Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

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Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#157051 | Duarte M | 23 mai 2007 14:23

Tenho lido com algum interesse sobre a origem do nome Spínola na Madeira, e a existência de Espínola na Graçiosa e no Brasil, provindos da Graçiosa.

O meu pai é Espínola de Mendonça e natural da ilha Graçiosa.

Pergunto se alguém conhece qual a ligação (se existe) dos Esínola da Graçiosa com os Spínola da Madeira?

Se os Spínola apareceram na Madeira do séc. XVI, e há registo de Espínola na Graçiosa no séc. XVIII, gostaria de saber se existe um relacionamento e em que ano se deu esta tansposição.
Agradeço qualquer informação.


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#208957 | volila | 22 set 2008 19:39 | Em resposta a: #157051

Com sorte até ainda seremos primos.

Passo a explicar:
Embora me assine de solteira CASTRO VASCONCELOS, tenho nos meus Vasconcelos, graciosenses dos 4 costados,antepassados de nome ESPINOLA.
Assim na árvore queestou o construir da minha propria familia, tenho:
com o nº- 30- Manuel Espinola de Melo(c. na Praia comCatarina Correia a 25-04 -1693)
nº--36-João Espinola de Mendonça(c. na Praia a 01-06-1720,com Antonia Cordeiro de Melo)
nº--Francisca Espinola,c. com João Afonso,como consta no registo de casamento do seu filho Manuel Espinola de Mendonça(nº 30).....(cerca de 1680/90)
nº- 66-Pedro Espinola c. com Maria de Novais, como consta no registo de casamento de seu filho João Espinola de Mendonça(nº36) ...(cerca de 1680/90)

Não, infelizmente conhecimento de quando foram para a Graciosa.
Penso que talvez possa encontrar elguma coisa no "arquivo Historico da Madeira " de que há uma serie de transcriço~es documentais de 2005 . Eu tenho o segundo volume referente ao Porto Santo(por causa de Iseu Perestrelo) e aqui só falam em ESPINOLAS na pag. 40 " Ana Teixeira e Manoel de Castro.......o fillo maxo se xamaua Joan de Morais casou com huma filha .de Antonio(a) Espinola em Santa Cruz ." Será SANTA CRUZ da Graciosa ?

Não sei mais sobre estes parentes.
Vou estar atenta ao Forum .

Cumprimenta a prima



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#208959 | volila | 22 set 2008 19:41 | Em resposta a: #208957

Peço desculpa das gralhas da mensagem anterior.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#208974 | Samuel C O Castro | 22 set 2008 22:24 | Em resposta a: #208957


Seria possível você descrever sua ascendência Castro ? Gostaria de ver se vossa linhagem entronca em uma grande base que estou a montar dessa família, com alguns ramos das Ilhas portuguesas.

Se preferir, poderás enviar para castro.genealogia arroba (sem espaços)

Antecipo agradecimentos. Fico a disposição. Fraterno abraço.

Samuel de Castro


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#208998 | volila | 23 set 2008 10:09 | Em resposta a: #208974

Caro Samuel:
Quero informa-lo de que pode encontrar a minha ascendencia materna nos "Azevedos da Ilha do Pico" (pag. 79). Desta obra já há alguns dados no Genea plus , mas não está actualisado: vem só até Manuel Joaquim de Azevedo e Castro ,meu bisavô .
Até sempre:
Luisa Vasconcelo(volila)


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209030 | Samuel C O Castro | 23 set 2008 13:38 | Em resposta a: #208998

Estimada Luísa,

Achei aqui no Geneal dois Manuel Joaquim de Azevedo e Castro e que em certa altura da ascendência não dá continuidade ao apelido Castro, impossibilitando o entroncamento junto aos demais da base.

Por morar no Brasil, teria muita dificuldade de acesso ao livro "Azevedos da Ilha do Pico", que desconheço. Também não tenho acesso ao Geneall Plus. Caso nessa obra tiver melhor esclarecimento sobre a ascendência do MJAC, e puder me informar, fico-lhe muito grato.

Ratifico meu grande interesse em entroncar esse interessante ramo junto aos demais.

Muito obrigado pelas informações. Fico a disposição. Fraterno abraço.

