Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

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Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#214889 | pvaladares | 06 dic 2008 23:25

Boa noite,
Um dos problemas que a comunidade judaica enfrentou no Séc. XVIII era a imensa pobreza de seus membros. A Comunidade de Amsterdã tida como rica, numa população de 2800 sefaradis sustentava a metade porque estes eram pobres (dos 20304 ashkenases, 17500 eram mendigos). Em Londres não era diferente. Uma solução encontrada pela elite dirigente foi pagar a passagem dos "industrious" poor que tinham potencial de ganhar a vida, para outros locais em desenvolvimento.
Nesta política, Amsterdã mandou muita gente para o Caribe.
Em 1773 soube-se da colonização do futuro estado da Geórgia. Aceitava-se voluntários, menos “papistas” e “escravos”. Assim os membros mais ricos da sinagoga de Londres, Moses da Costa, Joseph Rodrigues de Siqueira e Jacob Israel Suasso, pagaram o transporte dos judeus londrinos abaixo nomeados, recém expatriados de Portugal, para irem viver na América.
O começo foi difícil. Mas graças ao talento e esforço eles tornaram-se a elite do Judaísmo americano até o século XX – o segundo judeu a chegar a Suprema Corte foi descendente deste grupo: Benjamin Nathan Cardozo (1870-1938).
Eis a lista dos imigrantes de 1733 (cf. Third to None. The saga of Savannah Jewry. 1733-1983, do Rabino Saul Jacob Rubin):

· Dr. Samuel Nunez (Diogo Nunes Ribeiro, * Penamacor, 1668. Processo Inquisitorial nº 2367, 1704)
· Zipporah Nunez (mãe)
· Moses Nunez (Manuel Nunes Ribeiro, 1700-1787). Filho do Dr. Nunez. Tenente e interprete do governo junto as tribos locais. Há dele uma descendência mulata.
· Daniel Nunez (André Nunes Ribeiro, 1710-1789). Filho do Dr. Nunez. Oficial da alfândega e interprete do governo (1736)
· Sipra, corruptela de Zipporah Nunez (Maria Caetana da Veiga, 1714-1799). Filha do Dr. Nunez. Casada com o Rabino David Mendes Machado (1695-1747), português de nascimento. O casal tem como bisnetos: o Comodore Uriah Phillips Levy (1792-1862) e Mordecai Manuel Noah (1785-1851), considerado pelos especialista como o judeu mais importante do Século XIX.
· Abraham de Lyon (Leão). Português de nascimento. Casado com a filha do Dr. Nunez. Introduziu a uva na agricultura americana.
· Shem Noah
· Isaac Nunes Henriques
· Abigail Siqueira Henriques (esposa)
· Uma criança morta no mar (Henriques)
· Shem Henriques
· Raphael Nunes Bernal
· Rachel Bernal (esposa)
· David Lopes de Oliveira
· Jacob Lopes de Oliveira
· Judith Oliveira, a Velha (esposa)
· David Oliveira (filho)
· Isaac Oliveira (filho)
· Leah Oliveira (filha)
· Aaron de Paiva
· Benjamin Gideon
· Jacob Lopes de Crasto
· David Lopes de Pass
· Zipporah de Pass (esposa)
· Isaac da Costa Villareal
· Abraham de Molina
· David Rodrigues de Miranda
· Jacob Rodrigues de Miranda
· David Cohen Delmonte
· Rachel Delmonte (esposa)
· Isaac Delmonte (filho)
· Abigail Delmonte (filha)
· Hannah Delmonte (filha)
· Grace Delmonte (filha)

Meu intuito em publicar esta lista foi compartilhar estas informações com os genealogistas que pesquisam cristãos-novos portugueses e fazer circular estas informações que não são muito divulgadas.

Paulo Valadares
prsvaladares arroba
Campinas, SP, Brasil


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#236555 | Lecticia | 15 ago 2009 03:07 | In reply to: #214889

Presao Paulo,
Gostaria de saber como vc. consegui saber destes jcristãos novos Isaac Nunes Henriques (conhecido como Isaac Fundam) e sua mulher Abigail Siqueira Henriques.
Essa vriança que morreu no mar era filho desse casal?Qual era o seu nome? Sou brasileira e estou a procura desses judeus, pois seu parente Jacob Fundam( Jacob Nunes Henriques ) é o patriarca de nossa familia no Brasil. Se vc., tiver outros dados poderia ceder-me. Caso possa meu email é " " .
Lecticia Fundão Giestas,
Vila Velha
Espirito Santo


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#236565 | Luís Neves | 15 ago 2009 10:11 | In reply to: #214889

Caro P. Valadares:

Uma pergunta somente (ou duas):
O apelido "Delmonte" que repetidamente aparece na sua lista não será por acaso uma corruptela de "Belmonte"?
Do mesmo, "de Pass" não será "de Passos"?


