senhora misteriosa

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senhora misteriosa

#279152 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 09:24

Can anyone tell me anything about this lady?


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279168 | AQF | 21 giu 2011 13:42 | In reply to: #279152

Cara Menarue,

1) Fazendo uma pesquisa no Google encontrei, entre outros:

Uma homónima ou a mesma pessoa em, que segundo o Geneall tem como fonte:

Arquivo Histórico da Madeira-Índices dos Registos de Casamentos, Arquivo Regional da Madeira, 1ª Edição, Funchal, 2000

2) Fazendo a mesma pesquisa no Google Books encontrei a seguinte fonte:

Arquivo Histórico da Madeira: Volumes 7-8, Funchal (District). Arquivo distrital - 1949 - Vista de excertos

António Teixeira de Mendonça c. no Funchal por 1580 c. D. Cecília de Araújo, filho de António de Araújo, almoxarife da Casa Real. Teve :
6 António de Mendonça e Vasconcelos, que segue.
6 Manuel de Vasconcelos, clérigo. ...

3) Para paroquiais on-line pode ver a minha mensagem em

Cumprimentos e boas pesquisas,

Ângelo da Fonseca


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279169 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 13:47 | In reply to: #279168

Thank you very very much. That particular line of the family as far as this lady was concerned came to an abrupt end, I saw that she was down as Dama do Paco (no accents sorry on this keyboard) and that is all.


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279171 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 13:50 | In reply to: #279169

I have just looked at the lady in the first reference and she is not the one I am looking for, mine is much anterior to her but I have seen that her origin by the surname must be the Island of Madeira.
Thank you again.


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279173 | RCCORREIA | 21 giu 2011 13:58 | In reply to: #279169

Dear Ms Menarue

There is not much information on this lady. (The one mentioned by Angelo was born later)

Felgueiras Gayo said Mr Lourenço Figueira de Azevedo Nobleman of Royal House who lived in Lisbon had a child from a friend Antónia de Oliveira (who he kidnapped from the Royal Palace) or from D.Antónia de Mendonça

The child was Francisco Figueira de Azevedo and he is mentioned at Abreus (§125 N17) and Figueiras (§12 N8) on Gayo's as Geneall also quoted.

I believe they lived in the XVII century.



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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279174 | RCCORREIA | 21 giu 2011 14:01 | In reply to: #279171

That may not be certain.
You may found her surnames in other places in Portugal, at the time she lived.



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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279175 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 14:06 | In reply to: #279173

Francisco Figueira de Azevedo was descended from D Afonso III and the famous Madragana.
We have full information on this ancestor but then there appears D.Antonia, how terrible, a kidnapping? I could see that they didn't seem to be married and this made her even more mysterious and now "costado" was given for her. As the English say "How shocking!"


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279182 | AQF | 21 giu 2011 15:08 | In reply to: #279175

Cara Menarue,

Volto aqui apenas para lhe indicar uma curiosidade, ligada com a nossa conversa dos descendentes de D. Afonso Henriques.

O meu amigo Rui Correia (RCCORREIA), que tem estado a ajudá-la, é um dos muitos cidadãos anónimos que tenho no meu site e que tem filhos de apelido CHICHORRO. Mesmo sem conhecer a genealogia deles por este apelido, tenho quase a certeza que serão descendentes do 1º Chichorro que existiu, o já conhecido Martim Afonso Chichorro (, e como tal descendentes do Afonso III e da célebre Madraganha. Portanto também serão descendentes de D. Afonso Henriques e serão parentes afastados do seu marido.

Mas se a ligação por Chichorro falhasse, sei que também descendem dos mesmos FIGUEIREDOS antigos de que descende o seu marido, portanto serão parentes de qualquer forma.

Portugal é assim. Para onde quer que vire, encontrará parentes em todo o lado !


