Eleições nos USA
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Eleições nos USA
Caros internautas
Alguem conhece a genealogia de Teresa Heinz Kerry, dona do ketchup Heinz e mulher do candidato a candidato a presidente dos Estados Unidos John Kerry? Segundo li o seu nome de solteira é Maria Teresa Thierstein Simões Ferreira e nasceu em Moçambique ha 65 anos. O pai seria um médico português. Não a encontro na base de dados do GP.
J. Ary
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caro Confrade,
Tirado de uma página internet:
Maria Teresa Thierstein Simoes Ferreira Heinz Kerry, nasceu em 1939 em Moçambique, filha do Dr. José Simões Ferreira e de D. Irena Thierstein.
Com os melhores cumprimentos
Tiago Faro Pedroso
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caro Tiago Faro Pedroso
Em que localidade de Moçambique teria nascido?
Simpels curiosidade porque na Beira existia um Dr. Dias Ferreira.
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caro Vasco Briteiros,
Não faço ideia, também gostaria de saber um pouco mais destes Simões Ferreira.
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Meu caro Vasco:
Segundo o "Time Magazine" nasceu em Lourenço Marques.
Um abraço,
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Meus caros,
Teresa Heinz está aqui: http://www.geneall.net/P/per_page.php?id=241310
Hugo Sousa Tavares
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caros Confrades:
Na web encontrei mais o seguinte:
"At 84, Irene Simoes-Ferreira of Porto, Portugal.(Obituary)
The Boston Herald; 11/29/1997
Irene (Thierstein) Simoes-Ferreira of Porto, Portugal, died yesterday at the home of her daughter, Teresa Heinz, in Fox Chapel, Pa. She was 84.
Born in the former Lourenco Marques (now Maputo), Mozambique, Mrs. Simoes-Ferreira was a homemaker.
She emigrated to the United States with her family in 1976 after the Mozambique Liberation Front assumed power in her native land."
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caros confrades,
Interessante também a ascendência do senador John Kerry que liga, ainda que remotamente, aos condes de Erroll e Douglas.
Hugo Sousa Tavares
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caros Amigos
Por acaso hoje ao fim da tarde com um grupo de amigos havia um deles que a conhecia bem, tendo até tido um namorico com ela quando era mais novo.
Caso queiram alguns elementos posso pedir-lhe.
Um abraço
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caros Confrades,
O pai de Teresa Heinz era o Dr. José Simões Ferreira, natural de Albergaria-a-Velha e casado com D. Irene Thierstein.
Possuo a sua ascendência. O lado paterno é totalmente de Albergaria-a-Velha.
Com cumprimentos.
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Se o seu amigo tiver e/mail, que entre em contacto comigo.
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RE: Eleições nos USA
Caro Senhor
Infelizmente não tem, ou seja não mexe em informática é de outra geração.
Caso lhe possa transmitir algum pedido deixe em:
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A última das gaffes Bush
Caros Confrades
Já que se fala de eleições nos EUA...
Há apenas alguns dias atrás George Bush mostrou-se preocupado com o futuro do seu país, chegando a alertar para o "perigo de uma vitória dos Democratas"... será que não há quem o avise do perigo da sua manutenção na presidência dos EUA????!!!...
Mal por mal, troquemos aquele descendente do nosso Dom Afonso I Henriques pela portuguesa Teresa Heinz Kerry...
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RE: A última das gaffes Bush
Mais a mais, Kerry é Forbes, e dos de Newe, pelos quais tenho um certo e especial carinho!...
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RE: Eleições nos USA
if Kerry wins the presidency of the usa, they will be the first Jewish couple to be in the White House. Kerry is of mixed Jewish - Irish background (he is a practicing Jew) and Teresa's mother is Jewish. They are not Orthodox Jews but yes "New Age" Jews.
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dream candidate for the old world?
Caro MSPA Graça,
Devemos deduzir que o John Forbes Kerry aparenta com os numerosos Forbes que aparecem na base de dados GP, dos quais alguns sào portugueses?
Vejo no Economist o artigo seguinte que deixa entender que os vinculos genealogicos com a velha Europa nào sào poucos no casal Kerry.
Brice Lalonde (n. 1946) secretario de Estado do Ambiente (1988-1990) e ministro do ambiente (1990-1992), candidato ecologista à presidencia da Republica Francesa, é seu primo (as màes eram irmàs).
Mais um Forbes neste caso.
the dream candidate for the old world
Europe's candidate for president
Mar 4th 2004
From The Economist print edition
Why Europeans are rooting for John Kerry
AS JOHN KERRY girds himself for the presidential fight, he is being cheered on from over the water. A picture of the junior senator from Massachusetts recently adorned the cover of Le Nouvel Observateur, a left-wing French magazine, under the title “The man who can beat Bush”. Since, according to a recent poll, only 6% of Europeans strongly approve of George Bush's handling of foreign policy, that is recommendation enough.
But Mr Kerry also has family ties that make him so beguiling to Europeans. His grandfather, it transpires, came from a tiny Czech village. His first cousin, Brice Lalonde, served as environment minister in a French Socialist government in 1988-92. Mr Lalonde told the French press that he recently saw his cousin, and talked fondly of shared childhood holidays in Brittany. He commented in Libération that “our mothers were sisters. But I don't want to damage him, because you know that at the moment it is better not to appear too French in the United States.”
The flattering effect that this has on Europeans should not be underestimated. It grates deeply that Mr Bush appears neither to know nor to care much about the old continent. By contrast Mr Kerry, who went to a Swiss boarding-school while his father was a diplomat in Berlin, is seen as a throwback to a more sophisticated, Europhile era in which the American elite naturally looked across the Atlantic. As Stern rhapsodised to its readers, “Bush quotes the Bible, Kerry Pablo Neruda. Bush likes local novels, Kerry loves Shakespeare. While Bush doesn't read the newspaper and is proud of it, Kerry reads Le Monde.” As well as wrapping up the French, German and Swiss votes, Mr Kerry would also run strongly in Portugal, courtesy of his wife, who was born in the Portuguese colony of Mozambique.
Naturally there is also a political element to the Europeans' Kerryphilia. The standard phrase among those who rail against American foreign policy these days is “I'm not anti-American, I'm anti-Bush.” This division between the American people and their elected leader is a little too convenient. But it is true that Republican presidents tend to emphasise the aspects of American life that are most alien to the European elite: religion, guns, militarism, and hostility to the welfare state and the green lobby. By contrast, Mr Kerry is sound on two hot-button issues dear to Europeans: the Kyoto treaty on climate change, and the death penalty. And while Mr Kerry may have voted for war with Iraq, most Europeans assume that he would have been less gung-ho about rushing ahead without a broader international coalition. All this means, in the words of Thomas Klau, a columnist for FT Deutschland, that Mr Kerry is “the dream candidate for the old world”.
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