Portugal
- Kings of Arms of Portugal
- Kings of Portugal
- Lords Postmen
- Marshals of Portugal
- Members of Parliament - Portugal
- Members of the Corporative Chamber
- Moços-fidalgos da Casa Real
- Monteiros-mores
- Mordomos-mores
- Porteiros-mores
- Presidents of Parliament - Portugal
- Presidents of Sporting Clube de Portugal
- Presidents of the Republic of Portugal
- Prime Ministers of Portugal
- Princesses of Portugal
- Procuradores-gerais da República - Portugal
- Provedores de Justiça
- Queens of Portugal
- Rico-homens
- Royal Vicars
- Secretários de Estado dos Negócios da Fazenda
- Secretários de Estado dos Negócios Estrangeiros e da Guerra
- Vedores da Fazenda