Familia Nery de Lisboa
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Familia Nery de Lisboa
Firstly apologies for writing in English but my Portuguese is not very good.
I am from England but my mother is Portuguese. Her maiden name was Aida Garcia Nery and she was born in Alcantara, Lisboa in 1932. Her mother was Celeste Garcia born in Sao Pedro, Matacaes, Torres Vedras in 1913 and her father was Felipe Nery born in Sao Sebastiao de Pedreira, Lisboa about 1907. He died in Povoa Santa Iria in 1946.
Felipe's father was Felipe Nery da Silva Lopes born about 1880, probably in Lisboa. His mother was Maria Candida Nery. I'm not sure if she was from Lisboa or when she was born. There was also an aunt called Rita da Silva Marques.
How can I find out more about their origins, i.e. birth certificates, marriages certificates or census from this period ?
Also if Felipe's father was called Felipe Nery da Silva Lopes why was he not called Felipe Lopes instead of Felipe Nery ?
Muito obrigado.........Jim.
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
espero que saiba ler português, pois o meu inglês é muito mau, deu para perceber o que escreveu.
Não consigo responder, mas como tenho na minha base de dados um Filpe Nery, e tde Monte Redondo (muito Próximo de Matacães) ou Matacães, Torres Vedras, fui ver, não é a mesma pessoa, mas talvez seja familiar.
do meu Filipe Nery só sei que foi pai de um homem (1868) e uma mulher que casaram e viveram em Campelos, freguesia onde centro aminha pesquisa.
Este Filipe Nery era casado com Maria do Patrocinio.
Poderá tentar procurar os pais do filipe, nos registos on line de S. Sebastião da Pedreira, Lisboa, veja o site: etombo.com, distrito de lisboa, concelho de lisboa, freguesia de S. sebastião da pedreira.
boa sorte
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Good evening.
You have searched in the Tower of Tombo (http://ttonline.dgarq.gov.pt/)? You searched information and documents in register offices and churches?
The use of surnames in latin countries is very different from the Anglo-Saxons...
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Hello Jim
Regarding birth/marriage/death certificates in Portugal, it works like this: if the act happened more than 100 years ago the registers go to the District Archives (although sometimes they are delayed in sending them! I found my father's one for 1905 still in the Register Office.....) and if it relates to acts less than 100 years old they are in the local register office (called Conservatoria do Registo Civil).
There are different types of certificates. If you want an authenticated one as a document for something official it costs a lot more than if you just want a photocopy to have the information for geneology purposes. It is called "fotocopia nao autenticada" and normally costs half a Euro per page (each side, so it might come to 1 Euro) plus post. The official one costs around 15 Euros!
For your grandmother Celeste Garcia you can send an email to the "conservatoria" at: crc.tvedras@dgrn.mj.pt
Tell them the full D.O.B. if you know it, the place of birth and her parents names. Ask also how much it will cost for you to send the payment. They will let you know if they found the register.
With regards to your grandfather Felipe Nery you can do 2 things: some registers are already on-line and you can search yourself at:
or as it is more than 100 years ago, you can try the "Arquivo Distrital de Lisboa" & send an email to: mail@adlsb.dgarq.gov.pt
giving all the details & asking them to look for it. If it is not found it may still be at the conservatoria but let's wait & see.
If you are not sure of his date of birth you need to look for him in several years and because the registers before 1911 are baptism registers, not birth, so it might have happened much after his birth.
For you great grandparents let's see first if your grandparents registers have their place of birth as otherwise it will be very difficult.
In Portugal you can not view the census :(
The question of surnames is a tricky one. In the baptism they only wrote their christan names and the surname was only added later when they went to school or the army or got married and so on. So maybe in your case it just was never added. As you go further back in time you will find stranger things, i.e. maybe the girls take the mother's surname and the boys take the father's, sometimes even the godparents' surname. But do not worry about it!
I hope I did not confuse you too much with all this information.
M. Rosario
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Dear All
Muito obrigado for all your replies. I have now discovered many ancestors from my grandmother's family thanks to the "Etombo" website. Her family were the only ones called Garcia in Matacaes, Torres Vedras so I have managed to go back to 1790. She also told me that women did not have surnames in the 19th century, just religious names so that was interesting.
I still haven't discovered much about my grandfather's family as Lisboa is a much bigger place but I will search for his family soon.
Feliz Ano Novo........Jim.
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Dear Jim
Glad to hear of your successes. Keep it up!
A very Happy New Year to you too.
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Hi, my name is Joana and I think I can help you track your origins.
My godfather last name is Nery, and he lives in Torres Novas, Potugal. His familiy was from Lisbon, but the founded a factory in Torres Novas in 1885, and the city "Matacaes" i belive is in Torres Novas and not Torres Vedras.
I don't recall any of the names that you quote, still i'm asking my godfather so you can find out more.
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RE: Familia Nery de Lisboa
Ola, tenho um registo de Batizo dum Filipe Nery nascido na Fuzeta-Olhão em 1870 filho de pais oncógnitos (fo abandonado junto à porta da casa de uns pescadores que o criaram. Casou com Maria Joaquina Rocha Sena e tiveram pelo menos 2 filhas gêmeas Maria Rocha Nery e Filipa Rocha Nery se isto vos ajudar.
José Rocha
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