Famílias de Malhadas, Ifanes, Miranda do Douro

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Famílias de Malhadas, Ifanes, Miranda do Douro

#63577 | desousaj_99 | 27 avril 2004 03:28

I am tracking the Fernandes, Raposo, Esteves, Alfonso, Joao, Alves and Luis branches of my wife's family tree, specifically in the conselho of Miranda do Douro and the freguesias of Malhadas, Ifanes and Miranda do Dour.

Is there anyone who may have similar names in their family tree from the region.

Best Regards,
Joao de Sousa


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RE: Famílias de Malhadas, Ifanes, Miranda do Douro

#256668 | Streilha | 17 juin 2010 05:49 | In reply to: #63577

Hi João,
I descend from two diferent families Raposo from the lands of Miranda do Douro (Malhadas included), so if can tell me more, maybe I can help you. ;)


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RE: Famílias de Malhadas, Ifanes, Miranda do Douro

#295431 | Josilaine | 23 janv. 2012 05:59 | In reply to: #256668

Desculpe intromissão..
Procuro por registro de minha avó Maria Gaspar Pedrosa (Pedrosa nome de casada) nascida em 23-03-1889 em Malhadas, caso alguém possa ajudar-me ficarei grata!


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