familia caboz

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familia caboz

#98988 | custard1 | 31 ago 2005 18:27

My name is Marie Augustine Caboz,I live in Liverpool Merseyside England,Ido not speak or understand Portuguese.I,am trying to trace where my Father and his family come from in Portugal I was never told where they came from,all I know is that my Fathers name was Jose Agostinho Caboz,and his Fathers name was Manuel Rodrigues Agostinho Caboz,and his mothers name was Maria Piedade,if anyone can help please e-mail me many thanks MARIE
“Ola, o meu nome e Marie Augustine Caboz, eu vivo em Liverpool, Merseyside, Inglaterra, estou a tentar descobrir de onde em Portugal eram o meu pai e a sua familia, uma vez que ele nunca nos disse. O nome do meu pai era Jose Agostinho Caboz, o meu avo era Manuel Rodrigues Agostinho Caboz e a minha avo era Maria da Piedade. Por favor contactem-me se tiverem alguma pista sobre famílias de apelido CABOZ ou caso conheçam alguém com esse nome que tenha emigrado para Inglaterra por altura da 2ª Guerra (1939-1945). Obrigado”


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RE: familia caboz

#98998 | 2171932am | 31 ago 2005 19:35 | In reply to: #98988

Dear Marie
I Knew a family Caboz in the city of Olhão, in the Algarve, about the 1965.One of them was the mayor.
Also in Moncarapacho - 15 kms far from Olhão - appears in the registrations of baptisms and matrimonies of XIX century,this family name.


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RE: familia caboz

#99019 | feraguiar98 | 31 ago 2005 22:28 | In reply to: #98988

Caboz is a fish's name, a chub or shanny.
So as a surname is found mainly in piscatory areas, Algarve and Setúbal. The trouble with this type of surnames is that you may have several of the name but from different families. The good part is that they are not many.
A search in the portuguese telephone directory showed 81 registered Caboz, some with more than one entry. Unfortunately not one Agostinho Caboz.
You can do this yourself with a google search in 118.pt/pt/menu.php
In [Nome] enter Caboz and then click [Pesquisar].

If you can afford a fat telephone bill, the same person that translated your message could make some calls trying to find somedody who remembers your grandfather.

Good luck.
Fernando Aguiar


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RE: familia caboz

#99072 | custard1 | 01 set 2005 13:21 | In reply to: #98998

Hi,thanks,for your reply,I have no more imformation,other than what I have said before,there is an un confirmed possibility that my Father,might have come from the Algarve,so there is a possibility of a connection.
Have you any suggestions on how to get the imformation from the registrations,and how to possibly contact these people,many thanks again.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#99074 | josécyr | 01 set 2005 14:02 | In reply to: #99072

Dear Marie,
i have in my data/base some informations about "Caboz". They have been relataded with my family in the XIX century.
Here it is:
(1) Francisco Cabóz, born in Moncarapacho/Olhão at 25-05-1892, son of (2) Joaquim Rodrigues Cabóz e (3) Maria do Carmo Lourenço. Godfather’s – “ Francisco Rodrigues(*) and his wife Esperança de Jesus, (*) oncle by his father side.”
Grandson of:
(4) Manuel Rodrigues de Sousa and (5) Margarida de Jesus (both from Moncarapacho);
and from;
(6) José Lourenço and (7) Maria do Carmo, them also from Moncarapacho.

José Lourenço and Maria do Carmo (6 and 7) are my 4th great grandfather’s.

José Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#99122 | custard1 | 01 set 2005 22:03 | In reply to: #99074

Hi Jose,thanks for your reply,as I have no imformation to link,my Father to the only thing I forgot to mention was my Fathers date of birth which was 4/MAY 1915,does this fit anywhere in your data base.My Father came to England in 1939,and served as,a Merchant Seaman,during the second world war,he married my Mother in 1944,and after the war he set up a garage business in Liverpool Merseyside England,and was in business for 42 years.My parents divorced in 1962,and my Father married again in 1970,and I lost all contact with my Father afterwards,my Father died in Liverpool November 8 1991 which I only found out later.When my Father married my Mother he gave his name as Joseph Augustine otherwise Jose Agostinho,and his Fathers name as Manuel Rodrigues Caboz Agostinho,when my Father married again in 1970 his name was given as Jose Agostinho Caboz formerly known as Jose Augustine,and his Fathers name as Manol Rodriges Caboz,this imformation was taken off the copies of his marriage lines,the reason I think there is a difference,I think is that during the war my Father was torpedoed 3 times and all his papers was lost,and in 1944 his English would not have been very good. I was never told where my Father came from, and my Mother said she never bothered to find out ? My Fathers second wife flatly refuses to discuss the matter with me, I know she knows as Iwas told that they visited my grandparents between 1966-1984,something he never done with me or my Mother.I am telling you this story as it is all I have got to go on,and it might jog someones memory,once again many thanks for your kindness in helping me.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#99124 | custard1 | 01 set 2005 22:18 | In reply to: #99019

Hi Fernando,thank you very much for your reply it was very kind of you,your tip on using the Portuguese telephone directory was a good one will this give the addresses of these names, could then write to them,once again many thanks.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#99141 | victorferreira | 02 set 2005 00:11 | In reply to: #98988

... I told you ...
... it's happening ...
... they start to come out of the midst ...
And you see, 'seashore', 'coast line', same fish story, ...
It's a question of time ;-)
Best Luck


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RE: familia caboz

#99162 | josécyr | 02 set 2005 13:50 | In reply to: #99122

Dear Marie,
First y must tell you that y have made a small mistake:
Francisco (n.º 1 of my last message) was born in Moncarapacho at 06/10/1860 and married at the date of 25-05-1892, in Moncarapacho, but y don’t know the name of his wife. I am almost sure that these persons are connected with your family, cause the names and dates.
I suppose that your grandfather, Manuel Rodrigues Cabóz (y am sure that this is his correct name), may be born about 1870/80, and could be brother of the Francisco or cousin. We never know...
I think if you are interested in knowing something more about your grandfather, you must right or send a e-mail to the:

adfro@adfaro.iantt.pt - Arquivo Distrital de Faro
Director: Alexandre Arménio Maia Tojal - Rua Coronel António dos Santos Fonseca - 8000-257 Faro. Telefone: 289810640 - Fax: 289801525.

You will give them all the facts and dates that you have, and hope that they could find anything about your grandfather. I am sure they will, and then you can trace your Portuguese ancestors. You can be sure that they are from the Algarve and 90% sure that they are from de Concelho de Olhão, and from the place of Moncarapacho.
Cumprimentos - José Cabecinha.