Samuel de Castro - Olímpia - SP - Brasil


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209079 | volila | 23 set 2008 22:30 | Em resposta a: #209030

Caro Samuel:
Penso que o melhor para a sua investigação era consultar as "Genealogias da Ilha Terceira" de Jorge Forjaz e .. no arquivo distrital de Angra do Heroismo podem dar-lhe informaçoes sobre o que deseja.
Eu não tenho a obra mas está à venda no Geneal plus.
O livro de que lhe falei não recua até à ida dos Castros para os Açores.

Sempre ouvi dizer que vinhamos de D.João de Castro. Mas isto é só, para mim , tradição oral.

Bom trabalho
Luisa de Castro Vasconcelos (volila)


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209113 | volila | 24 set 2008 11:57 | Em resposta a: #209079

Caro Samuel :

Acrescentando a mensagem anterior informo-o de que meu bisavô era Manuel Joaquim de Azevedo e Castro,filho de Amaro Adrião de Azevedo e Castro e de sua mulher Maria Albina Carlota da Silveira Bettencourt(morgada das LAGES)

. Nasceu nas Lages do Pico Açores a 02-09-1854 E FOI B. a 17-09-1854. F. a 12-06-1931.

Casou com Maria Palmira Cardoso Machado Bettencourt-Senhora da casa vincular dos Morgados das Lages,por morte de seus pais. No estudo da ascendencia desta Avó, já cheguei até D.Gonçalo Pereira,avô de D. Nuno Alvares Pereira que na tradição oral da nossa familia continua a ser sempre chamado "O Santo parente ".


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209121 | Samuel C O Castro | 24 set 2008 14:16 | Em resposta a: #209113

Estimada Luísa,

Retroagindo na ascendência de seu MJAC, estou achando que a ascendência Castro é mais provável pelo lado da Antônia Mariana Josefa de Jesus, 2ª esposa do Antônio de Azevedo da Terra. Tanto é que, aqui no Geneall, o Castro já surge num dos filhos desse casal. Talvez a confirmação disso poderá estar realmente na "Genealogia da Ilha terceira", que também não possuo. Quem sabe futuramente possamos consultá-la.

Troncos dispersos, quando se consegue entroncar nessa Grande base, é muito gratificante, pois a cada inclusão de novos ramos, mais rica ela fica.

Muito obrigado pelas novas informações. Continuo a disposição. Fraterno abraço.

Samuel de Castro


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209149 | volila | 24 set 2008 20:04 | Em resposta a: #209121

Caro Samuel :

A sua hipotese parece-me ter lógica . Quando consultar a referida obra logo direi qualquer coisa. Tambem podia tentar ir pelos registos do arquivo Distrital da cidade da Horta. Mas estes ao contrário dos de Angra ,estão muito destruidos (incêndios,abalos de terra,etc.)
Até breve .



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209181 | emed | 25 set 2008 10:54 | Em resposta a: #157051

Meu Caro
Os Espínolas da Graciosa descendem de PEDRO ESPÍNOLA DÓRIA que veio da Madeira para esta ilha casado com Catarina da Veiga filha de Diogo Pires da Veiga e de Inez Pires da Veiga. Pedro Dória é filho de António Espínola de Maria da Porta de Genova e neto de Micer Eleani (Leão) Spinola de de Madame Peretta.
Cumorimrntos Eugenio Medina


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209284 | volila | 26 set 2008 15:34 | Em resposta a: #209181

Senhor Eugénio Medina:

Tenho a confirmação de que é um conhecedor das genealogias da Graciosa, assim, pedia-lhe dois minutos da sua atenção para dois espaços que tenho neste forum e, que , neste momento, costituem, para mim, matéria de estudo, são eles:

Familia de Maria de ÁVILA Bettencourt na Graciosa -16-09-2008

Familia Correia da Cunha na Graciosa.- 24-09-2008

As datas que escrevi foram as das últimas consultas.
Estou a viver numa cidade do continente onde a última obra de Jorge Forjaz ainda não chegou à biblioteca, facto que tem atrasado os meus trabalhos e feito depender os mesmos da gentileza de alguns confrades deste forum.

