Castanho - Titulo?

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Castanho - Titulo?

#17266 | RootsGirl | 15 feb 2002 18:39

Bom dia,
Does anyone know something about this?

CASTANHO (in Madeira)
Procedem de André Castanho e Pedro Castanho, Fidalgo este da Madeira (Andrade Leitão, titulo de Escobares) com descendentes na Ponta do Sol.

Does anyone have this book?
Dicionário das Famílias Portuguesas
D. Luiz de Lancastre e Távora

On pages 133-134 it says:

Trata-se de uma família da nobreza asturiana, da qual um ramo passou a Portugal na primeira metade de séc. XVI, vindo a fixar-se em Abrantes.

De prata, um castanho arrancado de verde e acompanhado à sinistra por um lobo passante de negro sainte, com um ramo de castanheiro na mão direita.

Muito obrigado / obrigada,


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17267 | Avintes | 15 feb 2002 18:50 | In reply to: #17266

Hello Anne,

What would you like to know?


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17268 | RootsGirl | 15 feb 2002 18:57 | In reply to: #17267

Hello Avintes,
Thank you for your reply.
I would like to know more about the Castanho family (mostly in Madeira) and especially the ones referred to in these books.
Also, is there a picture of the "armas" (coat-of-arms?
Thank you


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17347 | bbarahona | 18 feb 2002 10:39 | In reply to: #17268

Hello Anne,

No, there isn't any picture of the coat of arms and Castanho doesn't seem to be a title (título).


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17348 | JTaval | 18 feb 2002 10:44 | In reply to: #17266

In Alentejo, the Castanho family is a well-known family of new-christians (Jews). Teyh go back to Moshe and Judá Castanho, circa 1450, and they seem to be related to Moshe Ben Maimonides.
The big majority was persecuted by the Inquisition.

Best regards,


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17364 | FSA | 18 feb 2002 19:19 | In reply to: #17266

Exma. RootsGirl,
Tenho conhecimento de uns elementos da família Moreno no Sardoal, 11Km de Abrantes: São eles Ana Ferreira Morena legitimada por seu Pai, o Padre Manuel Ferreira Moreno, Capelão da Sé de Lisboa com testamento aberto em 1642. Este Padre Manuel Ferreira Moreno, era filho de Frei Francisco Moreno, sepultados na Igreja matriz de Sardoal. No seu testamento, deixa a sua filha Ana Morena bens avultados e deixa a sua vonade explícita dos descendentes desta virem a ser Familiares do Santo Ofício. Ana Ferreira Moreno casou com Álvaro Dias Chorro da Vila do Sardoal, Cavaleiro da Casa Real, com geração até hoje.
Espero ter contribuido com algumas raízes.
Com os meus cumprimentos,
Fernando Serrão


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17395 | RootsGirl | 19 feb 2002 16:56 | In reply to: #17364

Thank you very much for all your answers.

Fernando, I don't know the family you are talking about.



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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17398 | JTaval | 19 feb 2002 19:09 | In reply to: #17347

Dear Bbarahona and Anne,

Yes there is a coat of arms of the family Castanho. You may find it at the site

Best regards,


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RE: Castanho - Titulo?

#17448 | Avintes | 20 feb 2002 13:53 | In reply to: #17395


Have a look at

it's a page from the "Armorial Lusitano" which has been put on-line and from which comes the second extract of your initial message.


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