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RE: familia caboz

#99211 | custard1 | 02 set 2005 20:37 | In reply to: #99162

Hi again Jose,thank you for your reply,things are looking promising,because my Mother,said that my Father was possibly from The Algarve but did not know where.
I will certainly write to the Archive in Faro,and send them what documents I have,and I will let you know the outcome,once again many thanks.Love Marie.


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RE: familia caboz

#99259 | josécyr | 03 set 2005 11:48 | In reply to: #99211

Dear Marie, not at all.
Have a nice trip by the past...you will enjoy.
J. Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#101358 | custard1 | 24 set 2005 18:46 | In reply to: #99162

Dear Jose
Itook your advice,and wrote to the Faro Arquivo and at first they said that they could not help me, as there was not enough elements in the imformation I sent,so I sent them the imformation what you sent me,and this is what I received
Jose Agostinho
born 08/05/1915
parish of Moncarapacho
Municipality of Olhao
Father Manuel Rodrigues Caboz (Moncarapacho-Olhao)
Mother: Maria Da Piedade Pacheco(Santo Estevao-Tavira)
When my Father first came to England Agostinho was the name the Immigration Office knew him by and that was his name given on his marriage lines to my Mother.When my Father married the second time his name was given as Jose Augustine Caboz so I am 98% sure that it is my Father, I am still waiting on the Embassy to check his Passport do you agree with me.Do you know anything about the name Pacheco,does it come anywhere in your data base,do you live anywhere near Olhao and can you tell me anything about it.I once again I thank you for your help and thro you it looks as though I have found where my Father comes from please keep in touch,I will let you know when I hear from the embassy.Can you tell me why his name was registered as Agostinho and his Father as Caboz and his Mother as Pacheco ,is this a quirk of the Portuguese,Love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#101416 | custard1 | 25 set 2005 19:06 | In reply to: #99141

Hi Victor,good news,I am 98% sure I have found my Father he was born in Moncarapacho-Olhao his name on the birth record was Jose Agostinho born on
08/05/1915 Father Manuel Rodrigues Caboz (Moncarapacho-Olhao)
Mother Maria Da Piedade Pacheco (Santo Estavao-Tavira) this was partly due to your suggestion of doing a Familia Caboz topic on the forum,Ithank you very much for taking the time and effort,and I am very grateful to you.
I am still waiting for a reply from the Portuguese Embassy to see what particulars are on his Passport,when I do I will let you know can you tell me anything about
Olhao as I would like to know about it,is it far from you, once again many thanks.
Love Marie


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Olhão, the cubist village

#101418 | victorferreira | 25 set 2005 19:41 | In reply to: #101416

Dear Marie,
I'm following your quest …
If you type ‘olhao’, just like this, without any graphic marks, you will find a lot of sites about it. Unfortunately, the site of the ‘Câmara’ has not an English version, as most of the others. Perhaps it’s time to you to start learning the language …
Well, I live around Lisbon and, as you can see in any map, Olhão is in Algarve. I use to go there only in holydays, even so not to this side of Algarve, but to the West side. So I do not know that much about Olhão.
What I know is that, because of its ancient architectural character, the place was called “the cubist village” by Paul (or Pablo) Picasso. There are (or were) those terraces (called “açoteias”) over the houses, were people used to go to dry fish or, in more recent times, at dusk, just to take a bit of a fresh breeze in the summer.
It seems that those terraces are vanishing with the ‘easy’ buck movement: “if there are no more fishermen in this family, and if I can build one more room for touristic purposes, why do I need an “açoteia” for?”
It’s time to buy yourself a trip to Faro. From the UK it’s cheaper than from Lisbon or Porto …
Best Regards


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RE: familia caboz

#101420 | rmfrp | 25 set 2005 19:44 | In reply to: #101416

Dear Marie,

I have been following the developments of your research here in the Forum and I should tell you, the data you have don't give a 98 percent certainty, they give at least 101 percent! :-)

I think your case is one amongst a number of very good examples of what this website has been able to achieve in terms of genealogical research since it was created five years ago. It is my duty to congratulate our webmasters (once again - they are probably getting tired of this) who created an excellent discussion group, as well as all the colleagues who gave crucial advice and data for your research.

I am a regular poster here, and have some ancestry in Moncarapacho, Santo Estêvão and the surrounding region (especially in Tavira and Olhão), but I have been silent up to this moment since I know nothing about the Caboz and any general advice I could have given you was provided by other colleagues - and they were certainly doing a good job as results now confirm.

If you wish to proceed the search of your ancestors, you will be able to reach at least the 18th century in most lines and probably find a few remote cousins among this Forum's regular users. Good luck!

Best regards,

Rui Pereira


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RE: familia caboz

#101583 | custard1 | 27 set 2005 20:05 | In reply to: #101420

Dear Rui,
Thank you for your reply,and I also would like to thank the web master,and everybody else who have helped me.
Can you tell me why my Fathers name given as Agostinho,when his Fathers name was Caboz,and his Mothers name Pacheco surely Ithought his name should have been registered as Caboz,maybe when I get the certificates,Iwill know.
One other question how can I find out the house and street where my Father lived,as I intend to go and see,I am asking you this as I dont think the birth certificate will tell me.
Once again I thank you very much.
Love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#101674 | rmfrp | 28 set 2005 23:55 | In reply to: #101583

Dear Marie,

Current Portuguese naming habits will probably look rather bizarre from an English point of view. Ancient habits were even worse.

From what I read in your previous posts, sometimes your father's name appeared to be (using Portuguese spelling) José Agostinho Caboz, and sometimes it appeared to be only José Agostinho. Since he has born in 1915, he had an official name in his birth record. That wouldn't be the case had he been born a little earlier: civil registration didn't start in Portugal until 1911. Still, old habits are difficult to change: those "floating names" that appeared and disappeared were a regular feature in previous centuries. It gets much more complicated when you have to find out if, say, "José Agostinho" in one record is the same person as "José Caboz" in other. In this case Agostinho appears to have been intended as a proper name, but has become a kind of surname as your own name appears to show.

Or... Could it be that there is some Agostinho (either as a proper name or a surname) in the previous, and still unknown, generation on the Caboz side of the family? I'm guessing the answer is yes. Taking surnames from grandparents, or even great-grandparents, was a regular feature in Portugal. In fact, this is such an interesting matter that we are discussing it here in the Forum as I speak. About an hour ago I posted a message to the corresponding topic describing the most extreme case I know in my own family, of two brothers who used a surname that they took from a 6th-great-grandmother.

Regarding the issue of knowing where your father lived, you might have some interesting information from the birth certificate. I checked some birth records I have from about the same time and they usually say at least the name of the street where the child was born. Sometimes the door number is also mentioned, but I don't know if there were door numbers in the village of Moncarapacho in that time.

