Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
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Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Já que estamos discutindo os la Cerdas, eis aqui a versão standard sobre a origem de Leonor de Lusignan, viúva de Soffredo Crispo e mulher de Vasco Gil Moniz:
Here is what I have (from Gryphon at gen-med):
The source for the ancestry of Phoebus de Lusignan is Count W. H. Rudt de
Collenberg, "Les Lusignan de Chypre",
Epeteris tou Kentrou Epistemonikon Ereunon 10:85-319 (1979-80). There is
large folding chart at the end which summarizes the line: (1) Hugues IV,
of Cyprus, born 1293/96, died 10 October 1359, married (2) Alice Ibelin,
August 1386 and had (2) Jean. Prince of Antioch, born 1329/30, died 1375,
married (2) Alice Ibelin, living 1373, and had (3) Jacques, Count of
dead by August 1397, married his first cousin Marguerite de Lusignan,
of his uncle Pierre I, King of Cyprus (died 1369) and had (4) Pierre,
Count of
Tripoli, died 1 February 1451, father by an unknown mistress of (5)
Seigneur de Sidon, born before 1415, living August 1485, whose wife is
father of (6) Eleanor, wife of (1) Soffredus Crispo and (2) Vasco Egidio
(died 1497). Pages 206-07 discuss the life and marriages of Eleanor. I
this is helpful; this is the best study I have found of the Lusignans.
You just put Eleonore as the wife of Soffredo Crispo.
I'll give you the descent (Moniz de Lusignan) later. Best, chico
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Caro Chico Doria,
Apenas agora tomei conhecimento deste tópico aqui no Genea. Com efeito o nome Lusignan entra em Portugal apenas com o casamento de Vasco Gil Moniz, que se casou com a filha do Senhor de Saìda, que por sua vez era filho ilegitimo do Rei do Chipre de então, João II de Lusignan. No entanto o Título de Principe de Antióquia entra no nosso país uns anos antes com o casamento da Princesa Herdeira do Chipre, Carlota de Lusignan, meia irmã do Senhor de Sidon, com D. João de Coimbra, filho do 1º Duque de Coimbra e, Infante de Portugal. deste casamento não resultaram descendentes.
crescento ainda que foi tetraneto de Febo de Lusignan, Febo Moniz de Torres e Lusignan, sogro do 9º Senhor de Vila Flor, dando origem a grande e numerosa descendência em Portugal.
Aceite os meus cumprimentos,
Vasco Corrêa Martins
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Pois é, Vasco, mas Phébus de Lusignan não era bastardo de João II, era de outro ramo da família. Eléonor de Lusignan era viúva de Soffredo Crispo, e personagem, ao que sei, bastante documentado. Minhas informações vêm de Ruudt v. Collenberg, em geral tido como a melhor fonte sobre essa gente.
Feliz Páscoa,
Francisco Antonio Doria
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Caro Francisco António Dória,
A opinião da bastardia de Febo de Lusignan é corroborada por Manuel de Sousa no seu livro das Origens dos Apelidos Portugueses, Pág.176.
É contudo certo que, Soffredo Crispo, Senhor de Nysiros, casou efectivamente com Leonor de Lusignan em primeiras núpcias mas, veio a falecer em 1458.
Quanto a Ruudt Collenberg, nunca ouvi falar, manifestando a minha ignorância sobre quem seja.
Desejos de continuação de uma Santa Páscoa para si e, todos os seus.
Vasco Corrêa Martins
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Prezado Vasco,
A melhor genealogia dos Lusignans d'Outre-Mer é a feita sobre as fontes documentais pelo conde Ruudt von Collenberg por volta de 1960. Não possuo o artigo original, mas possuo a tabela. Corrige muitos erros correntes. Creio - cito de memória - que Braamcamp sugere também algo parecido, embora seu artigo sobre os Monizes seja uma trapalhada, no que diz respeito aos de Silves e à origem de Isabel Moniz, sogra de Colombo.
(Esclareço: Braamcamp enumera erradamente os cunhados de Colombo, do segundo casamento; Isabel Moniz era *com certeza*, por todos os testemunhos próximos, dos Monizes de Silves na Madeira; o tal selo que examina, do bispo, a mim parece ter as armas dos Barretos, no quartel onde ele vê os Teixeiras, ``forçando a barra.'' Falta só a questão do documento em que Diogo Gil é citado, mas diante de tanta coisa, penso num documento errado, ou coisa assim.)
