D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

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D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

#196326 | kolon | 14 mag 2008 04:25

Caros Confrades,

Alguém me pode dizer a datra de casaemtno de D. João de Coimbra, infante de Portugal com a princesa de Chipre?

Manuel Rosa


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RE: D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

#196334 | Clemente | 14 mag 2008 09:23 | In reply to: #196326

Caro Manuel Rosa

Segundo este site o casamento efectivou-se em Fevereiro de 1455:


Segundo este outro o casamento realizou-se em 1456:





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RE: D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

#196382 | Clemente | 14 mag 2008 16:27 | In reply to: #196326

Caro Manuel Rosa

Mais dois sites:

O primeiro diz que o casamento realizou-se no dia 21 Dezembro 1456 e o segundo em Maio de 1456.

Cada site sua sentença !!!






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RE: D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

#196398 | colombo-o-novo | 14 mag 2008 18:30 | In reply to: #196382

Caro Clemente,

Muito obrigado eu estava a ler um livro em que um mensageiro foi enviado por D. Afonso V ao Rei D. João de Chipre em 1445 e não sabia que era ao seu primo D.. João. Agora sei que não era.



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RE: D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Portugal

#196490 | Augustus_o | 15 mag 2008 08:43 | In reply to: #196398

Caro Manuel,

do mesmo site:

"ii) PIERRE de Lusignan (-7 Feb 1451, bur Nicosia Dominican Church). The Lignages d'Outremer name (in order) "Piero, Gioanne, Lionora e Civa" as the children of "Zaco figliolo de Zuan de Lusignan, principe d'Antiochia e de Alis de Iblin" & his wife, stating that Pierre died 2 Feb 1451 and was buried "al monasterio di Predicatori"[420]. Titular Count of Tripoli from before 1432: King Jean II appointed "dominum Hugonem de Lucignano" to represent Cyprus at the Council of Basel, by charter dated 8 Jul 1432, witnessed by "dominorum Petri de Lucignano comitis Tripolensis, Jacobi de Caffrano marescalli regni Cipri…"[421]. Constable of Jerusalem 1415. Regent of Cyprus 1432. Seneschal of Jerusalem 1432. The "New Chronicle" records his death 7 Feb 1451[422]. Betrothed (Papal dispensation 19 Mar 1406) to AGNES of Cyprus, daughter of JACQUES I King of Cyprus & his wife Helvis von Braunschweig ([1382]-Venasco, Piemonte 1 Mar 1459). m firstly (Papal dispensation 29 Feb 1415) ISABELLE de Lusignan, daughter of JACQUES I King of Cyprus & his wife Helvis von Braunschweig (-12 May 1422). The Lignages d'Outremer name (in order) "Marietta, Isabella, Civa e Agnese" as the four daughters of "Giacomo, l'altro figliolo del re Hugo…re de Hierusalem e de Cypro" & his wife, stating that Isabelle married "Piero de Lusignan contestabile de Hierusalem" and had "figlioli, e morseno picoli"[423]. The "New Chronicle" records her death 12 May 1422[424]. m secondly (Nicosia 1 Nov 1439) --- (-6 Aug 1440). The Lignages d'Outremer record the second marriage of "Piero de Lusignan contestabile de Hierusalem" with "altra moglie d'oltra mare"[425]. The "New Chronicle" records the date of Pierre's second marriage and the date of his second wife's death but does not name her[426]. The name of Pierre's second wife is not known. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Pierre's mistress is not known.
(a) sons (-young). The Lignages d'Outremer name (in order) "Marietta, Isabella, Civa e Agnese" as the four daughters of "Giacomo, l'altro figliolo del re Hugo…re de Hierusalem e de Cypro" & his wife, stating that Isabelle married "Piero de Lusignan contestabile de Hierusalem" and had "figlioli, e morseno picoli"[427].

Count Pierre had one illegitimate son by Mistress (1):
(b) FEBUS de Lusignan (-Rome after Jul 1485). He was legitimated by Pope Martin V 13 Jul 1428, documenting his true parentage[428]. Marshall of Armenia 1432-[1461]. Lord of Arsephion 1461. Lord of Sidon 1463. m ([1435/40]) ISABELLE de Flory, [sister of JACQUES de Flory titular Count of Jaffa], daughter of ---. She is named in a Papal document[429]. Febus & his wife had two children:

(1) HUGUES de Lusignan (-after 1468). Canon at Nicosia, Paphos and Nimosia. Apostolic protonotary, resigned before 1463. Lord of Menico and Acaqui 1468: a document dated 7 Apr 1468 confirmed the grant of this land to "Hugue de Luzenia, fis de sire Febus de Luzenia"[430]. m firstly (before 25 Aug 1461) --- Babin, daughter of ---. m secondly ISABEAU Placoton, daughter of ---. Hugues & his first wife had three children:
a. ISABELLE de Lusignan . m VERY de Giblet Seigneur de Makrassika. 1500/10.
b. DOMENICO de Lusignan (-after 25 Jul 1525). He was cited as a witness in Cyprus 25 Jul 1525[431].
Hugues and his second wife had one child:

c.LUCRECE de Lusignan. m OLIVIER de Flatre, son of PHILIPPE de Flatre & his wife --.
(2) ELEONORE [Liénor] de Lusignan (-after 1472, bur Lisbon). "Nobilis domina Helyanora de Luxignano, filia magnifici domini Phebi de Luxignano, militis et marescalli Armenie…relicta quondam nobilis Sofretti Crispi et ad presens uxor nobilis militis Vaschi Egidii Moiny de Portugallia" sold a house in Rhodes to Louis de Magnac by charter dated 10 Feb 1459[432]. The Grand Master of Rhodes granted safe passage to "domino Valasco Gil Mony et Elionore de Lusignano conjugibus" by charter dated 22 Dec 1466[433]. m firstly ([1450/55]) SOFFREDUS Crispo or Calvus (-before 1457). m secondly (before 1459) dom VASCO Egidio Moniz, son of --- (-Lisbon 1497). He accompanied dom João de Portugal Duque de Coimbra to Cyprus at the time of his marriage to Charlotte heiress of Cyprus in 1456. This couple's son, Febo Moniz de Lusinhan, was Alcalde mayor of Arrayolos, Repostero mayor and maestresala of dom Manoel I King of Portugal[434]."

Veja o que diz sobre o Vasco Gil Moniz...



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RE: D. João de Coimbra, Rei de Chipre infante Port

#196507 | kolon | 15 mag 2008 13:13 | In reply to: #196490

Excelentes informações Augusto


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