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#71182 | graca1 | 12 août 2004 01:50

I search for Jesuino Gonçalves Pereira borned around 1845 in Lisboa.He was married around 1865 in Lisboa,with Adelaide Maria da Conceicao Serra,girl of Francisco Serra.She was borned around 1845.
They have a sonnamed Jose Joaquim Serra Pereira borned in Sao Vicente de Fora borned in 1888. adn dead:4-9-1947.He was maried with Fernanda Bonifacia Collares Vieira born to Santa Isabel on 17-10-1888 and born 25-11-1888.
If anybody have some information about them,please give me.I stay in Québec and it is difficult to find information.
Maria da Graca Quinta Serra Pereira


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