Ângelo da Fonseca

PS: espero que o Rui não me levea mal a inconfidência


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279184 | AQF | 21 giu 2011 15:28 | In reply to: #279171

Cara Menarue,

Pode ver também o casal Mem Rodrigues de Vasconcelos e Catarina Furtado Mendonça em, que têm filhos Mendonça de Vasconcelos e são mais antigos, mas também viveram no Funchal (Madeira).

A indicação Dama do Paço só por si diz pouco. Há muitos Paços a comecar pelo Paço Real e mesmo este houve vários: Paço Real de Coimbra, Sintra, etc.


Ângelo da Fonseca


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279192 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 16:32 | In reply to: #279182

Caro Angelo,
It is true my husband is from the same "linhagem" we have most of the people on the family tree tagged (even Inez de Castro) but this lady Antonia had us very puzzled, Dama do Paco? well she had to be from somewhere and we noticed that she did not seem to be married to Lourenco.
One of the houses that belonged to the family which (Armamar) seems to be in the throes of restoration at the moment,it has the arms of Figueira de Azevedo among others and this house was lived in by a descendant of Lourenco and Antonia in 1708, but the house might be older. It has been in ruins for years but has a beautiful "brazao" Figueira do Azevedo de S.Joao de Rei, Cardoso e Mendoncas.
This is a very interesting site and despite my English I have had numerous cousins of my husband contact me, almost a family reunion via internet.
I am not interested, as has been said on another thread, for snobbish reasons, for me it is history and fascinating. When a person goes back far enough(and geneall is a great help) the most surprising people seem to appear on the tree. My husband was surprised to find he was on the Sangue de Braganca as well, he hadn't known that before. Of course Madragana gave some very surprising ancestors too!
Everyone has been very patient (because of my writing English) and very helpful and I am very grateful.


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279193 | RCCORREIA | 21 giu 2011 16:35 | In reply to: #279175

Dear Ms

As Angelo said my sons, daughter and now my grandson are also descendants from King Afonso III and Madragana and so relatives to your husband.
I've been searching for 11 years the family roots on my free time.

Gayo mentioned two Antonias and there no evidence they were the same with different surnames or they were really two different persons. By the time if some lady of the Royal House wanted to have a boyfriend our husband first she had to get a "Royal permission" (not much different from the houses where the parents consent must be obbtained).

Sometimes hearts don't understand those things and so if someone didn't get the permission there was a harder way to get it (runaway). So most of the times the "kidnapping" was not forced but an agreement between lovers. And often the family then accepted the relationship. There's plenty of these in family histories.



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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279194 | Menarue | 21 giu 2011 16:49 | In reply to: #279193

Caro Rui,
I came to that conclusion as well. She might have been like the story of Rapunzel and let her hair down for him to climb up!
She seemed to disappear after the birth of her boy, so it might have been that she died during childbirth, unfortunately very common in those days.
I doubt that the two women were the same person, in my husband's family the children ended up all with different names, I imagine as there was more than one morgado to inherit so the boy that was going to get the one more connected to one name was called by that name. In the village where my husband's mother and her brother had a house until about 1970 the family was known as the Mendoncas, even though the more correct name would have been Pinto de Sousa, so we think that it was because the house came down from Lourenco and Antonia so as he didn't have Mendonca as his name but she did, that is more or less the "prova dos 9s".
It is so nice to meet people with the same roots and here on geneall it happens a lot.
Actually Lourenco seems to have got away with what he did very well, when we think back to what D.Joao I did to his friend who married against the King's will.
If you would like to send me a pm I will give you my email.Regards,


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RE: senhora misteriosa

#279200 | MMSA | 21 giu 2011 17:24 | In reply to: #279193

Boa tarde
Eu tenho na minha base de dados uma Catarina de Mendonça Furtado(+ 1648, em Vila do Conde, viúva de Manuel da Maia Vasconcelos, falecido em 1621, em Madrid), filha de Isabel de Mendonça(e de Francisco de Vilalobos), mas nada mais consegui saber sobre a sua ascendência. Os dados que acabei de referir foram obtidos nos registos notariais de Vila do Conde:
Agradeço ajuda que me permita saber mais sobre esta Catarina.


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