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
The Genealogy of the Family of Lusignan
Part 1
Descendants of Hugh VIII de Lusignan (1106 -1172), Lord of Lusignan
and Burgundia (Berbone) de Rancon, Dame of Fontenay:
1 Hugh de Lusignan ( 1141 -1169), acting Lord of Lusignan, married to Oregande
2 Robert de Lusignan (1130 - ?), married to Umberge (Mevrant) de Limoges
3 Geoffrey de Lusignan
4 Peter de Lusignan
5 Guy de Lusignan (1140-1194), Count of Jaffa, King of Jerusalem (1186 - 1192),
Lord of Cyprus (1192- 1194), married to Sibyl de Anjou, Queen of Jerusalem
(1186 – 1190)
6 Amalric II de Lusignan (1145 -1205), Count of Jaffa, Lord of Cyprus (1194-1197),
King of Cyprus (1198 - 1205), King of Jerusalem (1197 - 1205), married (1st) to
Eschive d’ Ibelin, Lady of Beirut), married (2nd) to Isabel I de Anjou,
Queen of Jerusalem (1192 – 1205), ( For information on his descendants
see Part 2)
1.1 Hugh IX de Lusignan (1163- ?), Lord of Lusignan, married (1st) to Mathilde Taillefer, married (2nd) to Mahaut de Angouleme (or Agetha de Preuilly) (1 child)
1.2 Raoul I (Ralph) de Lusignan (1163 -1219), married to Alice (Yolande) d’ Eu
1.1.1 Hugh X "le Brun"de Lusignan (1183 -1246), Lord of Lusignan, Count de la Marche, married to Isabelle Taillefer, de Angouleme, Queen of England Alix (Alfais) de Lusignan (1231 -1304), married to Sir John de Warenne, 7th
Earl of Warren and Surrey Hugh XI de Lusignan, de la Marche&Angouleme (1221 -1250), Lord of
Lusignan, Count de la Marche, married to Yolande de Dreux Guy de Lusignan (? – 1264), Lord of Cognac&Archiac William de Valence (after 1255 – 1296), Earl of Pembroke, married to Joan
de Muchensy, Countess of Pembroke Aylmer de Valence (? – 1260), Bishop of Winchester Isabella de Lusignan (? – 1299), married to Geoffrey de Rancon, of
Taillebourg, Lord of Taillebourg, married second to Maurice (Amaury) V,
Lord of Craon Henry de la Marche (? – 1260), Count de la Marche, married to Yolande of
Panthierre Geoffrey" le Brun"de Lusignan (? – before 1263), Seigneur de Jarnac,
married to Joan de Chattellerhaul, Viscountess of Chattellerhaul Margaret de Lusignan (? – 1283), married first to Raymond VII of Toulouse,
Count of Toulouse, married second to Aymer of Thouan, Viscount of
Thouan, married third to Geoffrey Chateaubriount, Seigneur de
Chateaubriount Agatha de Lusignan, married to William de Chauvigny, Seigneur de
Chataeuroux Sir William de Warenne (aka Guilaum de Lusignan-Warenne) (? – 1286), married to Joan de Vere (? -1293) Alianore Plantagenet, de Warenne, married to Henry de Percy, Baron Percy Isabelle de Warenne, married to John Balliol of Scotlald, King of Scotland (1240 1313) Hugh XII de Lusignan, de la Marche, Count de la Marche, Count de la Marche Alice de Lusignan, married to Gilbert "the Red" de Clare (1242 – 1295), 3rd Earl of Gloucester Mary de Lusignan (1242 - ?), married to Robert de Ferreres, 6th Earl of Derby Guy de Lusignan (? – 1308) Hugh XIII de Lusignan et de la Marche, Count de la Marche, Count of Angouleme, married to Beatrice de Bourgogne (? – 1329)
1.2.1 Maud d’ Eu (? -1241), married to Sir Humphrey de Bohum V, 2nd Earl of Hereford
1.2.2 Jehanne de Lusignan (? – 1252), married to Pierre Mauclerc, Count of Brittany
1.2.3 Raul II de Lusignan (?-1246), Count of Eu, married to Yolande de Dreux
1.2.4 Guarin de Lusignan Sir Humphrey de Bohum VI (? –1265), married to Eleanor of Braiose Maud de Bohum, married to Sir Anselme Marshal, 6th Earl of Pembroke Alice de Bohum, married to Sir Roger V de Toeni Marie de Lusignan (? – 1260), Countess of Eu, married to Alphonse de
Brienne (? – 1270) John de Brienne (? – 1294), Count of Eu, married to Beatrix Castillion John de Brienne, Count of Eu, married to Jehanne Ralph de Brienne, Count of Eu, married to Jehanne Mello Ralph de Brienne, Count of Eu Jehanne de Brienne, married to Gautier VI de Brienne (? – 1356),
Duke of Athens, Count of Brienne, Constable of France,
Part 2
Descendants of Amalric II de Lusignan (1145-1205), Count of Jaffa, Lord of Cyprus (1194-1197), King of Cyprus (1198-1205), King of Jerusalem (1197 – 1205), married (1st) to Eschive d’ Ibelin, Lady of Beirut (5 children), married (2nd) to Isabel I de Anjou, Queen of Jerusalem (2 children):
1 Guy de Lusignan
2 John de Lusignan
3 Burgundia (Burgogne) de Lusignan, married (1st) to Raimond VI, Count of
