Família Drumond

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Família Drumond

#73612 | mdrumond | 22 set 2004 11:59

É possivel saber como é composta a arvore geneológica da(s) famílias Drumond em Portugal?


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RE: Família Drumond

#74792 | jacavlis | 11 ott 2004 17:40 | In reply to: #73612

caro amigo:

Tenho dados sobre--mario de sousa drummond borges, filho de nicolau francisco borges e de adelaide de sousa drummond. nascido em ponta do sol-ilha da madeira, com descendencia em portugal e familiares na ilha da madeira.
se esta informaçao lhe for util diga, pois ha muito mais a dizer.


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RE: Família Drumond

#118722 | mdrumond | 16 mag 2006 22:12 | In reply to: #74792

a informação é útil

Se possivel mande mais dados



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RE: Família Drumond

#119520 | MiguelDrummond | 29 mag 2006 00:29 | In reply to: #118722

Gostaria de saber quais as suas origens na familia Drummond.
Disponho de algumas arvores geneologicas familiares Drummond da Madeira e da Ilha Terceira dos Açores.

Quais as suas origens?

Um abraço.
L. Miguel M. M. Drummond


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RE: Família Drumond

#119539 | mdrumond | 29 mag 2006 11:29 | In reply to: #119520

A origem é Madeira (Porto Santo)

Se tiver algo agradecia que mandasse para mdrumond@sapo.pt

estou a fazer a árvore, mas por vezes é difícil arranjar elementos.

Um abraço.
Miguel Drumond


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RE: Família Drumond

#119555 | LGR | 29 mag 2006 13:49 | In reply to: #74792


Essa familia que se refere é alguma coisa ao Nicolau Drumond Borges?

Luis Nuno Gonzaga Ribeiro


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RE: Família Drumond

#119640 | Conde | 30 mag 2006 14:11 | In reply to: #119520

Gostaria de saber se tem a ascendência Drumond da família Simões de Almeida que consta neste site.
Obrigado e cumprimentos.


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RE: Família Drumond

#119714 | jacavlis | 31 mag 2006 10:17 | In reply to: #119555

Caros Confrades interessados.

Eng. Nicolau Drumond BORGES, COM ASCENDENCIA E DESCENDENCIA NA Madeira.Eng. Mario de Sousa Drumond Borges com Ascendescia na Madeira e descendencia em Portugal (Continente). Hotel Savoy (Funchal) Fundadores no Ramo Familiar dos anteriores.Parte da desc. de Mario (ver Livro dos Amarais Osórios-cap. 15).

Ao dispor para mais algum esclarecimento.
Cumprimentos. João A.C.Silva


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RE: Família Drumond

#119857 | MiguelDrummond | 01 giu 2006 20:44 | In reply to: #119714

Alguem dispõe de informações relativamente aos Drummond's da Ilha Terceira?
Nomeadamente os primeiros Filhos do primeiro Almoxarife Francisco Ferreira Drummond.

Sei que teve o seu primeiro filho com o mesmo nome e que lhe seguio com a mesma profissão, sendo o segundo almoxarife.

A minha questão é:
Que irmãos teve ele? Sei que houve um segundo casamento com Dª Maria de Lemos. Se alguem tiver ou dispor de alguma informação agradeço.

L. Miguel M. M. Drummond


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RE: Família Drumond

#122249 | MiguelDrummond | 05 lug 2006 23:26 | In reply to: #119640

A informação que disponho é um pouco vasta, se tiver a possibilidade de me conduzir a um link ou pagina da mesma familia que fala em questão talvez me consiga conduzir e orientar de melhor modo.

Por coriosidade, quais as suas origens?


