Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

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Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176203 | gicamacho | 12 dic 2007 23:44

Prezados Senhores,

Encontro-me envolvida em uma investigação sem fim, cujo tema é a origem das famílias do Concelho de Tabuaço. Ficarei muito muito grata ao receber qualquer informação e coloco-me a disposição para informações que disponho em meu banco de dados até o presente momento...

Gisele Camacho Aznar


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176536 | Menarue | 15 dic 2007 13:11 | In reply to: #176203

http://www.geneall.net/P/per_page.php?id=560890 If you can correspond in Portuguese and I answer in English I can tell you a little more about this family from
Santa Leocadia, Tabuaço.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176537 | gicamacho | 15 dic 2007 13:22 | In reply to: #176536

Dear friend,

I need to know who is from Tabuaço. Looks like is Antonio Cardoso Pinto, but let me know... I will be waiting for everything you have about the family. The work and all the credits will be publish in the site http://www.tabuaco.pt/002_curiosidades.htm. Thanks in advance for the help.

Best regards



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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176538 | Menarue | 15 dic 2007 13:40 | In reply to: #176537

I can give you this information as my husband is descended from this family and have been researching the family tree. I will tell you what a cousin wrote to him some years back.
Casa dos Pintos in Santa Leocádia belonged to two military men, one of them was called Luis Antonio Cardozo Pinto, Captain-mor, who lived with his brother who, she thinks was a Major, both were getting on in years and a marriage was arranged by the local priest to one of two sisters from Paradinha. Leopoldina and Justina. He was more interested in Justina but she was considered a "santa" and he married Leopoldina.
The daughter of this couple was called Caetana Maria de Mota Pinto who married
Jose Augusto (in geneal they have put the name as Jose Maria de Mendonça) They had three daughters and one son called Francisco. The girls were, Lucilia, Leopoldina and Justina. My husband´s grandmother was Leopoldina. They lived at the house in Santa Leocadia until Francisco (who later became a doctor) was playing with fire and burnt the house down. Caetana went to live in one of her husband´s houses in Granjal, Sernancelhe. Jose Augusto stayed on with a maid (to whom he had a daughter Maria da Luz) who continued to live in Santa Leocadia until her death.
I am afraid that is all I know but I know that there is a tomb dedicated to Luiz Cardoso in the church. I know far more about the family in Sernancelhe as they were well known and well connected. I know that in Santa Leocadia the people there know the family more as Mendonça than the original name of Motta and Pinto.
I don´t know whether this information is of any use to you.
Francisco (the doctor) lived in Granjal, and his son also became a doctor and practiced in Vila da Ponte.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176539 | Menarue | 15 dic 2007 13:44 | In reply to: #176537

I forgot to tell you that another branch of the family that married into the Mendonça family was descended from a Bishop of Longa. If you are interested I can tell you a little more about them. They lived in Castelo, Armarmar, the house with a magnificent coat of arms is still there but it is only a ruin now.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176543 | gicamacho | 15 dic 2007 14:32 | In reply to: #176539

Greattttttt Maureen...
Keep going... It is very important at this time every thing you have it... I am not working with sermancelle for now. Paradinha, longa and all villages that belongs to the Concelho of Tabuaço are very important. I will visit the place this week to take same pictures of the tomb dedicated to Luiz Cardoso in the church. I will let you know what I find it.
Let me know more about the Mendonças from Longa.

Best regards,



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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#176545 | Menarue | 15 dic 2007 14:46 | In reply to: #176543

I will, I think that Mendonça was the family the descendant of the Bishop married into. I am trying to find where I have everything on that family written. The Bishop of Longa I think..... was Joao Ferreira. They say that Mariana was his natural daughter so it was before he became a priest. His descendant was Violante Clara da Silva Soutomaior c.1690 of Castelo who married in 1708 Luis Ferreira de Mendonça.
If I can find my notes I will send them to you.
When you get to Granjal things are much clearer as one of the Granjal family is descended from D.Jorge de Lancastre and that makes it very easy to follow. My husband´s family were also descended from the Pinto de Sousa family, Viscondes de Balsemão and others.
If you go to Santa Leocadia there is a Celina de Conçeição who is the widow of the husband of the daughter of the maid (gosh this gets complicated) and she could tell you a bit of the history of the Motta´s and Pinto´s. It is such a tiny place you just have to ask for her. I think she has the key to the church too, but I am not sure.
It is really only a few houses and the site of the Pinto house that was burnt down has completely disappeared.
I once tried to find the tomb of an ancestor Aires de Mendonça Pinto de Sousa in Leomil (he died in S.Julião as a political prisoner (Miguelista) and the priest said it was probably under the wooden floor so it is hard to find things sometimes.
I hope that when you get to Granjal I can help more.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#208675 | mircus | 18 sep 2008 22:30 | In reply to: #176203

Boa noite, os meus avós paternos são de Longa, concelho de Tabuaço, ando a ver se descubro o brasão de familia, o da casa foi picado pelo meu bisavô, se puder ajudar-me nesse campo agradeço.
O meu tetra-avô era, António Ferreira de Seixas e minha tetra-avó, Maria do Espirito Santo Cardoso, o meu tetra-avô era de Longa e a minha tetra-avó de Chavães.
O meu bisavô era, Amadeu Cardoso e minha bisavó, Corina Ferreira de Seixas.
Meu avô, António Cardoso Ferreira e a minha avó Ambrosina Antunes Ferreira.


António Ferreira


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#298087 | Filipabatista | 23 feb 2012 21:54 | In reply to: #208675

boa noite tem seixas no nome???? A minha familia era toda de longa. Seixas. omeu bisa era manuel augusto seixas e a sua esposa ilda seixas


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#298146 | mircus | 24 feb 2012 12:17 | In reply to: #298087

Bom dia, sim o ultimo nome era Seixas, depois foram mudando para Cardoso e ou Ferreira, mas inicialmente era Seixas.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#310718 | ganso79 | 25 jul 2012 12:48 | In reply to: #208675


Há cerca de 10 anos encontrei o brasão picado do solar. Este foi picado para não pagar impostos.

Encontrei numa enciclopédia muito antiga que estava na biblioteca da Academia Militar de Lisboa.

Tirei cópias, mas entretanto perdi-as.

Ando de novo a tentar encontrar. Lembro-me que encontrei por "Brasão Ferreira de Seixas" da região do Douro. Depois, confirmei em Longa se era ou não o brasão correcto. E era... Lembro-me que tinha seixas (pombas)

Se entretanto voltar a encontrar, comunico.


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RE: Longa Concelho de Tabuaço

#310719 | ganso79 | 25 jul 2012 12:51 | In reply to: #298146

Do tempo do Amadeu Cardoso e Corina Ferreira de Seixas, foram "dividindo" os nomes.

Por exemplo, a parte do Renato, pai de Judite, Renata e Renato, acho que ficaram todos com Seixas.


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