Manuel Gaie

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Manuel Gaie

#425577 | nr29239 | 12 lug 2020 22:03

I'm looking for information about Manuel Gaie and Maria Reise. In 1845 they got a son named Johann. He's born in Lisbon in 1845. Are there archives available of that time?


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Manuel Gaie

#425583 | Jorge Resende | 13 lug 2020 00:12 | In reply to: #425577

Johann born in Lisbon in which parish???


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Manuel Gaie

#436469 | nr29239 | 21 set 2021 19:49 | In reply to: #425577

Ik weet niet in welke parochie Johann geboren is, alleen dat het in Lissabon was. Misschien kan iemand voor mij zoeken in de archieven in Portugal naar het huwelijk van Manuel Gaie en Maria Reise?


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