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RE: Família Drumond

#122562 | artembal | 11 lug 2006 21:50 | In reply to: #122249

Sobre os Drummond posso dizer que a minha avó foi a última a usar o apelido Drummond. Se verificar em Maria do MonteDrummond Teles de Menezes Agrela e Câmara podee seguir a linha Drummond até Manuel Ferreira Drummond - 1585
Antes disso não posso ajudar


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RE: Família Drumond

#122604 | 7estrelas | 12 lug 2006 13:48 | In reply to: #122562

Caro(a) Artembal,

Sou neta de Maria do Monte, filha do José.
Possuo a genealogia digitalizada de nosso trisavô, João Agostinho Pereira de Agrela e Câmara, se estiver interessado(a) entre em contacto comigo, é o mesmo número de telefone, na mesma casa de sempre, embora não veja os meus primos(as) a algum tempo, conhecemo-nos de certeza, netos da Maria do Monte:

Maria Antónia - (Luiz)
Luis Filipe - (Luiz)
José - (Luiz)
Maria Helena - (Leonel)
Maria da conceição - (José, 1º casamento)
Maria Teresa - (José, 1º casamento)
Maria Luiza - (José, 1º casamento)
José Inácio - (José, 1º casamento)
José Manuel - (José, 2º casamento)
Maria do Monte - (José, 2º casamento)

Maria do Monte Cassola e Agrela da Câmara de Aguiar


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RE: Família Drumond

#122632 | artembal | 12 lug 2006 23:13 | In reply to: #122604

Querida Montinha
Sou o teu tio José Manuel, filho do Luiz.
Manda-me o teu mail. Ainda vives na Av. da República?
Um beijo


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RE: Família Drumond

#122649 | 7estrelas | 13 lug 2006 08:18 | In reply to: #122632

Querido Zé,

enviei ontem um mail, pesquisei no fórum e vi o teu email em famílias de Portalegre, não sabia que eras tu, enviei o meu número de telefone e telemóvel.
Vivo ainda na mesma casa com a mãe.
Somos vários a pesquisar, incluindo alguns dos meus sobrinhos.

meus emails:




Tenho vários elementos para vos dar que tenho pesquisado, o Manuel Ferreira Drummond está em duplicado (enviei sem querer duas vezes), está a ascendência na Base de Dados, não aparece nos nossos costados por este facto, já enviei a correcção, quando fôr possível ao GENEA.
A algum tempo ofereceram-me a genealogia de nosso trisavô digitalizada, são 4130 imagens, vou fazer uma cópia para ti. Tenho outros vários elementos para te dar.

Abraços e beijinhos


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RE: Família Drumond

#122650 | 7estrelas | 13 lug 2006 08:22 | In reply to: #122649

a ascendência de Manuel Ferreira Drummond (nos Bragas)




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RE: Família Drumond

#122654 | dvl | 13 lug 2006 10:11 | In reply to: #73612

Caro M Drumond,

Para a família Drummond pode consultar:

"CLODE, Engº Luiz Peter. Registo Genealógico de Famílias que Passaram à Madeira. Edição da Tip. Comercial, Funchal, 1950"

"CLODE, Engº Luiz Peter. Genealogia da Família Drummond - in portuguese and english, Funchal, 1979.

Ainda pode consultar na Biblioteca Nacional, nos Reservados, as árvores de costados de Henrique Henriques de Noronha.


Duarte Vilardebó Loureiro


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RE: Família Drumond

#123785 | MiguelDrummond | 28 lug 2006 17:24 | In reply to: #122650

Olá Montinha.

Tenho alguns dados desse ramo da arvore Geneologica tanto ascendente como descendente.

Segundo consta, Manuel Ferreira Drummond, filho do Cavaleiro d'a Casa d'El Rei Marcos de Braga Ferreira, casado com Izabel Gomes, teve mais dois irmãos.
Um chamado Roque Ferreira Drummond e uma irmã de nome Maria Drummond que morreu ainda solteira.

Manuel Ferreira Drummond casou por duas vezes;

- 1ª vez com Maria de Vasconcelos que fazia parte da primeira Nobreza daquela Ilha, em que teve um filho de nome;
João Drummond de Vasconcelos casou 2 vezes 1ªDªCatharina Moraes(teve 3 filhos) e a 2ªDªMaria Moniz(teve 3 filhos).

