Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

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Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176183 | gicamacho | 12 dic 2007 23:32

Prezados Senhores,

Encontro-me envolvida em uma investigação sem fim, cujo tema é a origem das famílias do Concelho de Tabuaço. Ficarei muito muito grata ao receber qualquer informação e coloco-me a disposição para informações que disponho em meu banco de dados até o presente momento...

Gisele Camacho Aznar


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176700 | Menarue | 16 dic 2007 18:28 | In reply to: #176183

Dear Gisele,
I lost your contact somehow. I looked up my notes and found the name of the Abbot (I said bishop but it was Abade) of Longa was João da Silva Ferreira born in Castelo. , as I thought.
I don´t know if you have this book but it would be invaluable in your research.
"Historia de Lamego" written by Manuel Gonçalves da Costa, who I believe is a priest.
It has lots of references to families from church registers and has a section on Santa Leocadia and Tabuaço as well as other places in the region.
There are, I believe, 7 volumes and I am quoting from Volume VI. As most of the information has been taken from church registers of Baptisms, Marriages and Deaths most of the time there is no reference to titles etc. This volume covers mainly these places in XVIII century, unfortunately it is the only one I have but has helped me a lot with family research.
Longa is mentioned on page 279 but there is a whole chapter on Tabuaço, from page 257 to page 287.
Kind regards,


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176787 | isabel a | 17 dic 2007 10:03 | In reply to: #176700

Dear Maureen

One of my ancestors, Francisco da Costa Pinto, was born either in Tabuaco or Santa Leocadia, possibly about 1780. He then moved to Lamego where his children were born. I haven't been able to find his baptism anywhere. I wonder if the book you mention has any information that might help us in our search.

Best regards



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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176795 | Menarue | 17 dic 2007 11:09 | In reply to: #176787

Dear Isabel,
I will look an let you know either way. My husband lived in Lamego for many years so I will ask him too.


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176819 | Menarue | 17 dic 2007 13:58 | In reply to: #176787

Dear Isabel,
I have been right through Tabuaço and Santa Leocadia in my book and I can´t find any reference to Francisco Costa Pinto. My husband remembers slightly a family of that name in Lamego in the 1950´s but can´t help you much with that.
I found that Santa Leocadia in the 1800s only had 52 families, it has always been very small and besides the mention of a niche where my husband´s ancestor was buried there is nothing really interesting the book has lots of little snippets such as so and so was buried in a red silk dress!!! etc. I went through Tabuaço and nothing.
If I come across anything I will get in touch.


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176850 | isabel a | 17 dic 2007 17:28 | In reply to: #176819

Dear Maureen

Thank you so much for your prompt reply and your searches. I wonder if their "original" surname was only Costa. In one register there is a mention to a Jeronimo da Costa, but the place of birth of Francisco given in the registers changes all the time between Santa Leocadia and Tabuaco.

Costa Pinto was the family surname of one of my paternal great great grandmothers and they lived in Medelo, but my father also remembers the owner of a chemist shop in Rua de Almacave in the 1950s with the same surname, but no known family connection. Our surname is Andrade - perhaps your husband also remembers them from Lamego.

Best regards


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#176853 | Menarue | 17 dic 2007 17:44 | In reply to: #176850

Dear Isabel,
That is interesting. My father-in-law was Prof. Possidonio and was very well known in Lamego, it is his wife´s family that was from Santa Leocadia, Castelo, São Cosmado and Granjal.
I just asked my husband and he remembers the chemist´s very well. The place of birth changing from Santa Leocadia to Tabuaço is not unusual, as S.Leoc. was so small I think they would register any child born in Tabuaço. Both would be correct.
I asked my husband about Andrade and he couldn´t think of anyone at the moment so I will ask my sister-in-law as she lived longer in Lamego. There was no schooling after the 5th year of highschool in those days so my husband was sent to school in Porto.
Keep in touch,


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#177179 | isabel a | 19 dic 2007 20:03 | In reply to: #176853

Dear Maureen
I will ask my father about your father-in-law. My father went to Vila Real to finish school, instead.


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#177188 | Menarue | 19 dic 2007 21:27 | In reply to: #177179

I will be pleased to hear from you. In the meantime Merry Christmas.


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#180261 | isabel a | 13 ene 2008 16:39 | In reply to: #177188

Dear Maureen
A very belated wish of a happy 2008! My father remembers Professor Possidonio very well. His daughter Lisete was in his class in secondary school in Lamego and eventually became sister-in-law of one of his younger brothers. "O mundo e' pequeno"!


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#180263 | Menarue | 13 ene 2008 16:45 | In reply to: #180261

Dear Isabel what a surprise. Lisete, my sister-in-law, lives in Porto. Do you mean that your father is Jaime´s brother? Which one? I would like to correspond with you but not on the forum, is their a way? Perhaps we met at one of the weddings?


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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#180265 | isabel a | 13 ene 2008 16:54 | In reply to: #180263

Dear Maureen

My father is brother of Belita (one of Jaime's sisters) 's husband. A bit confusing, but it is such a big family. I think we can obtain our emails through genea - I'll try.



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RE: Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#180266 | Menarue | 13 ene 2008 16:57 | In reply to: #180265

Good, I am fairly new to this, if you can bet it please do. I remember Belita. I am in constant email contact with Magui. If you can get my email, please try, I am not at all good at these things.


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RE: Concelho de Tabuaço

#180291 | LCNunes | 13 ene 2008 19:33 | In reply to: #176183

Cara Gisele Camacho Aznar,

Tenho um ramo de Tabuaço.

A saber:

1- Moysés Fidalgo de Carvalho
* Tabuaço, Adorigo 23.08.1884

2- José Fidalgo de Carvalho
* Tabuaço, Adorigo 14.12.1861

3- João Rodrigues Fidalgo Júnior
* Tabuaço, Adorigo +/- 1830

entre outros...


Luís Carneiro Nunes


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RE: Concelho de Tabuaço

#213507 | LCNunes | 18 nov 2008 17:34 | In reply to: #176183

Cara Gisele Camacho Aznar,

Tenho um ramo de Tabuaço.

A saber:

1- Moysés Fidalgo de Carvalho
* Tabuaço, Adorigo 23.08.1884

2- José Fidalgo de Carvalho
* Tabuaço, Adorigo 14.12.1861

3- João Rodrigues Fidalgo Júnior
* Tabuaço, Adorigo +/- 1830

Luís Carneiro Nunes


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Pinto Cocnelho de Tabuaço

#431553 | joaobriantigeneall | 24 feb 2021 16:55 | In reply to: #176183

Boa tarde,

Recentemente, descobri alguns antepassados da freguesia de Távora, concelho de Tabuaço, mas não seicomo prosseguir, pois os registros findam em 1754. Eis algumas informações acerca destes meus

Manoel Ferram de Mendonça (Ferrão de Mendonça), nascido por volta de 1700 em Távora. Teve com Isabel Pinta (Pinto), pelo menos, Thomasia da Silva Ferroa (Ferrão) e João Pinto, ambos casados no concelho de Sever do Vouga, Distrito de Aveiro.

Manoel Ferram de Mendonça era filho de António Ferram da Silva e de Dona Feliciana de Mendonça, ambos nascidos por volta de 1670-80 em Távora.

Isabel Pinta era filha de Francisco Pinto e de Isabel da Silva, ambos nascidos por volta de 1670-80 em Távora.

Alguém possui alguma informação sobre estes nomes?

Agredeço desde já,

João Brianti


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