Maria Amélia Brum da Silva

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Maria Amélia Brum da Silva

#379491 | mmsampaio | 03 avril 2017 04:46

Does anyone know this person? She was the daughter of Manuel Adao Da Silva Junior. She had two other siblings according to Geneall but no information about birthdate or whether she was married or had children.
Is there a birth and marriage record on file for this person?


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Maria Amélia Brum da Silva

#379585 | Jorge Resende | 04 avril 2017 21:39 | In reply to: #379491 Batismo de Jesuína da Silva Brito
Avó paterna de Maria Amélia. Nasceu e foi batizada em Porto Judeu, de seu nome Jesuína da Silva Brito, faleceu na Praia da Vitória, freguesia de Biscoitos em 1958.
Casou com Manuel Adão da Silva, nascido em 1885 em Biscoitos ou Agualva, Praia da Vitória, casamento esse talvez em Angra do Heroísmo, Porto Judeu, cerca de 1916, ano em nasceu o filho de ambos, de nome Manuel Adão da Silva Júnior, nascido em Agualva. Este casou em Biscoitos em 1945, em 4 de Junho, com Maria Ilda Menezes Brum, e tiveram 3 filhos:
Manuel Adão da Silva
Maria Amélia Brum da Silva
Manuel Adão Brum da Silva Júnior (este nasceu em Biscoitos, Praia da Vitória, em 20.8.1951 e faleceu em 1977 freguesia Quatro Ribeiras, tendo casado com Fernanda).

Estes dados foram extraídos do Geneall Plus e figuram na obra "Genealogias da Ilha Terceira, volume II página 593.

Jorge Resende



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Maria Amélia Brum da Silva

#381775 | mmsampaio | 10 juin 2017 13:09 | In reply to: #379585

Thank you so much for your response and your information.
I apologize for my late response to this as I only found out about your response today!
You have given more than I could have imagined and I am so thrilled with all the details. I knew that Manuel Adao had more than 2 children and you have confirmed it. However, my family seems to think that he had four children (one other son). But, they do not know his name and I can't seem to confirm this anywhere.
I did not have the information on locations and specific dates that you have provided.
Thank you again for your information!


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Maria Amélia Brum da Silva

#381776 | mmsampaio | 10 juin 2017 13:20 | In reply to: #379585


I can only obtain records that show Maria Amelia Brum da Silva is the daughter of Manuel Adam Da Silva (junior). I also found one other, Francisco Alberto Brum da Silva and possibly Manuel Adao Brum Da Silva but there are no records for Manuel Adao Da Silva. could this be an error?


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