Carta de 1493 e o nome Colombo

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Carta de 1493 e o nome Colombo

#150428 | fertelde | 28 mars 2007 16:25

De Quando Colom Passou a Colombo:

Also from 1493 are no fewer than five editions of a verse translation into Italian by Giulio Dati, in which the Admiral is called "Colombo" in Italian for the first time [5] . (In the Latin epigram appended to the Coscó translation he was called "Columbus" for the first time).

O Porquê passou a Ser Conhocido em Europa como Colombo:

Antonio Rumeu de Armas says of the diffusion of the letter throughout Europe that «no hay acontecimiento comparable en propagación a todo lo largo del Renacimiento » [6].

A tâo denostada Carta de 1493 de Colom Para Os Reis Catolicos, afinal existe em cópia feita na metade do sec.XVI e descoberta em 1985:

The nine manuscript letters of Columbus in the Libro copiador are mid-sixteenth century copies.

As for the letter written directly to the Catholic monarchs, it was not known at all until 1985, when the so-called Librocopiador turned up in a bookstore in Tarragona. Rumeu de Armas, who edited the Libro copiador in 1988, calls attention to the symbolic and real importance of this letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, naming it «the baptismal certificate of America» and the «authentic pearl among all the Columbine documents» [7].
Extratos migrados desde
http Cristobal_Colon_Textos_documentos_completos_p 8420623202.htm


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