That will give you at least some information on where your grandparents lived. Perhaps some additional information might come from documents at the municipality of Olhão, but that would probably involve some research at the municipality's archives. On the other hand, considering your father left the village at a very recent date (by a genealogist's standards!), there are probably some people living there who actually knew him, and a few close relatives of him as well. You might consider writing the local authority ("Junta de Freguesia") of Moncarapacho asking for information. Feel free to write in English, I am sure someone there will be able to translate it.

Best regards,

Rui Pereira


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#102957 | custard1 | 14 ott 2005 16:04 | In reply to: #101418

Hi Victor, it has just been confirmed by the Portuguese Consulate that my Father was issued a Passport in 1982,Jose Agostinho Caboz,birth town Olhao,once again many thanks to everyone who has helped lots of love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#103282 | custard1 | 18 ott 2005 11:20 | In reply to: #99162

Hi Jose,can you please help me,after finding the details of my Father,Iasked the Archive in Faro,about any other family details could be found about my Grandparents,if they had any other children as I thought my Father had sisters,this is the reply I received,Dear Madam:
We found some records with some connections but we aren't sure if they are
those you look for.

.Record of birth - José, born in 1890, Moncarapacho, reg. 105, sun of Manuel
Rodrigues Caboz, grand sun of Francisco Rodrigues Caboz and Esperança de

. Record of birth - Manuel, born in 1865, Moncarapacho, reg. 170; sun of
Manuel Rordigues Caboz and Maria da Apresentação

. Record of birth - Manuel, born in 1864, Moncarapacho, reg. 131; sun of
Manuel Rordigues Caboz and Maria da Apresentação

. Record of birth - Manuel, born in 1862, Moncarapacho, reg. 145; sun of
Manuel Rordigues Caboz

We looked for the marriage record of Manuel Rodrigues Caboz Agostinho and
Maria da Piedade Pacheco; we saw:
Moncarapacho, Olhão: 1884 - 1895
stº Estêvão, Tavira - 1866 - 1904
We didn't find anyone similar.

About Maria da Piedade Pacheco we found two possible records of birth; could
you confirm one of them?

. Record of birth - Maria, born in 1892, reg. 11, Stº Estêvão, Tavira,
daughter of Joaquim Fernandes Seruia and Marta da Conceição Pacheco

. Record of birth - Maria, born in 1888, reg. 31, Stº Estêvão, Tavira,
daughter of Manuel Pedro Lopes Júnior and Maria Cândida Pacheco.

You should confirm us if you want some photocopies of those records or not.
as you know I only ever had my Fathers name and date of birth,so can you please check your data base as you will understand the names,and I wil not.
Once again I thank you and everybody else who as helped me.
Love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#103317 | josécyr | 18 ott 2005 20:00 | In reply to: #103282

Dear Marie,
I will help you as soon as i can. I am just leaving to Paris and i will stay there till the end of October.
When i arrive i will check your data but i think it will be necessary to see older records or some more recent.
So, till there, my regards and sorry for the delate...
Your's José


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RE: familia caboz

#104270 | carlotto 54 | 01 nov 2005 11:16 | In reply to: #98988

Hi ,Marie
I now someone of your familly,maybe one cousind of you ,she lives in Lisboa and her name is Elisabete Caboz.I talk about your message in this site and she was very interest in you,so you can send a message to fredvarino@sapo.pt
,best regards.


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RE: familia caboz

#104321 | custard1 | 01 nov 2005 23:02 | In reply to: #104270

Hi Carlos,thanks for your message it is good news,I have sent them an e-mail,and I will let you know what they say once again many thanks.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#104419 | carlotto 54 | 03 nov 2005 13:46 | In reply to: #104321

Hi Marie ,tanks for your answer,its allways a pleajure to help.
Best regards.Carlos


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RE: familia caboz

#104865 | custard1 | 08 nov 2005 20:23 | In reply to: #104419

Hi,Carlos can you help me again I sent an e-mail to fredvarino@sapo.pt on 1/11/05 and I have not had a reply yet so I dont know if they received it ,and whether they can speak or understand English,so can you find out for me and if needed translate the message for them.I will then know that Iwill have to wait each time I send a message while they get the message translated,once again many thanks .Love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#104936 | carlotto 54 | 09 nov 2005 20:46 | In reply to: #104865

I Marie ,i phone your cousind Elisabete last week and i now from her,than fred (his son in law ),lives now in her home and they didnt have mail at there so ,i try to give is adress in lisbon ,by the program.Elisabete speak english ,so dont be affrae you will talk with your familly.Love


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RE: familia caboz

#106942 | custard1 | 06 dic 2005 21:10 | In reply to: #103282

Dear Jose I hope you had a good time in Paris,I am waiting for my Fathers Birth Certificate to from the Archive in Faro which is only a simple photo copy they have no problem relplying in English to me ,but I seem to have a problem with the Registo in Olhao to obtain a notary copy.I wrote in English and I got know reply,so the Consulate in London translated for me but they gave me the wrong price for the certificate but anyway the Registo I would not accept a cheque in sterling it has to be in Euros,so it did not matter only they replied in Portuguese, I returned the letter with the 15 Euros fee in cash with letter asking to reply in English because I want a search done for my Grandparents certificates with the letter going back to the right department this time I should be successful,have you had time yet to check the imformation I sent to you from the archive in Faro,once again many thaks for your help,and I take this opportunity to wish you and everybody else who has helped me to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year .
lots of love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#106991 | josécyr | 07 dic 2005 13:25 | In reply to: #106942

Dear Marie,
Tanks for msn. I am sorry but I have not any news for you. As soon as I have anything I will send You a note.
Best regards
JosÉ Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#108713 | custard1 | 03 gen 2006 21:23 | In reply to: #106991

Dear Jose I hope you are well and had a good Christmas and New Year,I have just received a copy of my Father birth certificate here are the details.
ao ano de 1915 Nome Jose Agostinho Sexo:masculino
Data do nascimento:dia 08 do mes de Maio do ano de 2005
Naturalidade:freguesia de Moncarapacho Concelho de Olhao
Pai:Manuel Rodrigues Cabos
30 anos de idade,natural da freguesia de Moncarapacho concelho de Olhao.
Mae:Maria da Piedade Pacheco 28 anos de idade,natural da freguesia de Santo Estevao concelho de Tavira
Avos paternos:Manuel Rodrigues Cabos e Teresa de Jesus
Avos maternos:Joachim Pacheco e Maria da Purificao
Nada Consta
I take this to mean that my Grandfather was 30 years old when my Father was born making my Grandfather born 1885 and my Grandmother 28 years old born 1887 and that avos paternos & maternos are my Great Grandparents,guessing they would have been born between 1855-1868 can you confirm that my interpretation is correct,but I dont know what Averbamentos:Nada Consta means,can you tell me what it means,does these names appear in your data base and does it help in any way,I Thank you once again for all your help,all the best for the New Year Love Marie.