Luís de Campos Teixeira Neves
Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#237390 | Lecticia | 25 ago 2009 19:59 | In reply to: #214889

PAULO,estou a procura do sobrenome " De PASSIS " que é da minha bisav´ç .Nunca achei nada com este sobrenome a não ser "Passos".
Obrigada Lecticia


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#237391 | Lecticia | 25 ago 2009 20:03 | In reply to: #214889

PAULO,estou a procura do sobrenome " De PASSIS " que é da minha bisav´ç .Nunca achei nada com este sobrenome a não ser "Passos".
Obrigada Lecticia


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#237433 | José-Manuel | 26 ago 2009 02:45 | In reply to: #237391

Provavelmente já conhece isto e não lhe servirá de nada, mesmo assim ;

Compiled by Humberto Carreiro
Historian from Bristol, Rhode
(Done February 1999)

BERNARD MANNES BARUCH -- born August 19, 1872 (South Caroline). American financier and statesman, financial adviser to eight Presidents of the United States, from Woodraw Wilson to John F. Kennedy, he was direct descendent of Isaac Rodrigues Marques, who came to America in 1695 from Denmark. Mr. Baruch passed away in New York City, June 21, 1965, a the age of 93. Source = The man the myth the Eighty Years by Margaret L. Coit

BENJAMIN NATHAN CARDOZO - First American Sephardic Jew to serve in the United States Supreme Court, replacing Oliver Wendell Holmes, in 1932. The Grandees American Sephardic Elite by - Stenphen Birmingham

EMMA LAZARUS — Poet and writer. She was Judge Benjamin Cardozo's niece. She wrote the poem (a sonnet) that is at the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, New York Harbor. Source: From The Grandees by Stenphen Birmingham

URIAH PHILLIPS LEVY -- direct descendent of Dr. Samuel Nunez. He was Commander in the United States Navy. Bought Monticello from James Barclay in 1836. On his will he left Monticello to the People of the United States of America. From The Grandees and Monticello The Second Mount Vernon By Charles B. Horner, Jr.

JEFFERSON MONROE LEVY - Because the Uriah Philips Levy's family contested the will and the U. S. Government refused to accept Monticello. Monroe Levy Uriah Levy's nephew, a three term Congressman from New York State, acquired Monticello and added 618 acres of more land to the property. He then sold Monticello to the Jefferson Memorial Foundation. This Foundation was created by him for $500 thousand dollars. He had an offer of one million dollars, but he preferred the Foundation to take over, and not be owned by private individuals. Jefferson Monroe Levy died in New York City in 1924. From: The Grandees and Monticello The Second Mount Vernon by Charles B. Horner, Jr.

AARON LOPEZ -- born, raised and married in Portugal. Came to America in 1752, age 21 years old; became the most prominent Jew in Newport. Rhode Island; was the co-founder of Touro Synagogue, became its first President and was a business partner with Nicholas Brown on manufacturing of spermaceti, together with his half brother Moses Lopez a fabled Jewish merchant an empire was launched in Newport, Rhode Island. Aaron Lopez had also a very dark side on his life. He built a significant part of his merchant empire on the slave trade. From: Aaron Lopez of Newport - Colonial American Merchant Prince by Stanley F. Chyet

MOSES LOPEZ — Aaron's half brother, also born in Portugal, came to America in 1739, was scholarly with particular interest in mathematics. He published in Newport, Rhode Island, 1808, "The Lunar Calendar" and also was the first in 1753 to obtained a patent for manufacturing Potash in Rhode Island. From same author of Colonial American Merchant Prince by Stanley F. Chyet

ABRAHAM PEREIRA MENDES - Was the last Sephardic Rabbi of the Touro Synagogue, died April 4, 1893.
From: History of Touro Synagogue by Dr. Theodore Lewis
Note: — Touro Synagogue had only 4 Sephardic Rabbis.