Reconhecida pela atenção

Luisa Vasconcelos(volila)


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209293 | emed | 26 set 2008 17:42 | Em resposta a: #209284

Meu Caro
Maria de Fatima Avila Bettencourt não encontro mas talvez com mais dados :pais, filhos, maridp, anos etc
Correia da Cunha da Graciosa são os descendentes do Capitão do Donatário Pêro Correia da CUnha e estão nos lovros inclusive nas genealogos do Jorge Forjaz
Eugenio Medina


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#209296 | volila | 26 set 2008 18:27 | Em resposta a: #209293

Senhor Medina:

Deve haver qualquer equivoco, o nome de Maria de Fátima Ávila Bettencourt não apareceu ,até à data ,nos meus estudos .

Os nomes que referencio tem todos a respectiva descendência já por mim estudada e a indicação da mesma está bem clara.

Sem querer com isto dar muito incomodo , se me pertender responder não será neste espaço mas no das "Familias" já referenciadas.

Cumprimenta e agradece.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#211794 | volila | 28 out 2008 10:10 | Em resposta a: #209296

Caros Confrades:
Continuando com este meu hobi de "jubilada", aqui vão mais dúvidas:

Elas centram -se na pessoa de MANUEL CORREIA DE MELLO :

1º - Tenho , em mão , retirado dos acentos paroquiais que , sob a forma digital me enviaram deo Arquivo Distrital de Angra do Heroísmo , os seguintes documentos:

1.1 Cópia da certidão de Baptismo de M.C. de M. ,filho de Manuel Espinola de Melo e de Catarina Correia , com a data de 18 -9 -1694 ,na Igreja Paroq. da Luz .(este doc. foi-me enviado em muito mau estado de conservação)

1.2 Cópia de c. de Bapt. de individuo com o mesmo nome e filiação ,datando de 9 - 10 - 1714 . Neste documento vem registado que Manuel Espinola de Mello é escravo de Manuel de Bettencourt e Ávila.(cont)


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#211806 | volila | 28 out 2008 10:49 | Em resposta a: #211794

Cont. da mensagem anterior:

1.3 - O registo de C. de seu filho Mateus Correia de Merllo ,com Francisca Rosa , a 27 -8 -1775 ,S.Mateus , não menciona o neófito como sendo neto de escravo.

1.4. -O registo de c. de Manuel Espinola de Melo comCatarina Correia , realizado em S.Mateus a 25 - 4 -1693 , menciona a filiação dos noivos -João Afonso e Francisca Espinola e António Aleixo e Maria Pais (para Catarina) mas em nenhum ponto vem a indicação de serem escravos .

Gostaria que alguém me desse pistas para clarificar esta situação, tanto mais que o próprio Jorge Forjaz apenas se refere ao escravo supra mencionado.(vol. IX: Vasconcelos .pág. 743 em rodapé )

Não me repugna que seja escravo : estamos em plena rota dos descobrimentos e, também dos ataques dos corsários os quais podiam ser Genovezes tal como os Espinolas.
Gostaria ,sim , de saber mais coisas desta caixa de surpresas que é a genealogia de todos nós .

Aguardo respostas esclarecedoras dos leitores deste forum

Cumprimenta Volila


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#211820 | volila | 28 out 2008 13:33 | Em resposta a: #211806

Caros Confrades :

Ainda em relacção às minhas duas últimas intervenções tenho a acrescentar que disponho, ainda , da cópia igualmente digitalizada do reg. de c. de Manuel Correia de Mello com Maria de Jesus da Cunha Vasconcelos ,o qual ocorreu em S.Mateus a 12 -2 -1733. No mesmo constam os nomes dos Pais dos noivos não vindo qualquer indicação sobre o facto de Manuel Epinola de Mello ser escravo .

Continuo a aguardar a vossa colaboração. Cumprimenta



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#211838 | volila | 28 out 2008 20:29 | Em resposta a: #211794

Ao reler o texto reparo numa gralha na palavra "assento", que desejo desde já corrigir.Acontece...


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#213407 | Samuel C O Castro | 17 nov 2008 11:19 | Em resposta a: #209149

Estimada Luísa,

Por acaso, já tiveste a oportunidade de consultar a ascendência Castro de seu antepassado Adrião na obra "Genealogia da Ilha Terceira"?