Toulouse, married (2nd) to Walter (Gautier) de Montpeliard (For information on her
descendants see Part 3)
4 Hugh I de Lusignan (1193/5-1218), King of Cyprus (1205-1218), married to Alice
de Champagne, of Jerusalem
5 Helvis de Lusignan (? - 1216/1219), married (1st) to Eudes de Dampierre, Lord of
Chargey-les-Gray, married (2nd) to Raimond Rupen de Poitiers, Prince of Antioch
(For information on her descendants see Part 4)
6 Sibylla de Lusignan, 2nd wife of Leo II the Great, King of Armenia
(For information on their descendants see Part 5)
7 Melisende de Lusignan, 2nd wife of Bohemund IV "the One-Eyed" (? – 1233),
Prince of Antioch, Count of Tripolis
4.1 Marie de Lusignan (1215 – 1252), married to Gautier IV de Brienne, Count of
4.2 Isabelle de Lusignan, married to Henry de Poitiers, of Antioch
4.3 Henry I de Lusignan (1217-1253), King of Cyprus (1218-1253), Lord of the
Kingdom of Jerusalem, married (1st) to Alice de Montferrat, married (2nd) to
Estienette (Stephanie) de Lampron, married (3rd) to Plaisance d’ Antioch (1 child)
4.1.1 Marie de Lusignan
4.1.2 Hugh de Brienne, married to Isabelle de la Roche-sur-Ognon Gautier de Brienne, married to Jeanne de Chillon Isabeau (1305 – 1360), Countess of Brienne
4.3.1 Hugh II de Lusignan (1253 – 1267), King of Cyprus, Lord of the Kingdom of
Jerusalem, married to Isabelle d’ Ibelin
4.2.1 Hugh III de Lusignan (1267 -1284), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1269 –
1284), married to Isabelle d’ Ibelin (1241 – 1342)
4.2.2 Marguerite de Lusignan (? – 1308), Lady of Tyrus, married to Jean de
Montford, Lord of Toron and Tyrus John I de Lusignan, King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1284 – 1285) Bohemund de Lusignan Henry II de Lusignan (1285 – 1306), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem
(1285 – 1306) and (1310 – 1324), married to Costanza of Aragon Amalric de Lusignan (? – 1310), Regent of the Kingdom of
Cyprus and Jerusalem ( 1306 – 1310), Prince of Tyrus, married to Princess
Zabel (Isabelle) of Armenia ( For information on their descendants see
Part 6) Aimery de Lusignan, Constable of Cyprus Guy de Lusignan (? – 1300), Constable of Cyprus, married to Eschive d’
Ibelin, Lady of Beirut Marie de Lusignan (1273 – 1322), married to King Jaime II of Aragon and
Sicily Marguerite de Lusignan (? – 1296), married to King Thoros III of Armenia Alice de Lusignan (? – after 1324), married to Balian d'Ibelin, Prince of
Galilee (? - 1315/6), titular Prince of Galilee and Bethlehem Helvis de Lusignan (? – after1324) Isabelle de Lusignan (? – after1319), married to Constantine of Neghir, Lord
of Partzerpert, may married to King Oshim of Armenia Hugh IV de Lusignan (? – 1359), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1324 –
1359) married (1st) to Marie d’ Ibelin (1 son), married (2nd) to Alice d’ Ibelin
(7 children) ( For information on his descentands see Part 7) Isabelle de Lusignan (? – after 1319), married to Eudes de Dampierre,
Constable of Jerusalem Helvis de Dampierre
7.1 Orgueilleuse de Poitiers (died young)
7.2 Marie de Poitiers (? – 1307), Pretender to the throne of Jerusalem
Part 3
Descendants of Walter (Gautier) de Montfaucon and Burgundia (Burgogne) de Lusignan:
1 Eudes de Montfaucon (? – 1244), married to Eschive de Saint-Omer, Princess of
2 Eschive de Montfaucon, married (1st) to Gerald de Montagu (1 daughter), Lord
of Sasseney, married (2nd) to Balian d’ Ibelin, Lord of Beirut (2 children)
1.1 Simonette de Montfaucon, married to Philippe d’ Ibelin
1.1.1 Eschive d’ Ibelin (1270/75 – 1324), Lady of Saint Nicholas, married to Gautier de Dampierre
1.1.2 Marie d’ Ibelin (? – 1324), married to Guy d’ Ibelin, Count of Jaffa Eudes de Dampierre (? - 1330) Marie d’ Ibelin (1294 – 1328)
2.1 Alice de Montagu, married to Jean Brisebarre, Lord of Caesaria
2.2 Jean d’ Ibelin, Lord of Beirut (1230 – 1264), married Alice de la Roche-sur-
2.3 Isabelle d' Ibelin, Lady of Beirut, (1230 – 1235), married to Henri Embriaco,
Lord of Gimblet
2.1.1 Alice Brisebarre, married to Richard de Dampierre Eudes de Dampierre (? – 1291), married to Alice d’ Ibelin
2.2.1 Eschive d’ Ibelin (1253 – 1312), Lady of Beirut, married to Guy de Lusignan,
Constable of Cyprus (see Part #
2.3.1 Guy II Embriaco (? – 1289), Lord of Gimblet, married to Marguerite Grenier Marie Embriaco (? – 1331)
Part 4
Descendants of Helvis de Lusignan :
