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#328993 | FaiscaPrincesa | 11 mag 2013 21:28

Boa noite,

Gostaria de saber qual o melhor software para fazer a minha árvore genealógica.


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RE: Software

#328999 | roz | 11 mag 2013 23:47 | In reply to: #328993


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RE: Software

#329001 | chartri | 12 mag 2013 00:11 | In reply to: #328993

Cada um dir-lhe-à que aquele que usa é o melhor. Cada empresa de software indica que o seu é o melhor chegando mesmo a publicar analises em diversas revistas e páginas na internet mostrando que o seu é o melhor.

Eu escolhi o que uso fazendo ensaios e tendo como meta os objetivos que pretendia atingir, nomeadamente publicando facilmente na internet os meus dados. Assim uso o The Master Genealogy publicado pela Wholly Genes ( e comprei um outro, o Second Site ( que me permite fazer páginas web (como muito facilmente, ou produzir CDs para distribuir pela família.

Se for ver: reparará que o melhor é mesmo o The Master Genealogy só perdendo pois é considerado complicado (coisa que não é verdade) e não tem boa documentação (não é verdade pois tem um forum onde tudo é explicado)

Claro que outros dirão que o deles é bem melhor, mas todos são muito semelhantes.
Enfim aqui tem a minha opinião, lembrando que na grande maioria dos casos pode descarregar o software, e utiliza-lo sem pagar durante 30 dias..
Ricardo Charters d'Azevedo


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The Master Genealogist muito bom para quem saiba inglês

#329002 | chartri | 12 mag 2013 00:19 | In reply to: #328993


The Master Genealogist genealogy software is designed for only the most serious genealogists who approach family history with discipline and highly technical skills. This is not a family friendly program. Heirloom projects give way to statistical reports. There are higher ranked programs that are powerful, easy to use and more inviting.

The Master Genealogist is a career genealogist’s tool offering more built-in functions and links to online sources than other genealogy software. The layout is intuitive and there are plenty of useful icons, but be prepared to learn the technical language of genealogy and be thoroughly comfortable with manipulating multiple databases. If you’re tackling family history with the discipline of a statistician, The Master Genealogist is your genealogy software.

The Master Genealogist genealogy software is designed to manage volumes of research data, photos, and sources. As you enter family members, you can assign facts or events to each. You’ll find over 100 Source Types to choose and edit.

Once you have entered the information you have, the real work begins. Look under Web, Other Sites and The Master Genealogist genealogy software links to nine research sites.

Over time, add your own to this list. The Master Genealogist genealogy software does not have an integrated database like some of the other genealogy software.

Customize searches within your tree by using a variety of filters. Picklist is the quick search method for finding a specified person and Project Explorer will perform more complex searches for groups of people.

See your ancestors in the context of history. The Master Genealogist genealogy software includes a grab bag of historical events contributed by users. Overlay Cheyenne History, Composers from Mediaeval to Modern and World-Wide Epidemics. You can edit any of the timelines and add your own. It can be really fascinating to see your family’s important events right alongside the world’s.

This is a complex program, which relies on outdated design. Simple modifications like using conversational labels and language, and providing preview narratives in source code edits rather than the computer coding, would make The Master Genealogist much easier to use without sacrificing its power.

The Master Genealogist genealogy software has one of the most extensive report menus available. Experts will be happy to see Ahnentafel charts, Kinship Reports, Fan Charts and all of the standard reports and charts. The Book Manager will generate a compilation of specific reports. Output options include printer, or save to disk. Along with the ability to cut and paste items. This program also supports TXT, PDF, RTF and others.

One pretty cool bonus feature in this genealogy software was a comparison tool. You can run a statistical report to compare any group within your family to another group, males versus females or one family to another. You’ll see average age at first marriage, first and last child, and death. It’s fascinating to see how things change over time. You can also track peopls that have played a role in your life, such as groomsmen from your wedding or the minister who performed your service.

The Master Genealogist genealogy software includes an extensive help section searchable by topic and word. It is as technical as the program. You’ll also find Tips and Hints, a link to an online guided tour and FAQs. Technical support is available online through email or telephone.


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