Sobre a obra que citaste "Azevedos da Ilha do Pico", se puder fazer a gentileza de enviar escaneada a PAG 79 para meu e-mail que o Geneall estará lhe disponibilizando, pois solicitei seu contato, fico-lhe muito grato e a disposição.

Ótima semana. Fraterno abraço.

Samuel de Castro


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#213434 | volila | 17 nov 2008 18:22 | Em resposta a: #213407

Caro Samuel :
Vou pedir a um dos meus filhos para te enviar a página , pois eu não o sei fazer.
JÁ consultei a obra de Jorge Forjaz , mas como estava totalmente virada para a minha ascendência paterna :Vasconcelos (os Castros são do Pico e Faial ) , não me lembrei de ver nada sobre eles . Vou ligar para o meu amigo Segismundo ,que tem a obra à mão , para te dizer alguma coisa.
Eu não esqueço !
Um abraço
Luisa vasconcelos


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319723 | Eduardo10 | 26 dez 2012 16:39 | Em resposta a: #157051


Descendo de uma senhora, chamada Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça, casada com Pedro Machado Ribeiro (* circa 1590). Pedro Machado Ribeiro é filho de Pedro Machado Ribeiro Peralta e de sua mulher, Filipa de Souza Neto (* circa 1572). O filho deste casal, de quem descendo, é Manuel de Melo, casado com Águeda Vaz.

Procurei numsite, intitulado Família Sivleira, Rootsweb, e ali não sobem a ascendência de Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça. Com tamanho nome e, por isso, tantas pistas de famílias de quem descende, não consigo imaginar como não
se conseguiu subir a sua ascendência, a menos que se tenham perdido os documentos ou que tenha havido outro problema mais grave. Ignoro-o, porém.

Algúem, por obséquio, teria a ascendência de Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça já identificada? Suponho que Espínola e Espíndola e Spínola sejam a mesmíssima família, não?

Toda essa gente é antepassada de pessoas que, da Ilha Graciosa, passaram ao Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul e constituem a ascendência de minha tetravó, D. Dina Eufrázia Lopes, casada em 1848 em Santo António da Patrulha, Rio Grande do Sul, com meu tetravô José Ferreira Xavier da Luz, de antigas familias de São Paulo, algumas das quais bem entroncadas via Silva Leme e outros.

Agradeço toda a atenção que puderem dar à ascendência de Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça, que é, com efeito, antepassada de milhares de brasileiros e açoreanos.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319898 | dsilva1964 | 29 dez 2012 22:08 | Em resposta a: #319723

Hello Eduardo-

It would be much easier for me to communicate in English, but I will attempt to translate into Portuguese. I think I know the ancestry of Maria Espinola da Viega de Mendonca. If my records are correct, she is my direct ancestor. I have shared some things with the Familla Silveira web page you mention. The owner of that page is distantly related through my great grandmother whose family was from Faial and Pico. My great grandfather was from Graciosa. I have more details on that branch.

Please let me know if you understand English or if you are able to translate. It would be much easier for me share in my own language.
Thank you.

Seria muito mais fácil para me comunicar em inglês, mas vou tentar traduzir para a Língua Portuguesa. Eu acho que sei a ascendência de Maria Espinola da Viega de Mendonca. Se os meus registos estão corretas, ela é meu antepassado directo. Partilhei algumas coisas com a Familla Silveira página da web que você menciona. O proprietário dessa página é parentes afastados por parente do Pico e as ligações atingiram a Graciosa.

Com os melhores cumprimentos,


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319946 | Eduardo10 | 31 dez 2012 04:41 | Em resposta a: #319898

Dear David,

Thank you for your prompt reply. You can write in English if it is your own language.

It is very nice to know that we are related through D. Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça.

I searched in the Família Silveira, Rootsweb but could not find an ancestry for Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça. However, that website has helped me significantly. It seems that, according to my current research, I descend from a large number of Graciosa families through my G3 grandmother, Dina Eufrazia Lopes, who is recorded in the website.