- 2ª vez com Maria Gregoria.
Teve dois filhos;
- Manuel Ferreira Drummond 1ºC.C. DªLeonor de Souto 2ºC.C. DªMecia de Vasconcelos. (Tiveram no total de 6 filhos pelos meus registos.)
- Thomé Ferreira Drummond C.C. Dª Maria Gramaxo

A arvore estende-se até Raphael Drummond de Vasconcellos casado com Dª Luzia Manuel que tiveram do meu conhecimento e registos 8 filhos. Não tenho mais qualquer registo, no entanto seria de algum interesse partilhar qualquer informação util, do mesmo modo gostaria de saber quais as suas ligações familiares com a mesma.


Luis Miguel Da Motta Machado Drummond


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Pedido de ajuda

#126283 | RCCORREIA | 29 ago 2006 00:20 | In reply to: #122604

Cara Maria do Monte

Tomo a liberdade de a contactar desta forma por ter visto num seu post a oferecer os seus préstimos para ajudar quem precisasse. Aproveito também para me colocar ao seu dispôr.

A minha questão é simplesmente saber se possui nas seus dados s/ Freitas de S. Pedro do Funchal algo sobre Maria Helena do Nascimento (n. freg. S. Pedro) filha de Manuel Rodrigues de Freitas (n. S. Martinho) e Clara Maria (n. S. Jorge). Casou em 16.11.1817 na Colegiada de S. Pedro com João Pedro Correa (n. S. Pedro) tendo depois passado ao continente após a guerra. João Pedro Correa foi militar nas tropas de D. Pedro tendo falecido já viúvo em Portimão. Este casal eram os meus tetravós paternos. Tenho as certidões de casamento deste casal estando a aguardar as dos pais.

Rui Correia


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RE: Pedido de ajuda

#126349 | 7estrelas | 29 ago 2006 18:18 | In reply to: #126283

Caro Rui Correia,

Estou de férias, não tenho os elementos comigo, vou procurar quando regressar a Lisboa.

Possuo vários elementos de gerações mais recuadas.
Em gerações recuadas tenho Correias.

Da parte paterna a minha família é da Madeira, os elementos que tiver estão ao seu dispôr. O meu pai ainda nasceu em S.Pedro-Funchal, o meu avô era militar e veio para o continente com a família.

Maria do Monte


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RE: Pedido de ajuda

#126354 | RCCORREIA | 29 ago 2006 18:41 | In reply to: #126349

Cara Maria

Agradeço desde já a sua amabilidade e desejo-lhe um bom resto de férias.

A minha família paterna também é da Madeira e também eram militares. Na linha Correia estou num impasse pois o meu fim de linha é dito (na certidão de casamento) filho de pais incógnitos, nascido na Magdalena, baptizado nas Canhas, e casa em Câmara de Lobos (terra de Correias, por certo) Nas notas duma familiar sobre a família dizia títulos possuidos Corrêa na Madeira, Sam Payo e Telles - estes em Ourém, o que ainda não consegui apurar. Seria um filho bastardo, ilegítimo, filho dum religioso? Será que a certidão de baptismo nos dará pistas? Por exemplo as testemunhas... Terei que a pedir ao Arquivo da Madeira, o que ainda vou fazer esta semana.



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RE: Família Drumond

#126568 | 7estrelas | 30 ago 2006 21:24 | In reply to: #123785

Caro Miguel Drummond,

Só hoje li a sua msg.

Descendemos de Rafael Drummond:


O meu pai:


Sou a filha mais nova, segundo casamento.

Um primo deu-me vários elementos sobre os Drummond, incluindo alguns elementos de Elisabeth Sinclair casada com John Drummond, pais de John Drummond que veio para a Ilha da Madeira, filha de Henry Sinclair e Egidia Douglas.
Descendemos de quase todos os filhos de John Drummond.

Na genealogia pesquisada por meu trisavô vem vários elementos dos Drummond.

Nos elementos genealógicos que as gerações posteriores acrescentaram tenho os filhos de Rafael Drummond.
Se tiver interesse posso colocar aqui no fórum os diversos elementos.
Ainda não enviei os filhos dos diversos casais que já estão na base de dados do genea.

se estiver interessado dou-lhe uma cópia do cd com os tomos da genealogia do meu trisavô, são 4130 imagens.

