Roxo - Alcains

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Roxo - Alcains

#289377 | nivea324 | 17 oct. 2011 00:54


I apologize for writing in English, although I can read & speak fluent Portuguese writing it has become a challenge.

I'm looking for information regarding Manuel Domings Roxo born in Alcains around 1926. He was the son of Domingos Gonsalves Roxo & Luisa dos Santos Bernardina. He moved to Terceira Azores but I'm not sure what year.

Some of the parochial records for the Azores are available online but I have not been able to locate any records for the "mainland".

If anyone could tell me where I can access birth records or if anyone has access & can do a search for me, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you from Rhode Island, USA!
Nivea Linhares


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Roxo - Alcains

#289379 | Lourval | 17 oct. 2011 01:09 | In reply to: #289377


Write to me: lourval @ hotmail ponto com



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RE: Roxo - Alcains

#289487 | marco pereira | 18 oct. 2011 16:53 | In reply to: #289379

hello you can use the google translator.
Lourval should be able to help you, it has many families of Alcains.
Although the records are not online in that area, District of Castelo Branco.
You can try to get information directly from the district archive
Arquivo Distrital de Castelo Branco
Municipality of Castelo Branco
Parish Alcains ADCTB PT-RCP-1905-1836 PCTB01
I'm from Alcains, but now no longer reside there.
Even today there are families with the name Roxo means that the branches are still there.
Forte Abraço
Marco Pereira


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RE: Roxo - Alcains

#289526 | CCS1953 | 19 oct. 2011 01:51 | In reply to: #289379

Oi Lourval,

Mais uma parente?

Interessante. Diz qualquer coisa.




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Roxo - Alcains

#289527 | Lourval | 19 oct. 2011 01:59 | In reply to: #289526

Olá Celeste,

Com certeza que a Nívea é parente de todos nós. Somente preciso de algumas informações dela...

Então? Vamos atrás dos costados de sua mãe?



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RE: Roxo - Alcains

#289555 | CCS1953 | 19 oct. 2011 17:26 | In reply to: #289527

Olá caro primo,

Fico contente por encontrarmos mais uma parente.

Vamos atrás dos costados da minha mãe. Diz-me quais as informações que queres que te envio.
Tenho registos e inventários orfanológicos.




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RE: Roxo - Alcains

#289638 | nivea324 | 20 oct. 2011 20:16 | In reply to: #289377


Ca vai o meu portugues... obrigada pelas respostas... afinal somos todos "parentes"...

Manuel Domingos Roxo e pai do meu marido... ele trabalha-va na base americana na Ilha Terceira.

Lourval - eu tenho poucos detalhes mas vou-te "fazer o email"... como dizem os portugueses aqui...



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