I should be grateful to you if you could possibly give me Maria Espínola da Veiga de Mendonça's ancestry. Have you done the research yourself? Have you got her baptism record? Have you recorded an entry in Do I have your permission to see how you descend from MEVM in Feel free to peruse my ancestry linking me to MEVM through my G3 grandmother Dina Eufrazia Lopes. I have a photograph of Dina Eufrazia Lopes (1829-1869) but it is too light and when I scanned it, the result was not so good.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Eduardo Pellew Wilson


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319954 | dsilva1964 | 31 dez 2012 14:25 | Em resposta a: #319946

Hello Eduardo-

I have studied my genealogy quite a lot and hired a man from Portugal to help me with baptism, marriage, and death records for my Graciosa records dating back to the 1600's. Getting back as far as Maria Espinola da Veiga De Mendonca required a little leap of faith. There were two web pages that listed her name and then on the Genealogias de Graciosa, she is simply listed as the daughter of Jorge Espinola. I found his tree twice, but did not add the information to Genall because I was not sure. I have lost the online link to the Graciosa genealogies. There was a U of Minho of Portuguese goventment page with a digitized copy of genealogies from Graciosa, Sao Jorge, and a few others. The link i had no longer works unfortunately. But I made copies.

In this tree, Pedro (or Manuel) Machado Ribeiro son of Pedro Machado Ribeiro Machado and Filipa de Sousa Neto married Maria Espinola de Veiga De Mendonca, a name gotten from The Silveira Tree. On the Graciosa genealogies, the entry just has Dona...daughter of Jorge Espinola and Violante de Fonseca. Jorge Espinola is mentioned on two pages of the Graciosa Genealogies on pages 45 and page 10. Jorge Espinola is the son of Manuel Pires de Figueiroa and Paula Espinola da Veiga. I Think you are interested in the Espinola/Spinola line. Paula Espinola da Veiga is the daughter of Pedro Espinola Doria and Catherina de Veiga. Pedro Espinola Doria is the son of Antonio Espinola Doria and Maria de Medeira. Antonio is the one who moved from Genoa. He is the son of Marceleao (Called Leao) Espinola and Madonna Peretta.

Like I said, this is all based on the Graciosa genealogy pages and I was hoping that geneall would have more data on these branches. Going back this far, the tree gets pretty tangled with various distant cousins marriages. My catholic church records start at Maria Espinola de Veiga's son and I have those definite links to the present.

If both our our trees are accurate, we am clearly distant cousins many times removed. Nice to virtually meet you.

Again, this is rather speculative, but I hope I have been of assistance. I enjoy this forum. Yours is my first interaction.


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319965 | dsilva1964 | 31 dez 2012 19:01 | Em resposta a: #319954

Hello Eduardo-

I found a live link to the Graciosa genealogies which will support my assumptions of the parents of "Maria Espinola de Veiga de Mendonca," daughter of Jorge Espinola and Violante de Fonseca. So, regardless of the true name of the daughter of Jorge Espinola, the genealogy still stands up.

The first is tree # 35. See box number 10.

Second is tree # 44. See box #9

Jorge Espinola and Violante de Fonseca are also a part of at least two other genealogy archives. In the Coelho Borges generalogy, they are on page 230 and in the Fenixangrese Partegenealogia they are on page 245.

I hope this helps.


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319970 | Eduardo10 | 31 dez 2012 22:37 | Em resposta a: #319954

Dear David,

We are certainly related because past populations were not so numerous as populations are today and people of a social class tended to marry in the same social class. My wife and I are related dozens of times, for instance and we can descend from the same people several times, too! From Graciosa, I descend from two sisters (Ataide Bittencourt) who, in their turn, descend from Dona Maria Espinola da Veiga de Mendonça.

I shall make further comments soon. For the time being, though, let me wish you all the best for the New Year. I live in Rio de Janeiro, where the New Year celebrations are madness. There will be around 2 million people at Copacabana beach
for the fireoworks.

Happy 2013!



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319972 | dsilva1964 | 31 dez 2012 23:41 | Em resposta a: #319970

Dear Eduardo-

Thank you so much for the Happy New Year greetings. It sounds like a wonderful night of excitement in Rio de Janeiro. I once enjoyed the big party but in recent years prefer a warm fire. My roaring 20's are happily two decades past. My roar has settled.

I am quite happy to learn about our connections and hope to perhaps share a little about our diverging trees, what evidence we have both gathered.