Além dos emails que coloquei costumo usar para troca de elementos genealógicos:




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RE: Família Drumond

#126569 | 7estrelas | 30 ago 2006 21:25 | In reply to: #126568


meu pai:



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RE: Pedido de ajuda

#126570 | 7estrelas | 30 ago 2006 21:27 | In reply to: #126354

Caro Rui,

No que puder ajudar estou ao dispôr.



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RE: Família Drumond

#150898 | 7estrelas | 01 apr 2007 17:28 | In reply to: #119857


Entrei em contacto com o Clan Sinclair, pedi ajuda para os nosso elementos da parte de Elisabeth Sinclair, mãe de John Drummond, que veio para a Ilha da Madeira.

Vão oferecer-me um livro sobre Henry Sinclair, quando sair essa publicação.

Alguma da informação que enviaram e quero partilhar convosco.

... Your ancestor Henry Sinclair who married Egidia Douglas was the son of Prince Henry Sinclair and his wife Janet Halyburton, Prince Henry Sinclair was Earl of Rosslyn, six miles south of Edinburg, Scotland. He held this land for the king of Scotland. He was also Jarl (Earl) of the Orkney Islands off the northeast coast of Scotland. He held the Orkney Islands for the king of Norway. Prince Henry's mother was descended from two kings of Norway. Prince Henry visited North America from 1398 A.D. to 1399 A.D. This voyage was 94 years before Christopher Columbus. Enclosed is information about Prince Henry Sinclair and his historic voyage.
I hope this information will be of interest to you. If you have any questions about Prince Henry Sinclair and/or his voyage, I will be glad to answer them.
Susan M. Sinclair Green Grady
Alexandria, Virginia U.S.A.