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RE: familia caboz

#108736 | josécyr | 04 gen 2006 09:10 | In reply to: #108713

Dear Marie,
I wish you a very good 2006 too.
By the data you gave me in your e-mail y can not yet link with mine. However I think you must now to try to find yours grandfather’s marriage.
I suppose that it was been taken, probably, in Santo Estevão (place of the origin of the bride), a small Paróquia (Parish) do Concelho de Tavira or in Moncarapacho in the data “circa” 1905 till 1915.
In the marriage you will find the places were they are from and that will help you in the future.
Averbamentos: Nada Consta – means that they have not anything to had to this register. Marriage, Death etc…
All of your interpretation about the years is correct. However y give always 5 years or 10 (before and after), when y have not correct age of a person, to find any event.
Best regards
José Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#108763 | custard1 | 04 gen 2006 16:42 | In reply to: #108736

Dear Jose,many thanks will let you know when I get my Grandparents marriage lines,bye for now love Marie.


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RE: familia caboz

#110659 | custard1 | 26 gen 2006 21:34 | In reply to: #108736

Hi Jose,I have just received the following imformation from the archive in Faro
Maria born in 1886 parish of Santo Estevao municipality of Tavira
Manuel,born in 1885,parish of Moncarapacho,municipality of Olhao,they married in 1906 in Moncarapacho,Maria,died in 1955,parish of Luz in Tavira,these copies are simple copies and I need notary copies from the registry in Olhao,but unlike the archive in Faro I cannot get them to communicate in English,so can you please translate this message for me,Dear Sir/Madam could you please send me notary copies of the enclosed certificates,I have enclosed __Euros to pay for the fees and postage,I cannot speak or understand Portuguese,so can you please reply in English as this letter has been translated for me hoping you will understand and oblige Yours Faithfully Marie Augustine Caboz.
Jose,you can put the accents on when you translate as I will be writing the letter by hand,when I get this imformation it will be clearer than the simple photo copies and I will let you know the out come,once again many thanks for your help love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#110660 | custard1 | 26 gen 2006 21:37 | In reply to: #108736

Hi Jose,I have just received the following imformation from the archive in Faro
Maria born in 1886 parish of Santo Estevao municipality of Tavira
Manuel,born in 1885,parish of Moncarapacho,municipality of Olhao,they married in 1906 in Moncarapacho,Maria,died in 1955,parish of Luz in Tavira,these copies are simple copies and I need notary copies from the registry in Olhao,but unlike the archive in Faro I cannot get them to communicate in English,so can you please translate this message for me,Dear Sir/Madam could you please send me notary copies of the enclosed certificates,I have enclosed __Euros to pay for the fees and postage,I cannot speak or understand Portuguese,so can you please reply in English as this letter has been translated for me hoping you will understand and oblige Yours Faithfully Marie Augustine Caboz.
Jose,you can put the accents on when you translate as I will be writing the letter by hand,when I get this imformation it will be clearer than the simple photo copies and I will let you know the out come,once again many thanks for your help love Marie


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#110680 | pata | 26 gen 2006 23:07 | In reply to: #101418

hello...I know the family Caboz in Faro!!!


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RE: familia caboz

#110708 | josécyr | 27 gen 2006 10:29 | In reply to: #110659

Dear Marie, here is the translation;

Caros Senhores,
Agradeço o favor de me enviarem cópias notariais dos certificados em anexo.
Junto envio, também, ____ € para pagamento dos custos do serviço e seu posterior envio pelo correio.
Informo que não falo nem compreendo o português pelo que, caso vos seja possível, agradecia uma resposta em Inglês, pois esta carta foi-me retrovertida para o português a meu pedido.
Sou muito obrigada,
Com os melhores cumprimentos
(Marie Augustine Caboz)

Best regard’s
J. Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#110760 | custard1 | 27 gen 2006 18:05 | In reply to: #110708

Dear Jose,many thanks for the translation,love Marie


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#110917 | victorferreira | 30 gen 2006 09:54 | In reply to: #110680

Óptimo, cara participante.
Então posicione-se numa mensagem da "custard1" (Marie) e responda-lhe directamente.
É que respondeu a seguir a ler uma mensagem minha, e a sua boa novidade veio ter ao destino errado.
Melhores cumprimentos.


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#111963 | custard1 | 13 feb 2006 20:44 | In reply to: #110680

Hi Pata,sorry I have not replied sooner,please tell me more about yourself,and what you know about the Caboz family in Faro,the more I learn about anypossible family connections the better speak to you soon.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#111966 | custard1 | 13 feb 2006 21:04 | In reply to: #110708

Dear Jose,once again many thanks for your help,when I received the last imformation they did not send my Grandparents birth certificates so I will have to try again the marriage lines says Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco and Maria Pacheco married in 1906,parish of Moncarapacho,Municipality of Olhao,and Maria died in 1955,parish of Luz,municipality of Tavira.According to the Archive in Faro,there is a mistake on the marriage lines the priest wrote Cavaco instead of Caboz,the same mistake was repeated in the official note written on the left side of the birth certificate of Maria,with the Death record they dont have any doubts that there was a mistake,does this make sense to you,and does it help.I have booked a holiday for the summer and now with the imformation I have got I will try and get the birth certificates when I am there lots of love.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#111967 | custard1 | 13 feb 2006 21:05 | In reply to: #110708

Dear Jose,once again many thanks for your help,when I received the last imformation they did not send my Grandparents birth certificates so I will have to try again the marriage lines says Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco and Maria Pacheco married in 1906,parish of Moncarapacho,Municipality of Olhao,and Maria died in 1955,parish of Luz,municipality of Tavira.According to the Archive in Faro,there is a mistake on the marriage lines the priest wrote Cavaco instead of Caboz,the same mistake was repeated in the official note written on the left side of the birth certificate of Maria,with the Death record they dont have any doubts that there was a mistake,does this make sense to you,and does it help.I have booked a holiday for the summer and now with the imformation I have got I will try and get the birth certificates when I am there lots of love.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#112011 | josécyr | 14 feb 2006 13:51 | In reply to: #111967

Dear Marie,
Yes it make sence. You could have also the fact that Manuel Rodrigues Caboz, could be also Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco ("Caboz" (Nickname))...
In that place Moncarapacho, you would find the family "Rodrigues Cavaco" and "Cavaco" also, so???....
Best regards
Zé Cabecinha


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#112201 | custard1 | 16 feb 2006 15:06 | In reply to: #110917

Hi Victor,was your message 30/1/06 meant for me, I do not understand it if it was for me Iam sorry for the delay,please explain love.Marie


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She knows the Caboz, of Faro!