1 Richard de Dampierre, married to Alice Brisebarre (See Part 3 #2.1.1)
2 Maria de Poitiers (1215 – 1240), married to Philippe de Montfort, Lord of Tyrus
and Toron, Seigneur de Castries, Pretender to the throne of Armenia
3 Eschive de Poitiers (? – 1262), married to Hethum de Lampron (about 1220 –
1250), Seigneur de Lampron
1.1 Eudes Dampierre (? – 1291), married to Alice d’ Ibelin
1.1.1 Gautier de Dampierre (? – 1310), married to I. De Saint Nicholas Eudes de Dampierre (? – 1330)
3.1 Kyranna de Lampron (? – 1285), married to Leo III, King of Armenia (1270 –
3.2 Alice de Lampron (? – 1312), married to Balian d’ Ibelin
3.2.1 Guy d’ Ibelin (1286 – 1308), married Isabelle d’ Ibelin Alice d’ Ibelin, married to Hugh IV de Lusignan (? – 1359), King of
Cyprus and Jerusalem (1324 – 1359) ( For information on her descendants
see Part 2 # )
Part 5
Descendants of Leo II the Great, King of Armenia (1186 – 1219) and Sibylla de Lusignan:
1 Isabella (Zabel), Queen of Armenia (1226 – 1269), married (1st) to Philip de
Poitiers, King of Armenia, married (2nd) to Hethum I de Lampron, King of Armenia
(6 children):
1.1 Leo III, King of Armenia (1270 – 1289), married to Kyranna de Lampron
(? – 1285)
1.2 Thoros (? – 1266)
1.3 Sibylle of Armenia (? – 1290), married to Bohemund VI (1237 – 1275),
Prince of Antioch (For information on her descentants see Part 5)
1.4 Euphemie de Barba’ron (? – 1309), married to Julien Grenier, Seigneur de Sidon
(? – 1275)
1.5 Rita, married to Prince Constantine, Lord of Sarvandik
1.6 Maria, married to Guy d’ Ibelin (? – after 1270)
1.4.1 Marguerite Grenier (? – 1289), married to Guy II Embriaco, Seigneur
de Gimblet Marie Embriaco (? –1331), married to Philippe d’ Ibelin (1253 – 1318) Helvis d’ Ibelin (1307-1347)
1.1.1 Hethum II, King of Armenia (1289 – 1293), (1294 – 1296) and
(1299 – 1305)
1.1.2 Thoros III, King of Armenia (1293 – 1294), married to Marguerite de
Lusignan, may have been married to Marie de Poitiers
1.1.3 Smbat, King of Armenia (1296 -1298)
1.1.4 Constantine
1.1.5 Oshin, King of Armenia (1308 – 1320), married first to Isabelle de
Lusignan, married second to … Princess of Naples, married third to
Jeanne de Anjou (1 daughter)
1.1.6 Isabelle (Zabel), Princess of Armenia, married to Amalric de Lusignan
(? – 1310), Regent of the Kingdom of Cyprus and Jerusalem
( 1306 –1310), Prince of Tyrus (For information on her descentants see
Part 6)
1.1.7 Rita of Armenia (1278 – 1233), married to Michael IX
Palaelogus, Emperor of Byzantium Thoros (? – 1296) (murdered by Smbat) Leo IV (1297 – 1307), King of Armenia (1305 -1307), married to
Marie de Lusignan (? – after 1309) (Note: It is not certain that he was son of
Thoros III. The only sure is that he was son of a brother of King
Hethum II.) Leo V (1310 – 1341), King of Armenia (1320 – 1341), married first to
married first to Alice of Korikos (? – 1329), married second to Constanza of
Aragon (See Part2 #, daughter of Frederick II, King of Sicily Marie, married first to Constantine III, King of Armenia (1344 –
1363), married second to Constantine IV, King of Armenia (1363 –
1373), married third to Otto of Brunswick Andronicus III Palaeologus (1296 – 1341), Emperor of Byzantium
Part 6
Descendants of Amalric de Lusignan (? – 1310), Regent of the Kingdom of
Cyprus and Jerusalem ( 1306 – 1310), Prince of Tyrus and Princess Isabelle (Zabel) of Armenia:
1 Henry de Lusignan (? – 1323)
2 Guy de Lusignan (Constantine II), 1st Latin King of Armenia (1342 – 1344) married
(1st) to … Cantacuzene, married (2nd) to Theodora Syrgianes (1 daughter)
3 Hugh de Lusignan (? – 1318), Lord of Crusoche, married to Eschive d’ Ibelin,
Dame of St. Nicholas
4 John de Lusignan (? – 1343), Regent of Armenia, engaged to Alice d’ Ibelin,
associated (or married) to Soldane of Georgia
5 Bohemund de Lusignan, Lord of Korikos, engaded to Marguerite d’ Ibelin, married
to Euphemia of Neghir
6 Marie de Lusignan (? – after 1309), married to King Leo IV of Armenia (1305 –
2.1 Maria-Zampea (after1333 – after 1382/7), married to Manuel Cantacuzene,
Despot of Moreas (Peloponnese)
4.1 Leo VI de Lusignan (1342 – 1393), the last King of Armenia (1374 -1375),
married Margarite of Soissons (I daughter) and he had 2 illegitimate children
4.2 N. de Lusignan, Patriarch in Cairo (illegitimate son) (He may be identical to
Bohemund de Lusignan.)