The Scottish Discovery of America
Ancient ‘footprints’ can be found in North America. These sparse bits of evidence provide justification for believing that Prince Henry Sinclair came to North America ninety-four years before Christopher Columbus sailed across the ocean! These are real things; you can see them and touch them. Then you can see with your own eyes how significant Prince Henry Sinclair was in the pageant of our history.
Prince Henry Sinclair was born in Scotland in 1345. He was Jarl (earl) of the Orkney Islands off the northeast coast of Scotland. He held these islands as a fief from the king of Norway. The mother of Prince Henry Sinclair was descended from two kings of Norway. Prince Henry was also Lord of Rosslyn, six miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland. From 1398 A.D. to 1399 A.D. Prince Henry sailed to North America. In
1400 A.D. the English launched a surprise attack on the city of Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands and the English soldiers killed Prince Henry Sinclair. He wanted to make a second voyage to North America in order to set up a colony there.
The family of Prince Henry Sinclair is descended from the Norwegian Viking Hrolf Ganger (Rolf the Walker) or Rollo. In French it is Rollon. He received this name because he was too tall to ride his horse, so he walked. The son of the Norwegian noble Jarl (Earl) Rognvald of Alesund (He served King Harald Farquar (Fairhair) of Norway.), Rollo kept raiding northern France. In order to make peace with this marauding Viking, Charles III, Charles the Simple, King of France, signed a treaty with Rollo in the village of St. Clair-sur-Epte (thirty miles southeast of Rouen, France) in 911 A.D. In return for Rollo’s being baptized a Christian and keeping new Vikings from raiding northern France, King Charles gave Rollo much land in northern France. This became the French province of Normandy (Northman’s land or Norseman’s land.) Rollo married Popa, the daughter of Count Béreanger of Bayeux, France. Their descendants were William the Conqueror and the Sinclairs. Rollo the Viking is buried in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Rouen, France.
At the Battle of Bannockburn, Scotland, on June 23, 1314, King Robert the Bruce and his Scots army defeated King Edward II of England and his army, thus winning for Scotland its independence from England. Sir Henry Sinclair, the great-grandfather of Prince Henry Sinclair and his son William Sinclair, (the grandfather of Prince Henry Sinclair), joined this battle toward the end with a number of knights who carried shields and banners with no designs on them. They were Knights Templar whose military-religious order had been disbanded by King Philip IV (Philip the Fair) in France in 1307 A.D., but who had fled to Scotland in order to avoid persecution. Their shields and banners had no designs on them so that no one would know who they were. The English soldiers knew who they were and fled the battle because the Knights Templar were such fierce warriors.
Zeno Narrative
A primary document of Henry Sinclair’s voyage to North America is the “Zeno Narrative.” From 1390 A.D. to 1404 A.D., Niccolo and Antonio Zeno of Venice, Italy kept a log of their travels with Prince Henry Sinclair. Their records lay forgotten until a great-great-great grandson discovered them in the family archives and published them in Latin in 1558. In 1398 A.D. Prince Henry Sinclair sailed in ten ships with 300 men and his Italian navigator, Sir Antonio Zeno, from the Orkney Islands to Iceland, then to Greenland and six days from Greenland to Newfoundland, Canada. The Indians in Newfoundland were unfriendly. They shot at Prince Henry’s men, wounding and killing some of them when Prince Henry stopped to take on fresh water. Therefore, Prince Henry left Newfoundland and continued on to Nova Scotia Province, Canada. A portion of the Zeno Narrative is as follows:
“We brought our barks and our boats to land, and on entering an excellent harbor,
we saw in the distance a great hill that poured forth smoke, which gave us hope that we should find some inhabitants. Neither would Sinclair rest, though it was a great way off, without sending 100 soldiers to explore the country, and bring us an account of what sort of people the inhabitants were.”
This land was Nova Scotia Province, Canada. Historians know this because that is the only place on the coast of North America having the open pitch deposits described in the Zeno Narrative. The deposits can be found at Pictou and Stellarton, where native Micmac Indians lived in caves. The year in which Sinclair explored America was determined by the tradition of naming discoveries from the religious calendar. Sinclair dubbed their anchorage “Trin Harbor.” Trin stands for Trinity. In Zeno’s words, the fleet arrived when “the month of June came in.” The only year between 1395 A.D. and 1402 A.D., the time frame of the voyage, when Trinity Sunday fell in early June was 1398 A.D.
Zeno Map of the North