#112204 | victorferreira | 16 feb 2006 15:30 | In reply to: #112201

Hi Marie,
No and yes. Our friend 'pata' (a few lines up) has send her message to me instead of you.
I was just telling her to re-send it to you: she knows a family Caboz in Faro.
That may be indeed good knews.
All the best.


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RE: familia caboz

#117003 | custard1 | 20 apr 2006 22:08 | In reply to: #112011

Hi Jose I have booked a holiday in Tavira,have you any tips to suggest to help me to try and find where exactly in Moncarapacho,my Father comes from,once again many thanks for your help,love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#117022 | josécyr | 21 apr 2006 08:59 | In reply to: #117003

Dear Marie,
Moncarapacho is about 10/15 km from Tavira, one of the most beautiful cities of Algarve, direction to Faro. You go by the road 125, and you will pass "Luz de Tavira" and then, a few km a head, you will find, at your right side a road to Moncarapacho.
Explore well Tavira because you will be surprised.
Good luck
José Cabecinha


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RE: familia caboz

#121825 | custard1 | 28 giu 2006 20:29 | In reply to: #117022

Hi Jose,sorry Ihave not been in touch,but I have been very busy,here is the latest imformation, I went on holiday to Eastern Algarve and stayed in Pedras da Rainha Cabanas nr Tavira,I Searched around Luz de Tavira,this is what I found with the help of a taxi driver,my Father grew up in Arroteria-Livermento,my Grandparents are buried together in the parish cemetary of Luz de Tavira.I found a cousin she was the daughter of my Fathers sister,and had lived for a long time in Argentina,Ihave been told by her that I have an uncle in Argentina who is 84 years of age,my cousins name is Maria Clarrisa Carrajola and lives in Olhao in the Carvalhos area,she has said that the family is virtually dying off and there is not many left.I found that that part of the Algarve was very quiet,but beautiful.as you said Olhao was very quaint,with this imformation I hope you and anybody else knows of any more distant relatives exist.I have written and sent photos of my family to Clarrisa,and when I get a reply I will let you know bye for now love Marie


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RE: Olhão, the cubist village

#121827 | custard1 | 28 giu 2006 20:37 | In reply to: #101418

Hi Victor,if you read my latest message in the forum,does this help you in your data base to see if yuo know of any other relatives that could still be alive,many thanks for all your help,love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#121860 | josécyr | 29 giu 2006 08:35 | In reply to: #121825

Hi Marie,
I hope you could find something more, them tell me.
Bye for now.
José Cabecinha


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Call «ffarrajota»

#121947 | victorferreira | 30 giu 2006 09:53 | In reply to: #121827

I’ve read your message. I am very happy for you, although sorry in a sense ...
No I do not have any database that covers Algarve.
I am following your progresses from time to time but I do not know what you have done at the level of the Archive’s search. This is the only way to find relatives: to go one step back – grand(or great-grand-)parents’ siblings and their descendants – to find other family members.
Maybe Fernanda Farrajota (nick «ffarrajota»), one of the participants on this Forum can help you. She's related to Algarve. Search for her: write the ‘nick’, select “Todas as Salas” and “por Autor”, click 'Pesquisar', get into a topic, open one of her messages, just tell/resume your story and send it over.
Let’s see. Have a nice weekend amd best regards. VF


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RE: familia caboz

#121963 | aeiou2 | 30 giu 2006 16:37 | In reply to: #98988

If you search in familysearch.org, they are Caboz from Algarve



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RE: familia caboz

#129130 | custard1 | 21 set 2006 16:06 | In reply to: #121860

Hi,Jose here is the latest imfo I have from Faro.Dear Mrs. Caboz:

We found more records of your family:

. Nascimento de Manuel Rodrigues [Caboz], 04/04/1885, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 78 (1,00€)

. Nascimento de Joaquim Rodrigues Caboz, 31/08/1882, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 133, filho de António Rodrigues Caboz e Marcelina da Conceição (1,00€)

. Nascimento de Joaquim José Caboz, 03/02/1882, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 34, filho de Joaquim Rodrigues Caboz e Maria de Jesus (1,00€)

. Nascimento de Maria, 01/01/1886, Santo Estêvão, Tavira, regº 1, filha de Joaquim Pacheco e Maria da Purificação (0,50€)

. Nascimento de Leandro, 10/01/1880, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 12, filho de João Pacheco (2º casamento) e Ana de Jesus (1,00 €)

. Casamento de Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco[Caboz] e Maria Pacheco, 28/11/1906, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 44 (1,00€)

. Casamento de Joaquim Pacheco e Maria da Purificação, 06/02/1884, Luz, Tavira, regº 4 (1,00€)

. Nascimento de João, 19/12/1867, Luz, Tavira, regº 1, filho de João Pacheco e Ana de Jesus (0,50€)

. Nascimento de Joaquim Rodrigues Caboz, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 20, filho de José Rodrigues Caboz e Maria do Carmo (1,00€)

. Nascimento de Maria Catarina, 09/04/1875, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 70, filho de José Rodrigues [Caboz] e Maria do Carmo (1,00 €)

. Nascimento de José Rodrigues, 26/12/1875, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 1, filho de Manuel Rodrigues [Caboz] e Cristina do Carmo (0,50 €)

. Nascimento de Francisco Martins Rodrigues, 02/10/1876, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 129, filho de José Rodrigues Caboz e Maria Teresa (1,00€)

. Nascimento de Francisco Rodrigues Caboz, 10/03/1876, Moncarapacho, Olhão, regº 45, filho de João Rodrigues Caboz e Maria do Carmo (1,00€)
could you please check your data base and see if there is any connection,and if there is itemise them for me,once again I thank you and your web site for helping me speak to you soon love Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#137168 | custard1 | 13 dic 2006 19:13 | In reply to: #121860

e Bacharéis - Índices dos Processos

O núcleo da Torre do Tombo denominado Leitura de Bacharéis é essencialmente constituído por processos de habilitação para servir os Lugares de Letras. Os candidatos aos lugares da magistratura tinham de prestar provas no Desembargo do Paço, antes das quais era instaurada uma inquirição à vida do candidato bem como à sua ascendência. As inquirições, dirigidas pelo Corregedor da Comarca, continham um questionário tipificado que as testemunhas deveriam responder. Os candidatos eram na sua maioria recém-formados pela Universidade de Coimbra que pretendiam seguir a carreira da magistratura. A habilitação era também obrigatória para tabeliães e escrivães.

Estes processos de habilitação – tal como os destinados a servir o Santo Ofício ou para admissão nas Ordens Militares – ricos em informação genealógica, são importantes documentos para a História Social do País e para a História do Direito Português.

O núcleo é constituído por 11.491 processos inventariados que se encontram organizados por ordem alfabética e distribuídos por 289 maços, com datas compreendidas entre 1640 e 1833.