4.3 Nicole, Sir (may be an illegitimate son of one of John’s brothers instead of his)
4.1.1 Marie de Lusignan (? – before 1381)
4.1.2 Guy (? – 1405), Captain de la tour d’ Amblay (illegitimate son)
4.1.3 Stephan, Knight in Sis (illegitimate son)
5.1 Barthelemy, Co-Regent of Armenia (1373) (illegitimate son)
Part 7
Descendants of Hugh IV de Lusignan (? – 1359), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1324 – 1359):
1 Guy de Lusignan (1315/6 – 1343), Constable of Cyprus, titular Prince of Galilee,
married to Marie de Bourbon (? – 1387)
2 Peter I de Lusignan (1329 – 1369), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1359/60 – 1369),
King of Armenia,Lord of Korikos and Adalia (1261 – 1269), married (1st) to
Eschive de Montfort, married (2nd) to Eleonora of Aragon
daughter of Pedro Count of Ribagorza and his wife Jeanne de Foix, and
granddaughter of King James II of Aragon) (2 children), associated
with Jeanne L’ Aleman (1 child)
3 John de Lusignan (1329/30 – 1375), titular Prince of Antioch, Regent of Cyprus,
married (1st) to Constanza of Aragon, married, (2nd) to Alice d’ Ibelin (1 son),
associated with Alice de Gimblet (1 illegitimate son)
4 James I de Lusignan (? – 1398), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem (1382 – 1398), King
of Armenia (1396 – 1398), married to Helvis of Brunswick-Gtubenhagen
5 Thomas de Lusignan (? – 1340)
6 Perrot de Lusignan (? – 1353)
7 Eshive de Lusignan (? – 1363), married to Infant Fernando of Majorca, Baron of
8 Marguerite de Lusignan (? – after 1373), married to Gautier de Dampierre-sur-
Salon, Senegal of Cyprus
1.1 Hugh de Lusignan (? - 1385/6, titular Prince of Galilee, a Roman Senator, Lord of Arnecha and Leondaki, married to Marie de Morpho
2.1 Peter II de Lusignan (1357 – 1382), King of Cyprus and Jerusalem married to
Valentiana (Valentza) Visconti
2.2 Marguerite de Lusignan (? - 1397), engaged to Carlo Visconti, married to Jacques
de Lusignan, titular Count of Tripolis
2.3 infant (illegitimate child with Jeanne L’ Aleman)
2.1.1 … de Lusignan (1379/80 – 1382)
3.1 Jacques de Lusignan (? – 1395/7), titular Count of Tripolis, married to Marguerite
de Lusignan (See #2.2)
3.2 John (? – 1456), titular Lord of Beirut (illegimate son with
Alice de Gimblet), married to Marguerite de Morpho
3.1.1 John de Lusignan (? – 1410), titular Lord of Beirut
3.1.2 Peter de Lusignan (? – 1428/32), titular Count of Tripolis, Regent of Cyprus,
Constable and Senechal of Jerusalem, married to Isabelle de Lusignan
3.1.3 Eleonore de Lusignan (? – 1414), married to Henry de Lusignan, titular Prince
of Galilee
3.1.4 Loysia de Lusignan, probably married to Eudes de Lusignan Phoebus de Lusignan (? – 1485), Marshal of Armenia, Lord of Sidon Hugh de Lusignan (? – 1468), Lord of Menico and Acaqui, married (1st) to
N. Badin married (2nd) to Isabeau Placoton Eleonore de Lusignan (? – 1472), married to Soffredus of Crispo Isabelle de Lusignan, married to Very de Gimblet, de Makrasika Lucrece de Lusignan, married to Olivier de Flatre
3.2.1 Jean de Lusignan (? – 1456), titular Lord of Beirut
4.1 Janus de Lusignan (1398 – 1432), King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
(1389 - 1432) married (1st) Agglesia Visconti, married (2nd) Charlotte de Borbon
(4 children)
4.2 Philip de Lusignan (? – 1428/32), Constable of Cyprus
4.3 Henry de Lusignan (? – 1427), Prince of Galilee, married to Eleonore de
Lusignan, he had only illegitimate children ( For information on his descendants
see Part 8)
4.4 Eudes de Lusignan (? – 1421), Senechal of Jerusalem married to Loysia de
Lusignan (See #3.1.4)
4.5 Hugh de Lusignan, Regent of Cyprus, Archbishop of Nicosia
4.6 Guy de Lusignan, Constable of Cyprus
4.7 Jaqua de Lusignan (? – 1396/8)
4.8 Eschive de Lusignan (? – after 1406), married to probably to Sclavus von Asperg
4.9 Marie de Lusignan (? – after 1404), married to King Ladislaus of Naples and
4.10 Agnes de Lusignan (1382 – 1459), Abbess of Wunstoff
4.11 Isabelle de Lusignan, married to Peter de Lusignan, titular Count of Tripolis
(See # 3.1.2)
4.12 a daughter (? – 1374)
4.1.1 John II de Lusignan, King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia (1432 – 1458)