The Zeno Narrative tells of a careful survey of Greenland conducted by Niccolo Zeno in 1393 A.D. for Prince Henry Sinclair. This Zeno Map of the North proved to be the most accurate map in existence from the next 150 years. It is believed that Christopher Columbus had this map with him when he sailed to the Western Hemisphere in 1492 A.D. Prince Henry Sinclair’s grandson met Christopher Columbus on the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean and told him about his grandfather’s voyage. Columbus’ wife was born on Madeira. Her father was a ship captain and an explorer.
Not only did the Zeno map chart the sea with uncanny precision, it also showed certain landmarks. For example, it illustrated two cities in Estotilanda (Nova Scotia) possibly founded by Sinclair, at Louisburg Harbor and St. Peter’s. There is speculation that Zeno based his map upon a much older chart, drawn by Knights Templar in the Middle East, and carried in secrecy by them for safekeeping to Rosslyn Castle (Sinclair’s ancestral home, six miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland) at the time the Knights Templar (a military-religious order founded by eight French knights in the Middle East in 1118 A.D. whose job was to protect the roads traveled there by the pilgrims and one of whose founders, Hughes de Payens, was married to Catherine de St., Clair) was suppressed by King Philip IV (Philip the Fair of France on Friday October 13, 1307 A.D. King Philip did this for three reasons. The Knights Templar were wealthy and the king wanted their money and property. Also the king had borrowed money from the Knights Templar and he did not want to pay it back. The third reason was that the Knights Templar were politically powerful. They did not owe allegiance to any kings; they only owed allegiance to the Pope in Rome. King Philip felt they were a threat to his political power. Descendants of some of these Knights Templar sailed with Prince Henry Sinclair to North America in 1398 A.D. Some of the Knights Templar who fled from France to Scotland in order to escape being persecuted by King Philip settled at the village of Ballantrodoch (Now it is called Temple) near Rosslyn.
Castle at the Cross
In the backyard of the home of Glenn Pennoyer in the village of New Ross, 17 miles north of Chester, Nova Scotia Province, Canada, there is an area called The Castle at the Cross. Only ruins remain today of an ancient structure. Researchers believe it was built by 14th Century Norsemen and Scots, based on designs in the rubblework masonry. Several items were found around these ruins, including a much corroded pin, portion of a sword blade, wooden cones, and bits and pieces of iron implements. From the scanty ruins, it is thought that the Castle had guard towers, a main gate with pillars, and a dome or cone. Some historians believe this was a settlement by Prince Henry Sinclair, as shown in the lower left of the famous Zeno Map of the North.
At the Battle of Crecy in 1346 A.D., cannons were used for the first time in Europe. The English defeated the French in this battle. By the year 1381 A.D., Carlo Zeno, the hero of Venice, Italy, employed cannon on board his ships to win the Battle of Chioggia where he defeated the navy of Genoa. Niccolo and Antonio Zeno knew how to make these cannons. Prince Henry Sinclair needed not only the navigational talents of the Zeno brothers, he also needed their knowledge of the new weapons. (A ship carrying Niccolo and Antonio Zeno ran aground in a storm in the Shetland Islands off the northeast coast of Scotland. Prince Henry Sinclair was Lord of Rosslyn, six miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland and Jarl (Earl) of the Orkney and Shetland Islands off the northeast coast of Scotland. He held these islands as a fief from the King of Norway. Prince Henry came upon the Zenos’ ship just after it ran aground and he prevented the Shetland Islanders from killing the Zeno brothers and the ship’s crew and taking away the cargo.)
Found about 1849 A.D. on the shoreline of Louisburg Harbor on Cape Breton Island (part of Nova Scotia, Canada), was a primitive cannon. Presumably, this gun was from Prince Henry’s fleet in 1398 A.D. It had eight rings around its barrel, and a detachable breech with a handle. Several very similar cannons can be seen at the Naval Museum in Venice. These are the same type as those used by Carlo Zeno at the Battle of Chioggia. They became obsolete by the end of the 14th Century. Later cannon were made in a single piece without that kind of barrel rings.
Oak Island
Oak Island is in Mahone Bay of Golden River, near Chester, Nova Scotia Province, Canada, and is one of only two islands in a group of 350 where oak trees grow. Oak Island is believed to have served as a navigational aid to find the Castle at the Cross. From Oak Island, looking toward the mainland of Nova Scotia, the river leading to the Castle is to the right. The Celtic work for “oak” means both “right” and “door.” This island facing the Atlantic Ocean holds some mysteries, including the famous Money Pit.
As of January 11, 2006 no excavations are going on at the Money Pit. Oak Island is now owned by two elderly men. These men want to sell it for $7 million.
Money Pit