Em “Leitura de Bacharéis - Índices dos Processos” que agora apresentam, Lourenço Correia de Matos e Luís Amaral coligiram em livro os índices - por primeiro nome e pelo último apelido, o que multiplica consideravelmente as possibilidades de pesquisa - actualizaram e uniformizaram a grafia dos nomes e apelidos. Os autores consultaram todos os processos que nos índices originais continham abreviaturas, de forma a conseguir identificá-los e bem assim, todos aqueles cujos apelidos, por menos comuns ou mais estranhos, suscitaram dúvidas de interpretação. Enriquecido com um prefácio do Professor Doutor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a publicação deste trabalho – prevista para a segunda quinzena de Dezembro – é da responsabilidade das Edições do Guarda-Mor.

Ao acolher e apoiar o projecto e a publicação deste livro, a Associação dos Amigos da Torre do Tombo – que contou com o patrocínio da Sociedade de Advogados Franco Caiado Guerreiro & Associados – contribui mais uma vez para a divulgação e valorização dos fundos do Arquivo Nacional, apresentando um instrumento de trabalho útil a todos os investigadores.

Em formato A4, capa dura e 314 páginas, “Leitura de Bacharéis - Índices dos Processos”, de Lourenço Correia de Matos e Luís Amaral, pode ser aqui encomendada, beneficiando do preço de lançamento 25 euros até ao dia 5 de Dezembro. Depois do lançamento, a obra será disponibilizada ao preço de 35 euros.


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RE: familia caboz

#140358 | Paula Costa | 15 gen 2007 21:23 | In reply to: #98988

Hi Marie!
My name is Paula Costa and I come from the Family Caboz in Setúbal. What my mother tells me is that the Family Caboz descends from the pirates and in Portugal only exists one family Caboz. So it is possible that we are related. I can try to get all the family names that my mother remembers. They lived mostly in Setúbal and I know that some of them moved to the Algarve. I to am living in Algarve at the moment, but was born in Setúbal.

Best Regards,

Paula Costa


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RE: familia caboz

#141299 | custard1 | 23 gen 2007 13:17 | In reply to: #140358

Hi,Paula,thanks for your e-mail,all the imformation is in the forum I am waiting to get some documents translated,so I will be in touch soon, I found my first cousin she lives in Olhao,I will send you the correct address for her her name is Maria Clarisse Carrajola,so maybe if you live close by you could translate for us,which at the moment it is very difficult,many thanks,Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#156734 | alcmfp | 20 mag 2007 22:38 | In reply to: #99162

Alguém sabe da existência de um André Annes ou Ennes em Lisboa entre 1610-1660


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RE: familia caboz

#160368 | custard1 | 21 giu 2007 13:42 | In reply to: #156734

Hi I am sorry but I do not speak or understand Portuguese,could you please try to translate for me,many thanks,Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#160369 | custard1 | 21 giu 2007 13:44 | In reply to: #140358

Hi ,Paula,have you any further imformation for me,please keep in touch,Marie


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#160617 | custard1 | 23 giu 2007 12:11 | In reply to: #121947

Dear Victor,I hope you are well,I am having difficulty in sending a reply message to the forum it wont accept my user name or password has the system changed,please let me know.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#160618 | custard1 | 23 giu 2007 12:16 | In reply to: #140358

Hi Paula,I am sorry I have not been in touch,as I have been very busy,did you find anymore imformation for me if so please let me know,and keep in touch,as I would like to find out all I can about Olhao,and as you can speak English it would be a great help to me,many thanks.Marie


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Call «O Moderador» ...

#160643 | salen | 23 giu 2007 17:33 | In reply to: #160617

... He will help. ‘Just kidding.
If you are receiving this message, the system is ok.
But write something to the ‘Moderador’, in the light-green bar, up right explaining your difficulties.
Bent wishes. VF


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#219803 | custard1 | 28 gen 2009 19:24 | In reply to: #121947

Hi,Victor sorry it has been so long,but I lost the web address,I hope you had a good Christms and New Year,as I might have told I found my cousin Maria Clarisse Carajola,in May 2007,when I went to Olhao,but unfortunately she died in March 2008,I,have just written to her husband Raimondo Mendonca,once again the names baffle me,I want to no were the name Agostinho comes into the family,my Grandfather Manuel Rodrigues Cabos,his father was also the same name but the certificates,say his Mother unknown but I have been told ,this could be to the mother dying in childbirth,but the name carries on,can you enlighten me on this,once again many thanks for your help Marie A ugustine Cabos


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RE: She knows the Caboz, of Faro!

#237974 | custard1 | 01 set 2009 17:43 | In reply to: #112204

Hi Victor,I have not done anthing for a long time,sorry Ihave not been in touch,can you tell me is Santiago a village in the Tavira-Luz region of the Algarve many thanks .Marie


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RE: Santiago - Tavira

#237998 | rmfrp | 01 set 2009 22:12 | In reply to: #237974

Dear Marie,

Santiago is one of the two "freguesias" (parishes) in the city of Tavira. It is the parish corresponding to the part of Tavira (western) closer to Luz. The other parish of Tavira (eastern) is Santa Maria.

Best regards,

Rui Pereira


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RE: Santiago - Tavira

#238038 | custard1 | 02 set 2009 13:05 | In reply to: #237998

Hi,Rui,as I have said sorry it has been so long to get in touch but I have had 2 more Grandsons have been born so family history has been put on hold,once again many thanks for your help.Marie


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RE: Santiago - Tavira

#238134 | rmfrp | 03 set 2009 22:08 | In reply to: #238038

Dear Marie,

Having two more grandsons doesn't look like family history on hold, looks more like family history in the making! :-)

There is no need to apologize. Take your time. As you can see, we are still here and hopefully will continue in the future.

