Teixeira de Sampayo

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Teixeira de Sampayo

#115708 | sunflowers | 03 abr 2006 14:21

Seeking information on origins of Francisco Jose Teixeira de Sampaio 1738-1810, my ancestor.

His son, Antonio Teixeira de Sampaio died 1832 in England, from whom I am descended.



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RE: Teixeira de Sampayo

#115710 | mgorjaoh | 03 abr 2006 14:45 | In reply to: #115708

Dear Madam,

Did you see http://genealogia.netopia.pt/pessoas/pes_show.php?id=55737.?

Best regards,

Miguel Gorjão-Henriques


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RE: Teixeira de Sampayo

#115728 | spes | 03 abr 2006 18:19 | In reply to: #115710

Dear Madam,

Concerning your request, please be advised to consult the book "Os Teixeiras de Sampayo da Ilha Terceira" by Jorge Forjaz where the author explaines the origins and branches of your family, including the inglish one.
You can also contact the family through the following e-mail adress: anatsampayo@yahoo.com

best regards


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RE: Teixeira de Sampayo

#115729 | PedroM | 03 abr 2006 18:23 | In reply to: #115710

There's also a book called "Os Teixeira de Sampaio da Ilha Terceira", writeen by Jorge Forjaz, with the genealogical tree of this family.

Best regards,

Pedro M


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