Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
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Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Autor: graca1 [responder para o fórum]
I search for Jesuino Gonçalves Pereira borned around 1845 in Lisboa.He was married around 1865 in Lisboa,with Adelaide Maria da Conceicao Serra,girl of Francisco Serra.She was borned around 1845.
They have a sonnamed Jose Joaquim Serra Pereira borned in Sao Vicente de Fora borned in 1888. adn dead:4-9-1947.He was maried with Fernanda Bonifacia Collares Vieira born to Santa Isabel on 17-10-1888 and born 25-11-1888.
If anybody have some information about them,please give me.I stay in Québec and it is difficult to find information.
Maria da Graca Quinta Serra Pereira
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Dear Maria da Graça:
At last I can reach someone belonging to this branch of the family. Please be so kind and release a private email address so one may contact you directly.
For the time being, I remain your devoted cousin,
PS- Do you understand portuguese in writing?
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RE: Apelido SERRA
Olá Conde !!!!
Sobre o apelido SERRA, voce saberia me dizer se esta familia em tópico, tem alguma relação com familia de Póvoa de Varzim, freguesia de Aguçadoura e Navais ?
Tenho antepassados com tais sobrenomes por naqueles sitios, por volta de 1790 / 1850.
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RE: Apelido SERRA
Este apelido Serra é oriundo de Oliveira de Azeméis mas conheço pouco das suas origens. Como se trata de um topónimo genérico, a origem dos Serras deve ser diversa, tal como acontece com os apelidos do Vale, do Monte, da Costa ,do Rio etc. Todavia podem ser ramos com uma origem comum.
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RE: Apelido SERRA
My ancestry are from Portomao,I think.But our family are joing in many generations because we are Serra.My Grand-Grand-Mother is Adelaide da Conceicao Serra,girl of Francisco Serra.
Can you E-mail yourantepassados for I looking,if I can join mine.
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RE: Apelido SERRA
Dear graça1:
My conection with you goes trough . You must see the whole decendence. My branch is form by your grand-grand-Mother only sister Maria Gertrudes da Conceição Serra,also my grand-grand-mother. As you can see on that area we have italian, spanish and maltese blood, as well as other ascendences from Lisbon, Santarém, Oliveira de Azeméis and Azores. Francisco José Biancardi was told to be an heroe of the Rovuma campaigns, son to Constâncio Biancardi, born in St. Paul of Malta and from his wife Theresa Águeda de Jesus,bapt. in Loreto church and married Alcantara 10.2.1771. Francisco married Maria do Carmo de S.Boaventura, at Lapa 18.2.1800,and she was daughter to Alexandre José Coelho, from Azores and Maria Luiza, from Lisbon. I have more data onthose. Manuel Francisco Serra, who was told to be a very rich man (do you have any photo of him?), was born in Oliveira de Azeméis, son of Miguel Francisco Serra and wife Escolástica Joaquina a spnaniard, married in the city of Santarém. Not easy to surch for this traveling people. You should surch this site for our conection.
Do you have any news about our branch?
Best wishes.
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RE: Apelido SERRA
More: Alexandre José Coelho was bapt. in Lajes,Terceira Azores at 28.4.1738 son of Francisco Gonçalves n. Santa Beatriz das quatro Ribeiras, already wid. of Margarida de Santo António, and of his 2nd wife Isabel de S.Francisco, daug. of Manuel Garcia and wife Águeda Alvernaz. The 2nd marriage was celebrated at Lajes church at 8.1.1730. I'm sure you didn't know this ancesters of yours.
Best wishes again.
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
More information : Jesuino Gonçalves Pereira,Comandante, married S.Vicente de fora 29.08.1875 D. Adelaide Maria da Conceição Serra( proprietária). He was son of Joaquim José Pereira n. S.Miguel de Alfama, Lisbon and D. Maria Gertrudes do Espírito Santo, n. S. Vicente, Lisbon as well. This gives you another generation.
Best wishes.
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Tanks Conde and Jeruma for your help.I appreciate greatness.If you have more,I would like if you can give me.If you prefered,you can write in Portuguese.
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I want to know the marriage'date of Joaquim Jose Pereira n:S.Miguel de Alfama ,with Maria Gertrudes Do Espirito Santo n:S.Vicente Lisbon.Can you give me the parents of Joaquim and Gertrudes.
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Do you have the parents of Joaquim Jose Pereira n:S.Miguel de Alfama,Lisboa,and the parents of Maria Gertrudes do Espirito Santo n:S.Vicente,Lisboa.If you have others information,i want that.
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Do you have the parents of Joaquim Jose Pereira n:S.Miguel de Alfama,Lisboa,and the parents of Maria Gertrudes do Espirito Santo n:S.Vicente,Lisboa,and their mariage date.If you have others information,I want that.
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
I search many information about Joaquim Jose Pereira N. S.Miguel de Alfama ,Lisbon and D. Maria Gertrudes do Espirito Santo (parents,Nasc.,Death.
Tanks for your help.
Maria da Graca Quinta Serra Pereira
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RE: Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
The Serra line is very dificult to search, in the end of it, so far it goes for now, because the priest, on the birth registration of Manuel Francisco Serra just said that his fathers got married in one of the parishes of the town of Santarém, which hapens to have more than 10! One has to search one by one. Better to hire a specialist...
Best regards.
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Jesuino Pereira e Adelaide Maria Serra
Manuel Francisco Serra fal. a 6/10/1880 em S. Vicente de Fora. O Pai dele Miguel Francisco Serra era natural e bapt. na freguesia da Vila (sic) de Oliveira de Azeméis e de Escolástica Joaquina , do Reino de Espanha (Bispado de La Mancha). Não encontro qualquer Miguel por volta de 1790.
Surgiu entretanto uma Margarida Irene de Serra Chaves falecida antes de 08/03/1890 data em que foi sepultada. Quem é?
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