Mystery shrouds the Money Pit, which is a deep hole at the center portion of Oak Island. Is it the source of the gold panned from the nearby Golden River? Or did Prince Henry deposit some Knights Templar treasures in this hiding place? Was the Holy Grail placed here for safekeeping by the Knights Templar who were looking for a new place to live where no one would ever bother them again?
The pit was discovered by three boys in 1795 A.D. At a depth of two feet there was a layer of stones. At ten feet lay the first of many oak log platforms, set at ten foot intervals, as the depth increased. In 1802 A.D., the Onslow Company discovered more of the log platforms, going down to ninety feet. In 1849 A.D. the Truro Company drilled augur holes near the existing cavity. At the 154-foot level the drill went through a 5-inch oak platform and dropped twelve inches further until it struck another oak platform. Then it went through 22 inches of metal scarp, including an ancient watch chain! At further depths, the oak reappeared, followed by another 22-inch layer of metal fragments. After the next layer of oak, the diggers found six inches of spruce wood. Still other digs produced some scraps of parchment, with letters that looked like “vi” in hand script. At the 171-foot level an iron plate appeared. Excavation is very difficult because tunnels go diagonally from the ocean into the pit, constantly filling the pit with water. Then in 1909 A.D., the famous treasure hunter Franklin D. Roosevelt, later U.S. president, purchased many shares in the Old Gold Salvage and Wrecking Company, which did more exploring at the money pit, but to no avail. More than $2 million has been poured into this Money Pit in search of treasure!
Westford Knight
Evidence suggests that Prince Henry Sinclair sailed south of Nova Scotia in 1399 A.D. to the shores of Massachusetts, leaving his historic impact. On a hillside next to the present Depot Street in Westford, Massachusetts, twenty miles west of Boston, lies a ledge bearing the carved outline of a medieval knight. He holds a broken sword, a symbol that a brave knight died in the field. This figure bears a shield displaying the arms of the Gunn family, kinsmen of the Sinclairs. The helmet is of the bascinet type, in common use among North Britons only between 1375 and 1400 A.D. The Gunn family has its roots in Caithness, Scotland (northeast Scotland), near the Sinclair lands. It is probable that the Westford Knight represents Prince Henry’s friend and kinsman, Sir James Gunn. In the J.V. Fletcher Public Library in Westford there is a stone that has a carving on it of one of Prince Henry Sinclair’s ships, and an arrow and the numeral 184, presumably giving the distance and direction to Prince Henry’s campsite in Westford.
Glooscap Legends
While no written documents are preserved from the Micmac Indians of the 14th Century in Nova Scotia, Canada, their songs and legends have carried history forward, generation after generation. In fact, the Micmac legends record what Sinclair, whom they called “Glooscap” the “deceiver” (This term is a compliment because it means that he was skilled in deceiving his enemies.) did in Nova Scotia after he sent his navigator
Sir Antonio Zeno back to Europe in the fall of 1398 A.D. Historians believe that Sinclair and his men remained with the Micmacs throughout the winter and left the next summer. Then, according to the songs, “Glooscap” ventured southward, perhaps to the Massachusetts coast. It is obvious that the Europeans gained the respect and the affection of the Indians. So great was the influence of Sinclair that the Micmacs still celebrate “Glooscap” every year! The saga records that this white god explored much of Nova Scotia. His winter base may have been at Cape d’Or, Nova Scotia, where it is said that he and his men built a new ship. One of the ballads still chanted by the Micmacs today asserts:
“Glooscap was the first,
First and greatest,
To come into our land
Into Nova Scotia”
Sinclair’s kind and friendly manner won the hearts of the local Indians. He treated them fairly and he taught them useful crafts. One such skill was how to fish with nets. For Sinclair’s sailors from the Orkney Islands, fishing was a natural pastime. Even today, references to “Glooscap” abound throughout Nova Scotia and the Glooscap Legends have been written down.
Norumbega Tower
Prince Henry Sinclair and his men had a mission to explore and to establish settlements. There were some “rubblework” ruins and walls along the Charles River in Waltham, Massachusetts, a suburb west of Boston, from which the Norumbega Tower was reconstructed. While local tradition holds that this structure dates back to the Viking Age, it is possible that it was built by Prince Henry Sinclair.
Newport Tower