married (1st) to Medea Palaelogus-Montferrat, married (2nd) to Helen
Palaeologus (2 children), associated with Mariette de Patras (1 illegitimate son)
4.1.2 James de Lusignan (? – 1426)
4.1.2 Anne de Lusignan (1419 – 1462), married to Louis I de Savoie, Duke of Savoy
4.1.3 Hugh de Lusignan, Cardinal of Cyprus
4.1.4 Marie de Lusignan, (? – after 1437)
4.1.5 Agnes de Lusignan
4.1.6 Phoebus de Lusignan, Lord of Sidon (illegitimate son)
4.1.7 Guy de Lusignan (? – after 1433), married to Isabelle Babin (1 illegitimate son)
4.1.8 Aloysius (1408 – after 1421) (illegitimate son)
4.1.9 … (illegitimate daughter), married to Garceran Suarez de los Cernadilla,
Admiral of Cyprus Charlotte de Lusignan (1442/3 – 1487), Queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and
Armenia (1458 – 1464), married (1st) to Joao (John) de Coibra, Duke of
Coibra, married (2nd) to Louis of Savoy - son of Louis I de Savoie, Duke of
Savoy and Anne de Lusignan (See # 4.1.2) Cleopha de Lusignan (died young) James II (The Bastard) de Lusignan, King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
(1458 – 1473) married to Caterina Cornaro (1454 – 1489), Daughter of St.
Mark, last Queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia (1474 – 1489) James III de Lusignan, King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia (1474) Eugene (? – 1523) (illegitimate son) Janus (? – 1533) (illegitimate son) Charlotte (? – 1469) (illegitimate daughter), married to Lord of Naves Charla (1468 - 1480) (illegitimate daughter), married or engaged to Alonso
of Aragon (illegitimate son) Jacqua (1432 - ?) Eleonore (1433 - ?)
4.2.1 Lancelot (? – after 1450), Cardinal, Patriarch of Jerusalem (illegitimate son)
Part 8
Descendants of Henry de Lusignan (? – 1427), Prince of Galilee:
1 Philip de Lusignan, titular Prince of Galilee
2 Helvis de Lusignan, married to Hector de Chevides
3 Mariete de Lusignan (? – after 1474), married to Onorfio di Pequesens, Senegal of
1.1 Henry (Herion) deLusignan, married Helen Chappes, Dame de Psimoloffo et Tripi
1.1.1 Philip de Lusignan (? – 1546), Sir of Simun and Psimoloffo, married to Isabelle Fabrice
1.1.2 Jean de Lusignan
1.1.3 Pons de Lusignan, married to Medea Podcataro Phoebus de Lusignan (? – after 1546), married (1st) to N. de Verny,
married (2nd) to Isabelle de Zerban, Dame de Menasy Jason de Lusignan (1497 –1570), married to Lucie Flatre Hector de Lusignan married (1st) to Marguerite d’ Acre, married (2nd)
to Margarita Zorzalemi Peter de Lusignan, married to M. Bustron Agnes (? – 1573), married to Gaspard Palol Pierre-Antoine de Lusignan (? – after 1571), married to Marie Goneme Jean de Lusignan (? – after 1580), a monk at Antiphoniti Jacques de Lusignan (? – 1590), Bishop of Limassol Jean-Philippe de Lusignan (? – 1571) Hercule de Lusignan Helene de Lusignan (died young) Isabelle de Lusignan, married to N. Nikephoros Marquerite de Lusignan (died young) Helene de Lusignan, married to Demetrios Palaeologus, Lord of Englia, Captain of Nicosia Lusignane de Lusignan, married to Domenico di San Andrea Philippe de Lusignan (? – 1573) Louis de Lusignan (? – 1580) Jerome de Lusignan Marguerite de Lusignan, married to N. Crispo Jean-Perez de Lusignan (? – 1571/3) Hercule de Lusignan (? – after 1573) Ambroise de Lusignan (? – 1570/1) Lucrece de Lusignan(? – 1566/9) Laure de Lusignan, married to N. Bustron Marie de Lusignan, married to Pierre Provost Gaspard de Lusignan (? – 1573), married to N. Muscorno Alvis (Louis) de Lusignan, married to N. de Rames Philippe de Lusignan (? – after 15730, married to N. di Milidoni Jean-Perez de Lusignan (? – 1570), an Augustine priest Pierre de Lusignan, (? - after 1571), married to N. Muscorno Marguerite de Lusignan Pietro de Lusignan (? – 1611), married to …uchina N. Hercule de Lusignan (? – after 1573) a daughter, married to N. Placca Gasparo de Lusignan (1590/1 – 1660) Lusignana de Lusignan (? – 1627), married to Stefano Joli, a goldsmith Ortenzia de Lusignan (1606 – 1625), married to Giovanni Baptista
Seraglio Orsola de Lusignan (b. and d. in 1609) Harion de Lusignan (died young) Orsola de Lusignan, married to Louis d’ Acre Melesinde de Lusignan