Best regards,

Rui Pereira


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RE: Santiago - Tavira

#242102 | custard1 | 16 ott 2009 14:31 | In reply to: #238134

Hi Rui,i hope you are well,can you please helpme,on my fathers birth certificate,Jose Agostinho it says his Grandparents were Manuel Rodrigues Cabos e Teresa de Jesus.On Manuel Rodrigues Cabos birth certificate it give his name as illigitimate son of Manuel Rodrigues Cabos and not the Mothers name.I can make out on the certificate neto paternos Francisco Rodrigues e Esperance de Jesus,also there is a name Benito Correia,does this mean that Francisco Rodrigues and Esperance de Jesus was his Grandparents.I have been told by the archive in Faro that Benito Correia was his Father in law,but they do not have the staff to translate for me.If Benito Correia was the father in law does this make the surname of the un named mother Correia,if it say on my fathers birth certificate Grandmother Teresa de jesus,how does Benito Correia become the Father in law,why on Manuel Rodrigues Cabos marriage lines does it only givehis fathers name as Manuel Rodrigues Cabos and nothing else when the above imformatoin is there,once again I do not understand,would it be possible if I scan the document and send it to you could you translate it for me I would be very grateful,many thanks,love,Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#242354 | custard1 | 20 ott 2009 13:19 | In reply to: #99162

Hi,Jose,could you please read my latest message on the forum,as you can see,the Francisco Rodrigues and Esperance de Jesus are the same people you spoke about a few years ago,meaning that they were Godparents and poss uncle of Francisco Caboz,have you any further imformation,I would be very grateful if you could let me know as they defiineately look related,many thanks.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#242367 | MiguelF | 20 ott 2009 18:20 | In reply to: #242354

Hi Marie
I was just looking into your posts and threads and perhaps you will be interested to know that 12 years ago I had one lecturer at the law faculty whose name was João Caboz Santana.
I believe he is still practising here in Lisbon and you might contact the Portuguese law society and get his contact details. www.oa.pt (law society website)
Hope this will help your search.
kind regards


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RE: familia caboz

#242530 | custard1 | 22 ott 2009 11:55 | In reply to: #242367

Hi,Miguel,thanks for your reply,I will certainly do that,and let you know how I go on,many thanks,Marie.


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RE: familia caboz

#259754 | Angolana | 01 ago 2010 06:32 | In reply to: #121963

There is a family named Caboz in Barreiro, Portugal.
António Caboz Gonçalves and his brother Emídio. They are very popular persons in town.


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#260785 | custard1 | 20 ago 2010 16:30 | In reply to: #121947

Hi Victor,Ihope you are well,I am still searching,and the problem I have now is that I cant get the registro in Olhao to cmmunicate with me in English,the archive in Faro have been fantastic but they only have records up to 1906,the information I want is the names of the children of the marriage of Manuel Rodriguese Cabosand Maria Da Piedade Pachecho married in Moncarapacho 1906,I want the to do a search is there any way you can help me,if you can I have the registro reference number,once again many thanks for all your help.Marie


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#265699 | PAIVAMANSO | 22 nov 2010 09:58 | In reply to: #260785

Caras Confreiras e Confrades, nada sei de inglês, não sei se faz algum sentido a dica que aqui vou dar, se algum de vós achar que vale a pena, por favor traduzam para Marie, o resumo que entenderem útil. Embora ela não saiba português, alguém por ela pode escrever ou telefonar para estas pessoas com apelido Caboz, actualmente residentes em Portugal, talvez alguma delas a saiba e queira ajudar. Consultei no Google em…… pbi.pt…..que quer dizer páginas brancas internet, ou seja é uma lista telefónica de números de telefones fixos da rede PT, e de telemóveis da rede TMN. Serve como pista para encontrar pessoas pelos apelidos e quando necessário tentar perceber onde existe maior concentração de indivíduos do grupo que procuramos. Após entrar em pbi.pt coloquei Caboz no rectângulo esquerdo e Portugal no rectângulo direito. Resultado; Aparecem 51 nomes e números de telefone, de pessoas com apelido Caboz. Em Portugal existirão muitos mais, mas estes, sendo poucos, já servem (digo eu) como amostragem. Carregamos em “telefone” e aparece o número respectivo. As minhas perguntas chave costumam ser; Conhece alguém que tenha ou ande a fazer um livro sobre a família (X) ? Por favor diz-me se estes nomes dos meus familiares lhe dizem alguma coisa ? (Dou os nomes, as datas, de Avós ou Bisavós e, o que mais conheço e creio ser importante) Acaso conhece algum Caboz que goste de Genealogia, que se interesse pelos nomes dos antigos parentes ? Estou a tentar perceber qual a origem geográfica desta Família Caboz, por favor não se importa de me dizer de onde vieram os seus pais, avós, bisavós ? (Cada um procura á sua maneira…) Neste caso, não telefonei para ninguém, mas, analisando os dados verifiquei o seguinte; Deste grupo de 51 pessoas com o apelido Caboz, aproximadamente 35%, são 18 assinantes, vivem perto do Funchal, prefixo 291. Cerca de 20% são 10 pessoas vivem perto de Setubal, prefixo 265. Outras 12% são 6 pessoas vivem perto de Faro, prefixo 289. outros 12% mais 6 pessoas vivem na zona de Lisboa, prefixo 21. outros 4% perto de Ponta Delgada, prefixo 296. Outras 12% são números da rede Tmn, telemóveis com prefixo 96. Sobram 3 pessoas; uma de Portimão, outra de Leiria, outra de Torres Novas. Estas todas perfazem 98% , os dois por cento que aqui faltam estão diluídos nas contas feitas por aproximação. Aparentemente esta família Caboz vem da Madeira, para o Continente, inicialmente para a região de Setúbal e espalha-se um pouco pelo país. Mas este é apenas um palpite. Só falando com estes Caboz, se confirmaria ou não. Cumprimentos. Jorge Santos
P.S. Marie, já não vem ao tópico há 3 meses. Voltará aqui ? Esta dica poderá ajudar outro alguém, se for um principiante como eu ,neste tipo de pesquisas ? Se vos aparecer …pai.pt… mexam com o cursor do rato (aquela setinha) no lado esquerdo superior aparece ….pbi.pt…é só clicar e entrar. Existe uma entrada em inglês e outra em português. Nalguns casos, para saberem a morada postal completa, terão de clicar no nome do assinante. Desculpem se tudo isto é fora de tempo ou inútil , não sei ler as mensagens em inglês.


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#266509 | custard1 | 08 dic 2010 12:47 | In reply to: #265699

Hi,Paivamanso,thanks for your e-mail but I do not speak or understand Portuguese so could you therefore send again in English,many thanks,Marie Augustine Caboz


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#266545 | PAIVAMANSO | 08 dic 2010 22:24 | In reply to: #266509