Some archaeologists believe that the Newport Tower in Touro Park in Newport, Rhode Island was constructed in the 1400’s. Is it possible that Prince Henry’s crew built it? Some people believe so. Its stone architecture is certainly that of northern Europe in the Middle Ages (Romanesque Architecture). All its measurements are based on the Scottish “Ell Stick”, not the English foot, which was the standard of measurement in ancient Scotland. One ell equals about 45 inches. The Newport Tower has eight arches within a round tower, bearing a striking resemblance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Orphir, Orkney, where Sinclair was Prince. He certainly was aware of its shape and design. Also it is the design of the original Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem which existed when the Knights Templar were living in Jerusalem (1118 A.D. to 1244 A.D.). Knights Templar accompanied Prince Henry Sinclair on his voyage to North America. The closest source for the gypsum used to hold the stones of the Newport Tower together was Nova Scotia, Canada, where Prince Henry first landed. The tower was used as a watchtower and a signal tower. A fire was constantly kept lit in a fireplace inside the tower on the second floor. The light from the fireplace showed through a window out into Naragansett Bay so that arriving ships would know where Prince Henry was located and so that Prince Henry could send signals to encampments further down the coast. Archaeologists have studied the remains of the fireplace and have said that this type of fireplace was not built after 1400 A.D.
Rosslyn Chapel
Prince Henry Sinclair’s grandson, Sir William Sinclair, built Rosslyn Chapel, six miles south of Edinburgh, Scotland in 1446 A.D. Rosslyn Chapel is mentioned in the novel The Da Vinci Code. Rosslyn Chapel contains pagan carvings, religious carvings, and carvings of Knights Templar. Sir William Sinclair, the grandfather of
Prince Henry Sinclair, is buried in Rosslyn Chapel and his tomb is on the main floor. There are two plants known only in the New World that are carved in Rosslyn Chapel. They are: Indian corn and aloe cactus. “”This is further proof that Prince Henry Sinclair made his voyage because this chapel was built before Christopher Columbus made his voyage to the Western Hemisphere in 1492.
Prince Henry Sinclair’s great-grandson, John Affonso Escorcio de Drummond, met Christopher Columbus on the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean before Columbus made his voyage in 1492. John Drummond told Columbus about the voyage of his great-grandfather, Prince Henry Sinclair to North America from 1398 to 1399 A.D. Columbus’ wife was from Madeira. Her father was a ship captain and an explorer.
If you would like more information about Prince Henry Sinclair, please contact Mr. Neil St. Clair of the Prince Henry Sinclair Society of North America. His e-mail address is:
His mailing address is:
Mr. Neil St. Clair
19 Soley Cove Road
Lower Economy
Nova Scotia BOM 1J0
Books About Prince Henry Sinclair
Pohl, Frederick J. Prince Henry Sinclair. NY, NY: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc. 1974.
The author is deceased.
Sinclair, Andrew. The Sword and the Grail. NY, NY: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1992.
White, Richard W. Sword of the North. Ottawa, IL: Jameson Books, Inc. 1983.
A novel about Prince Henry Sinclair and his voyage to North America in 1398 A.D.
The author is deceased.
These books are out of print in the United States. They may be purchased from:
Mr. Ian Sinclair
Noss Head Light House
Near Wick
Caithness K W 1 4 QT
United Kingdom
e-mail: iansinclair@nosshead.freeserve.co.uk
Finnan, Mark. The Sinclair Saga. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Formac Publishing
Company Limited, 1999. This book may be obtained from Barnes and Noble
Bookstores. Their Internet website is: www.barnes and noble.com
Mann, William. Knights Templar In The New World. Rochester, Vermont: Destiny
Books, March 2004. This book may be purchased from Amazon.com. Their Internet
website is: www.amazon.com.
Fowler, Elaine Sinclair. Who Was the Scottish Medieval Knight Prince Henry Sinclair?
This is a children’s book. Price $6.95. You may also purchase from her a teacher’s
curriculum guide for children about Prince Henry Sinclair. Price $7.95. These
books may be ordered from: Elaine Sinclair Fowler P.O. Box 11 South Hero,
Vermont 05486. Telephone: (802) 372-4557. E-mail address: esf@together.net
Wallace-Murphy, Tim. The Templars in America. Boston, MA: Red Wheel/Weisser
Publishers: November 2004. Telephone: 1-877-359-3128.
Other Books about Early Explorers of North America
The Brendan Voyage by Tim Severin. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill Book
Company 1978 This book is out of print. It describes the voyage of the Irish
priest Saint Brendan from Ireland to the Bahamas in 550 A.D.
Madoc by Pat Winter. New York: New York. Bantam Books 1990. This book is
out of print. It is a novel. It tells of the two voyages of Prince Madoc of Wales
in 1170 and 1171 A.D. On his second voyage he sailed up the Mississippi
River and then up the Ohio River as far as Louisville, Kentucky.
Madoc’s Hundred by Pat Winter. New York. New York: Bantam Books 1991.
This book is out of print. It is a novel.
They All Discovered America by Charles Michael Boland. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday, 1961. This book is out of print. It tells about everyone who
visited America before Christopher Columbus.



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