Pereira-do Espirito Santo

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Pereira-do Espirito Santo

#130111 | graca1 | 04 oct. 2006 13:57

I search many information about Joaquim Jose Pereira N. S.Miguel de Alfama ,Lisbon and D. Maria Gertrudes do Espirito Santo (parents,Nasc.,Death).They was father and mother of Jésuino Goncalves Pereira(Comandante), maried S. Vincente de Fora29.08.1875 to D. Maria da Conceicao Serra(proprietaria).

Tanks for your help.
Maria da Graca Quinta Serra Pereira


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RE: Pereira-do Espirito Santo

#130123 | aeiou2 | 04 oct. 2006 16:09 | In reply to: #130111

Read the answers, of the day, 30.9.2006, please.


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