Looking for couple Jose Ferreira da Costa and Lusia Simoes Pedrosa ~1800 in Simeiro, Penacova, Coimb
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Looking for couple Jose Ferreira da Costa and Lusia Simoes Pedrosa ~1800 in Simeiro, Penacova, Coimb
Hi all,
Sorry for writing in English, but my Portuguese is pretty poor. Feel free to respond in Portuguese.
I am looking for the ancestors of Antonio Ferreira da Costa who gets married in 1823 in Atouguia da Baleia, Leiria (book not scanned, got a reproduction directly from ADLRA). He is said to be the son of Jose Ferreira da Costa and Luisa Simoes Pedrosa, all from Simeiro in Nossa Senhora da Assumpcao, Penacova, Coimbra. He dies in 1879 (see PT-ADLRA-PRQ-PPNI02-003-0025_0019.tif in https://digitarq.adlra.arquivos.pt/viewer?id=1088157) and is said to be 79 years old (ie born ~1800). The origin of Simeiro, Penacova is very consistent in pretty much every single entry relating to Antonio.
When browsing the books for Penacova around 1800 I cannot find any trace of this couple. Additionally, the only location I can find which approximately matches the name is "Ribella Simeiro", but there are very few entries from this place in the Penacova church books.
1) Has anyone researching Penacova families by some crazy coincidence stumbled onto the above mentioned couple in or around Penacova?
2) Is it reasonable to assume that the "Simeiro" is identical with "Ribella Simeiro", or could it be another location potentially in a nearby parish? (Seems unlikely, since the parish is explicitly stated in multiple records.)
Best regards,
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Looking for couple Jose Ferreira da Costa and Lusia Simoes Pedrosa ~1800 in Simeiro, Penacova, Coimb
Ribeira Cimeira, é um lugar da freguesia e concelho de Góis.
Não fica no concelho de Penacova, mas é próximo.
Boa sorte
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Looking for couple Jose Ferreira da Costa and Lusia Simoes Pedrosa ~1800 in Simeiro, Penacova, Coimb
Boa noite
Numa pesquisa que fiz em Vila Nova de Poiares Coimbra deparei- me varias vezes com uma família Pedrosa. Pênso que a família que procura tem aqui origem
fui certificar-me
encontrei dois registos de filhos de José Ferreira da Costa e Luísa simões Pedrosa
https://pesquisa.auc.uc.pt/viewer?id=43854&FileID=389046 tif 37 Miguel
https://pesquisa.auc.uc.pt/viewer?id=43854&FileID=389046 tif 214 Francisco
Não procurei mais pois os livros são bem difíceis de pesquisar
se ler com atenção os padrinhos de Francisco sao de Penacova
Espero ter ajudado e que esta família seja a que procura, pode ter a certeza com o nome dos avós
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Looking for couple Jose Ferreira da Costa and Lusia Simoes Pedrosa ~1800 in Simeiro, Penacova, Coimb
Thank you both for taking the time to respond to my question, and thank you very much for this excellent find in Vila Nova de Poiares! It definitely looks like this is the couple I am looking for, and I will dig deeper into them now that I have the right location.
I would have never found this clue on my own without going through all the church books in Coimbra. :-) I am truly grateful for your help.
Best regards,
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