manuel simão

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manuel simão

#80282 | casegas49 | 29 déc. 2004 05:13

Agradecia informações sobre Manuel Simão de Sobral de S. Miguel e casado em 28/08/1709 com Maria Gonçalves Pacheco também de Sobral de S. Miguel, a qual faleceu em 03/07/1772 no Sobral de S. Miguel

Um abraço e feliz Ano Novo de João Rodrigues Gonçalves


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RE: manuel simão

#80292 | jliberato | 29 déc. 2004 10:20 | In reply to: #80282

Caro João Rodrigues Gonçalves,
Não tem os nomes dos pais?


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RE: manuel simão

#80301 | Sobral | 29 déc. 2004 11:35 | In reply to: #80282

Caro João Gonçalves

Com os votos de um bom 2005.
O casal Manuel Simão/Maria Gonçalves Pacheco são meus sétimos avós.
Casaram a 28 08 1709 no Sobral.
Antepassados de Maria Gonçalves, minha 6ª avó

First Generation

1. Maria Gonçalves was born in Sobral de S. Miguel. She was christened on 16 05 1713. She died on 7 10 1782 in Sobral de S. Miguel. Maria married Pedro Pinto son of Francisco Pinto and Isabel Gonçalves on 15 06 1745 in Sobral de S. Miguel. Pedro was born on 25 06 1720 in Sobral de S. Miguel. He died on 8 11 1779 in Sobral de S. Miguel.

Second Generation

2. Manuel Simão was born in Sobral de S. Miguel. He married Maria Gonçalves Pacheco on 28 08 1709.
3. Maria Gonçalves Pacheco died on 3 07 1772 in Sobral de S. Miguel.

Third Generation

4. Domingos Simão was born in S. Jorge da Beira. He married Maria Geraldes on 10 04 1678 in Sobral de S. Miguel.
5. Maria Geraldes was born on 1 01 1656 in Sobral de S. Miguel. She died on 28 10 1735 in Sobral de S. Miguel.
6. João Gonçalves was born in Meãs,Unhais-o-Velho. He died on 11 01 1730 in S. Jorge da Beira. He married Maria Gonçalves on 10 01 1683 in S. Jorge da Beira.
7. Maria Gonçalves .

Fourth Generation

8. Francisco Pires was born in S. Jorge da Beira. He married Maria Simão.
9. Maria Simão was born in S. Jorge da Beira.
10. Domingos Lopes was born in Gondufo. He married Maria Geraldes on 21 10 1644 in Sobral de S. Miguel. (Ascendência conhecida até 1600)
11. Maria Geraldes was born on 2 08 1632 in Casegas. (Ascendência conhecida até 1580)
12. António Gonçalves was born in Unhais-o-Velho. He married Leonor Antunes on 26 10 1636 in Unhais-o-Velho.
13. Leonor Antunes was born in Vidual de Cima (Unhais-o-Velho).
14. Francisco Manuel .Francisco married Isabel Gonçalves.
15. Isabel Gonçalves .

As indicações sobre os números 12 a 15 foram-me indicados no fórum por Rui Pereira, que poderá ajudar mais nestas gerações. Nunca compulsei os paroquiais de Unhais-o-Velho.

G. Santos


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