List of the Kings and Queens of Cyprus
Name of Ruler
Title of Ruler
Duration of Regimen
Connection with the Previous
Guy Lord of Cyprus 1192 - 1194
Amalric I Lord of Cyprus 1194 - 1197
King of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1198 - 1205
Hugh I King of Cyprus 1205 - 1218 Son
Henry I King of Cyprus 1218 - 1253 Son
Hugh II King of Cyprus 1253 - 1264 Son
Hugh III King of Cyprus 1267 - 1284 Cousin
King of Jerusalem 1269 - 1284
John I King of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1284 - 1285 Son
Henry II King of Cyprus and Jerusalem* 1285 - 1306 Brother
Amalric Regent of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1306 - 1310 Brother
Henry II King of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1310 - 1324 Restored
Hugh IV King of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1324 - 1359 Nephew
Peter I King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia**
1359 - 1369
Peter II King of Cyprus and Jerusalem 1369 – 1382 Son
James I King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia***
1383 - 1398
Janus King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
1398 - 1432
John II King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
1432 - 1458
Charlotte Queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
1458 - 1464
James II King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
1464 - 1473
James III Infant-King of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
Caterina Queen of Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia
1474 - 1459
1489: Venetian Rule of Cyprus
* After the Mamluc conquest of Palestine in 1291 the Kingship of Jerusalem became an empty title for the Kings and Queens of Cyprus
** Peter I conquested from the Turks the fortress of Korikos and the town of Adalia, which became the last outposts of the Kingdom of Armenia.
*** In 1393 Leo VI died living no heir and the title revolved on James I. James I was proclaimed King of Armenia in 1396 in the Cathedral of Holy Wisdom in Nicosia and passed on the title to his successors. By that time however, of the Kingdom of Armenia nothing had remained but the citadel of Korikos. This was captured by the Moslems in 1458 and the crown of Armenia, as the one of Jerusalem, became only a nominal title for the Kings and Queens of Cyprus and ended with the fall of the Lusignan Kingdom of Cyprus in 1489.
Main Sources:
[1] de Collenberg, Rudt, The Rupenides, Hethumides and Lusignans, Paris1963
[2] Machairas, Leontios, To Chroniko tou Machaira, Chronikles
[3] Newman, P., A Short History of Cyprus, Longmans, Green & Co, London 1940
[4] Pavlides, Andros, I Istoria tis Nesou Kyprou (The History of the Island of
Cyprus), encyclopedia
[5] Setton, History of the Crusades
[6] Speculum, The Lords of Lusignan, article
[7] Theroff, Paul
[8] Tompsett, Brian, Directory of Royal and Genealogical Data, webpage
[9] Weis, Ancestral Roots, 7th edition
Special thanks to
Alexander Golovanov, Ed Mann, Emanuel, Gryphon, Pat from Canada and Valerio Lunchinetti
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Amigo e Senhor Francisco Dória,
Os meus parabens pela excelente retrospectiva da Genealogia Lusignan.
Aceite os meus cumprimentos,
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Grato pela amabilidade. À disposição, sempre,
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Bom dia,
Gostava de saber se algum confrade, sabe dizer-me qual é a fonte onde posso encontrar que Phébus de Lusignan é filho natural de Jean II de Lusignan, rei do Chipre. A única fonte que eu encontro é no DFP de Luís de Lancastre e Tavora, porém, o autor não expressa no nome Moniz, qual foi a sua fonte.
O que eu tenho visto e encontrado, é que Phébus de Lusignan é filho natural de Janus I de Lusignan, rei do Chipre, ou seja, meio-irmão de Jean II de Lusignan e ainda, como filho de Peter de Lusignan, conde de Tripoli e de sua mulher Isabelle de Lusignan, irmã de Janus I de Lusignan. Todavia, à quem diga que Isabelle de Lusignan não é irmã de Janus, mas sim, filha do mesmo e de sua mulher Charlotte de Bourbon, algo que ainda também não vi em fonte documental.