Tradução de Português para Inglês
Confreiras guys and Colleagues, I know nothing of English, do not know whether it makes sense to hint that I will give, if any of you think it's worth, please translate for Marie, who understand the summary helpful. Although she does not know Portuguese, someone she can write or call these people with surname Chabot, currently residing in Portugal, maybe some of them to know and want to help. I consulted with Google on ... ... ... .. pbi.pt which means internet white pages, or is a list of telephone numbers from landlines PT network and mobile network TMN. Serves as a clue to find people by their nicknames and when necessary to try to understand where there is a greater concentration of individuals in the group are looking for. After entering pbi.pt Chabot put in the rectangle left and right rectangle in Portugal. Result; appear 51 names and phone numbers of people with surname Chabot. In Portugal there will be many more, but they, being few, as they serve (I say) as sampling. Carry on "phone" and it appears a number. My key questions are usually, you know someone who has to walk or do a book about the family (X)? Please tell me if these names of my family you say something? (Give names, dates, grandparents or great-grandparents, and what else I know and believe is important) Do you know any like Chabot Genealogy, who is interested by the names of old relatives? I'm trying to figure out which geographic origin of this Family Chabot, please do not mind telling me where they came from your parents, grandparents, great grandparents? (Each search to your way ...) In this case, never called anyone, but analyzing the data checked the following, this group of 51 people with the surname Chabot, about 35% are 18 subscribers, living near Funchal, prefix 291. About 20% are 10 people living near Setubal, prefix 265. Another 12% are 6 people living near Faro, prefix 289. another 12% more than 6 people living in the Lisbon area, prefix 21. other 4% near Ponta Delgada, prefix 296. Another 12% are network numbers Tmn, mobile phones with prefix 96. That leaves three people, one of Lagos, Leiria another, another of Torres Novas. These all add up to 98%, the two percent who are missing here are diluted in the accounts made by approximation. Apparently this family has Caboz Madeira to the mainland, first to the region of Setúbal and spread a little around the country. But this is just a guess. Just talking with these Chabot, is it good or not. Regards. Jorge Santos
P. S. Marie, no longer comes to the topic 3 months ago. Back here? This tip may help someone else, if you're a beginner like me, this kind of research? If you appear pai.pt ... ... tampering with the mouse cursor (that little arrow) appears in the upper left side. ... Pbi.pt ... just click and enter. There is an entry in English and another in Portuguese. In some cases, to know the full postal address, will have to click on the name of the subscriber. Sorry if this is all out of time or pointless, I can not read the messages in English.


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#266550 | PAIVAMANSO | 08 dic 2010 23:12 | In reply to: #266545

Tradução de Português para Inglês
Cara Marie Augustine Chabot, I remembered to copy / paste my message from the past days 22/11/2010, translated by the program but now Google Translator. Do not know if it was noticeable. I fear that anything is added to aid it has received from other colleagues. I apologize if at all helped her. Have we managed to discover where his Father was a native here in Portugal? He found some people with the surname Chabot, their families? Regards. Jorge Santos


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caboz family

#267627 | custard1 | 30 dic 2010 10:18 | In reply to: #121947

Hi,Victor ,I hope you are well and had a cood christmas,here is my family tree and I would like you to explain it to me,GGGrand father Franciso Rodrigues Esperance de Jesus their son Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco born 1841,my ggrandfather,he had a son Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco born 1885 my Grandfather,he also had another son Jao Rodrigues Cabos born 1890,both certificate says Grandparents Francisco Rodriges Esperance de Jesus and both illigitimateseems unusual,on my Grandfathers birth cert it says Cavaco and also on his marriage lines,when it comes to my fathers birth certificate it says his name as Jose Agostinho father Manuel Rodrigues Cabos why the change there,and why my father name as Agostinho not Cavaco,and on my fathers birth certificate it says Grandparents Francisco Rodrigues Theresa de Jesus.On my Grandfathers birth cert it says Bento Correira was either the Godfather or Father in law and on Jao birth cert it says corriera Cabecha but no mothers name,can you explain this to me.Itake this opportunity to wish you all a happy New Year cand thanks for all your help.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#267628 | custard1 | 30 dic 2010 10:22 | In reply to: #121860

Hi Jose to save me typing again please read my message posted today 30/12/10 and see what you think once agian thank you for all your help and I wish you a happy and prosperous New Year,and to everyone on the web page,love.Marie


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RE: caboz family

#267637 | custard1 | 30 dic 2010 11:44 | In reply to: #267627

Hi,I made a mistake the name is Jose Rodrigues Cabos not Jao.


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RE: Call «ffarrajota»

#268016 | custard1 | 05 gen 2011 12:41 | In reply to: #121947

Hi Victor,did you read my message posted 30/12/10,what do you think.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#268017 | custard1 | 05 gen 2011 12:43 | In reply to: #108736

Hi,Jose did you read my message posted 30/12/10 what do you think.Marie


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RE: familia caboz

#268028 | josécyr | 05 gen 2011 16:44 | In reply to: #268017

Dear Marie, y do not understand your message. Sorry. José


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#268083 | custard1 | 06 gen 2011 13:26 | In reply to: #268028

Hi,Jose,sorry for the mis understanding,I found out that the priest did not make a mistake,Cavaco is right,Francisco Rodrigues was my G/G/Grandfather,his son Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco born 1841,his birth certificate says Cavaco he was my G/Grandfather,my G/Grandfather then had a illigitimate son also named Manuel Rodrigues Cavaco on his birth certificate,he was then my Grandfather,on his marriage lines to my Grandmother Marie da Piedade Pacheco it also says Cavaco,when it comes to my fathers birth certificate it says Jose Agostinho father Manuel Rodrigues Cabos,why change the name to Cabos at that point when the name for 2 generations has been Cavaco,does this mean that my true family name should be Cavaco,I hope you now understand what I mean,thanks for replying and will speak to you soon,Marie


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RE: caboz

#268155 | josécyr | 07 gen 2011 09:01 | In reply to: #268083

Dear Marie, what you have read is correct. The logic of the transmission of the surnames will have some consistency only after the birth of the “Civil Registration” (Portugal - 1910).
Before, when the registration was made by the Church, there was no criterion of the passage of maternal or paternal surnames to succeeding generations.
I hope you understand.
Your Name is Cavaco as much or as Caboz or Rodrigues.
No matter, they are the names of your family.
If you go further to the past, even greater differences you will find in the surnames, but with some experience you will understand that there is certain logic in this apparent confusion of surnames.
Regards Jose Cabecinha.


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RE: caboz

#268165 | custard1 | 07 gen 2011 11:49 | In reply to: #268155

Dear Jose,thanks very much,I now understand a bit more Iam waiting for some more documents and I will be able to go back further,also I am trying to get a search done to see what brothers or sisters my father had,I will let you know,you said in the past you were related to the Cabos family do you have any imformation on them,once again many thanks for your help,by the way my daughter in London is having another baby,Iwill speak to you soon,happy New Year love,Marie


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RE: caboz

#268342 | josécyr | 10 gen 2011 08:44 | In reply to: #268165

Dear Marie, happy New Hear to you too.
Yes i have some more information about the Caboz family. Send me e-mail to: jcabec@yahoo.com.
José Cabecinha


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RE: caboz

#301046 | AndreiaCaboz | 28 mar 2012 00:58 | In reply to: #268342

Hi Marie !
My name is Andreia Caboz and I'm from Lisbon, Portugal.
I'm sorry but my english is not good.
My father is José Caboz and he is from Madeira. After all it seems that there is also a family Caboz on the island :D
Andreia Caboz


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