Unhais da Serra - Duarte

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Unhais da serra Duarte

#173604 | mariduarte | 20 nov 2007 13:26

stou pesquisando a historia dos meus antepassados de Unhais de Serra.E necessito de informacoes de familia Duarte. Amandio Antunes Duarte data nascimento aproximada 1909. Nome de solteira da esposa Rosalia Antunes da Fonseca cascimento 27 /07/1929.Eu gostaria de localizar qualquer parente meu que viva em Uhnais de Serra. if you can write english that would be better. thank you for your interest.


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RE: Unhais da serra Duarte

#173674 | roz | 20 nov 2007 23:07 | In reply to: #173604

Hello Mari

There is a telephone directory on line and if you write duarte in the left hand window and Unhais da Serra on the right hand one, you will find quite a few people. You can try to contact them and see if any of them are your relatives.

The site is http:// pbi. pai. pt Please don't leave the spaces. I did it here as it's not allowed to give websites in this forum.

Good luck.


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RE: Unhais da serra Duarte

#173717 | mariduarte | 21 nov 2007 05:36 | In reply to: #173674

Thank you for your reply. I will look at the phone book. It may be difficult to contact people because i am in Australia and speak limited Portuguese. My parents and there parents Duarte and Oliveira in Unhais da Serra have died. I am in the process of tyring to get information through the Conservatoria Registo da Covilha and Arquivo Distrital de Castelo Branco. I thought will some luck there might be a easier way of doing the search. I am dissapointed that i cant write to you in Portuguese without some assistance from Google translation and thank you for your response in english.


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RE: Unhais da serra Duarte

#174337 | roz | 26 nov 2007 22:48 | In reply to: #173717


On today's topics there is one "Registos Paroquiais de Unhais". One Author, Raquelis, has made in depth studies of Unhais so she may be able to help you. Try to send her a message.


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