Is this a many-to-many relationship, or something else completely?

This topic is classified in rooms: Genética

Is this a many-to-many relationship, or something else completely?

#413584 | saviogomessg | 02 avril 2019 06:28

I'm trying to design a database that needs to contain entities and several genes, with each entity having its own value (an int) for each gene. All entities will always have values for all existing genes, but the number of genes may increase over time.

I'm not sure what type of relationship this is exactly. A modified many-to-many design seems like it might work, with the junction table containing the both foreign keys and the gene value, but I feel like there might be a better design for this. Is there a standard design used for this type or relationship, where one "many" is always the same amount for all entities?


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