Será que algum estimado confrade pode elucidar-me. Ficava agradecido.
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Caro RMS
A fonte que consulto, afirma que Fhebus de Lusignan, Sire de Sidon e Maréchal d'Arménie foi filho de Janus Ier de Chipre.
La Maison des Lusignans D'Outre-Mer. Galassi, Charles.
O livro foi uma oferta do primo Pierre Amaury Roux de Lusignan
O que nos diz a obra sobre PHEBUS DE LUSIGNAN
" Nous L'avons noté précédemment, c'est Jean, fils aîné de JANUS Ier que succêndant â sont père monte sur le trône de Chypre en 1432, sous le nom de Jean II. Phébus , SON FRÈRE n'est que Sire de Sidon et Maréchal d'Arménie ; mais s'il ne règne pas il ets cependant , un ardent défenseur de la couronne puis qu'en 1447 , on sait qu'il fait un voyage en Europe dans le seul but de solliciter l'assistence de puissances chrétiennes, en faveur du Royaume de Chypre, sérieusement menacé par les Turcs.
Il et comme enfants d'Isabelle Barbin (ou Bardin) son épouse: Hugues de Lusignan, Jacquette de Lusignan et Eléonore de Lusignan que épousera Dom Vasco Gil Moniz de noblesse portugaise en 1466 et qui, avec son mari reçut des lettres de sauvegarde du grand maître de Rhodes le 22 décembre 1466."
fonte: MAS LATRIE, histoire de Chypre , Tome III, pag 146, 147 et pag.94
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
João Gaspar
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
Caro João Gaspar,
Já consultei algumas fontes, e a maior parte delas refere o que me diz, porém:
Pág. 372
Menciona que "Phébus de Lusignan, fils naturel du roi Janus ou Jean II." Eu penso que possa ser uma má tradução do nome, mas estou convicto que seja do rei Janus, pela questão temporal, mas pretendo confirmar.
Com os melhores cumprimentos,
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RE: Origem dos Lusignan em Portugal
A versão da ascendência de Febo Moniz de Lusignan, apresentada neste tópico por Francisco António Dória, parece ser a que reúne maior consenso em recentes nobiliários europeus. Igualmente as biografias, na Wikipédia, de Phoebus of Lusignan e de John of Lusignan referem a mesma ascendência. Sendo assim a que se encontra na Geneall estaria incorrecta.
1. Febo Moniz de Lusignan, Alcaide-mor de Arraiolos, Reposteiro-mor do Rei D.Manuel I, *c.1465,+1509
2. Vasco Gil Moniz, Vedor do Infante D.João de Coimbra, passou-se a Chipre com este, *c.1430,+1497, Lisboa
3. D.Leonor de Lusignan (2ºcas.), prima e aia da Rainha Carlota, *c.1435,+1475, Lisboa
6. Febo de Lusignan, legitimado pelo Papa Martinho V em 1428, Marechal da Arménia, *c.1415,+1485, Roma
7. N?
12.Pedro de Lusignan, Conde Titular de Tripoli, Regente de Chipre, *c.1395,+1451
24.Jaime de Lusignan, Conde Titular de Tripoli, *c.1350,+c.1397
25.Margarida (ou Maria) de Lusignan, *c.1360,+c.1397
48.João de Lusignan (2ºcas.), Príncipe Titular de Antioquia, Regente de Chipre, *c.1330,+1375, assassinado
49.Alice d'Ibelim, *c.1330, +c.1350
50. Pedro I (2ºcas.), Rei de Chipre (1359-69), *Nicosia,1328,+Nicósia,1369, assassinado na cama
51. Leonor de Aragão (filha de Pedro, Infante de Aragão, Conde de Ribagorza), *1333,+1416, Barcelona
96. Hugo IV, Rei de Chipre (1324-59) e Titular de Jerusalém, *c.1295,+Nicósia,1359
97. Alice d`Ibelim (filha de Gui II d´Ibelim), *c.1295
100. Hugo IV, Rei de Chipre (1324-59) e Titular de Jerusalém, *c.1295,+Nicósia,1359
101. Alice d`Ibelim (filha de Gui II d´Ibelim), *c.1295
A destacar na linha portuguesa Poitiers-Lusignan:
- Febo Moniz de Lusignan, Camareiro-mor d´el-Rei D.Sebastião, que nas Cortes de Almeirim, 1580, opôs-se ao domínio de Castela, e por isso veio a morrer na prisão, era bisneto da acima D.Leonor de Lusignan
-a actual representação deste ramo português está na Casa de São Payo e a sua ligação a Janus, Rei de Chipre (1398-1432), por vezes confundido com o filho João II (1432-58), será pela filha Ana de Lusignan casada com Luis I, 2º Duque de Saboia. Por este casamento veio para a Casa de Saboia a representação dos Reis de Chipre.
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