ANNIE NATHAN MEYER - great-granddaughter of Isaac Mendes Seixas . Nathan was the founder of Bernard College, today incorporated with Columbia University. From The Grandees by Stenphen Birmingham

DR. SAMUEL NUNEZ -- PERSONAL PHYSICIAN OF KING JOHN V IN PORTUGAL.—great-great-grandfather of Uriah Philips Levy came to America in 1732 to Savannah, Georgia, was also recognized as one of the founders of that city, founded in 1733.
Source = Navy Maverick Uriah Philip Levy by Saul Shaphire & Donovan Fiztpatric

HAYM SALOMON -- AMERICAN PATRIOT — Born in Lisa Poland, in 1740, descendent from Portuguese Sephardic Jews, came to America in 1772, at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War. He was identified with the cause of the American Independence. In 1778 he became an agent of the banker Robert Morris. He loaned Morris about $600 thousand dollars of his own money for the Patriotic Cause. Haym Salomon married Rachel Franks, one of Moses Franks daughters, a prominent Sephardic family in Philadelphia. Haym Salomon passed away in 1785, at 45 years old. Source = Funk & Wagnalls, Standard Reference Encyclopedia, and the Grandees also.

MOSES SEIXAS — Together with other merchants in Newport he founded the Bank of Rhode Island in the XVIII Century, and also wrote the famous phrase in the letter to President Washington, in 1790 : "behold a Government which gives to bigotry no sanction to persecution no assistance". The Grandees by Stenphnen Birmingham

ISAAC TOURO -- first Sephardic Rabbi of Touro Synagogue and also co-founder born in Amsterdam, Holland. Aaron Lopez of Newport, Colonial American Prince by Stanley Chyet.

JUDAH AND ABRAHAM - sons of Isaac Touro they were also Rabbis of Touro Synagogue. The Grandees by Stenphen Birmingham and History of Touro Synagogue by Rabbi Dr. Theodore Lewis

JUDAH PHILLIP BENJAMIN -- The Jewish Confederate, United States Senator from Louisiana, Attorney General, Secretary of War, Secretary of State of the Confederate States of America and Queen's Council in London. BENJAMIN was descendent from the Sephardic Spanish and Portuguese, born August 11, 1811, on the Island of Saint Croix, part of British West Indies. He graduated from Yale University as a Lawyer. Judah P. Benjamin married Natalie St. Martin, in 1833, a Catholic daughter of a prominent Catholic family of New Orleans, his wife Natalie left him with their only daughter "Ninette" in 1845, for Paris, France. After living a few years in England Judah P. Benjamin moved to France and died there May 6, 1884. And he is buried in the Pere Lachaise Catholic Cemetery in the plot of the Bursignae Family the-in laws of his daughter. Source from Judah P. Benjamin "The Jewish Confederate" By Eli N. Evans

REBECCA GRATZ -- FOR GRACIA -- was the founder of the Gratz Philanthropic Foundation of Philadelphia. Sources: From the Grandees by Stenphen Birmingham.

SOLOMON PARREIRA -- Native of Holland who emigrated to Providence, Rhode Island, with his wife 1838 a clothing merchant, he was the founder of the First Congregation Sons of Israel of Rhode Island and its first President. Sources Jews in Rhode Island by Geraldine S. Foster.

MOSES MICHAEL HAYS -- Book Reminiscences of Newport by George Chaplain Mason. Hays was born in Lisbon, in 1739, came to America via Jamaica, first settled in Newport R. 1. During the Revolutionary War moved to Boston, Massachusetts. He was the first Jew to achieve the highs position in the Masonic Grand Lodge of Massachusetts and he was also the founder of the Bank of Boston.

José Manuel CH-GE


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#237444 | Luís Neves | 26 ago 2009 11:02 | In reply to: #237391

Cara Lecticia:

De facto "de Passos" é apelido de muitas famílias cristãs-novas e judaicas da diáspora e consequentemente também de muitas pessoas que foram perseguidas pelo Santo Ofício. É um apelido de origem toponímica derivado da freguesia de Passos, concelho de Mirandela. A sua adopção por famílias judaicas e cristãs-novas não é de estranhar dada a entrada em Portugal, em fins do século XV, de grande número de judeus espanhois pelas fronteeiras de Miranda e Bragança.

Luís de Campos Teixeira Neves


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#237569 | Lecticia | 27 ago 2009 03:13 | In reply to: #237444

Caro Luís.
Minha bisavó`chamava-se Anna Maria de Paais Lopes, esse " de Passis " é que nunca encontrei
e não sei aonde encontrar.
saudações Lecticia


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RE: Cristãos-novos na colonização de Savannah, USA

#237580 | Luís Neves | 27 ago 2009 12:25 | In reply to: #237569

Cara Lecticia:

A hipótese que eu lhe sugiro é que o apelido "de Passis" seja na realidade o apelido "de Passos" tendo alguém em algum momento confundido e trocado um "o" por um "i".
Já agora, até onde vão os meus conhecimentos, "Lopes" é também apelido de uma bisavó minha, do lado materno, e também de uma sétima avó, esta pelo lado paterno, ambas do distrito de Bragança, a primeira do concelho de Alfândega da Fé e a segunda do concelho de Mirandela.



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