I have done a little bit of looking around on Dina Eufrasia Lopes' tree and am very interested to find that our connection is relatively recent in that we can connect via church records, which I regard as very accurate. Our most recent common relatives are my 8th great grandparents Pedro Machado and Ana de Melo. Their daughter Maria de Conceicao de Melo is your direct ancestor and her brother Antonio is mine. I am also related to Maria's husband Joao Batista a few generations back. His great grandmother Catarina Andre was the sister to my 11th great grandfather Manuel de Sousa Neto. As you might already see, this is a hobby.

I look forward to hearing more from you.


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#319981 | dsilva1964 | 01 jan 2013 03:28 | Em resposta a: #319972

Hello Again Eduardo- seems to me that we are fated to meet. Online. Well, I believe such things as conversing with our ancestors. Many many times I have felt led to documents and people.

I have now found that we are also related from a totally different branch and place.

We share a common ancestor from Topo, Sao Jorge. Antonio Luis Barreto and Barbara Goulart are the parents of both your direct ancestor Diogo Luis Goulart and his brother Joao Goulart, my 10th great grandfather. Like my research on other branches, made easier in this case because the records are online, I have all of the church records from the 1600's to the present.

This now triple relativity is curious to me. I like it. Also we are both Libras born in the year of the dragon. Same month and year. Kind of cool and a little canny.

Cousin David


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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#320007 | Eduardo10 | 02 jan 2013 02:55 | Em resposta a: #319972

Dear David,

In fact, there were 2,3 million people attending the fireworks at Copacabana beach. I did not go to the beach, for I always remember my parents, whose flat became an open house on New Year's Eve. Several relatives live nearby and they would come and go. Those were happy times and my mother, before she died, decided to offer New Year's supper. That happened in December, 2001. She then said that that would probably be her last celebration and my father, who had died four years before, she said, would have liked to have relatives and friends invited. Now I live three blocks away from the beach, which is good because the sea air does not spoil things so much.

Indeed, we are related several times. I took a long while until I began to research the Azores on my mother's side. But I benefited enormously from the research carried out by Moacyr Domingues, a major genealogist who published several works on the Azores families in the south of Brazil. The occupation of the southern territory took place by the Portuguese from the Azores, mainly, but also from a few Portuguese from Portugal, such as the Fonseca Osorio, my wife's ancestors. They were soldiers, whereas the Azores people were mostly settlers. The climate in the south of Brazil resembles that of Europe. Those settlers were given sesmarias (vast lands) in the hinterland after 1750. The coast of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina were later manned by German and Italians after 1850.

Slavery was not so strong in the south, where people bred cattle and sheep. I first traced João Rodrigues Cavador. I was intrigued by such a name: Cavador. It must have been a nickname, for his ancestors do not bear such a name. He arrived in the south with some money. He left a will and I soon learnt that he was considered to be a genearca (the one on top of a family tree) in the south of Brazil. Moacyr Domingues devotes a chapter to describe his descendants in a work intitle Familias Açoreanas no Sul do Brasil.

Then I leanrt a little more about another ancestor: Paschoal Marques da Rosa. Rosa is of Flemish descent but I have not yet traced his ancestry. He was the one who had many slaves in the south of Brazil, which was not at all common.

Then another genealogis called Luis Antonio Alves, who has a huge colletion of Azorean names in his Memorial Açoreano, sent me a big ancestry of Dina Eufrazia Lopes and I became completely involved in those families. Pedro Machado de Souza e Ana de Melo e Gusmão, our common ancestors, had an old ancestry. The Gusmão I found later. It is Ornelas e Gusmão and you can find more about the Melo e Gusmão ancestry in Pedatura Lusitana.

I have always liked genealogy very much. At home, my parents would talk about it quise often. Then I made contact with other genealogists in Rio de Janeiro and we have a kind of group. There is the Colégio Brasileiro de Genealogia, which was founded because of a major research on João Rodrigues da Silva (a Portuguese from Penela Bishopric) and the numerous descendants (3 volumes, only the first of them was published in 1950 for lack of funds to have the other two published).

You must descend from João Correia da Silva, who died in the United States in 1924. I do not know why people from the Azores went to the United States. Was it because of overpopulation in the Azores? That was one of the reasons for Azores people having left the Azores to Brazil in the 18th century.

The good thing about genealogy is that we know where we come from and are able to think more objectively, I think. When I see that, in Brazil, today, there is a tremendous social convulsion and populism has been used and abused by the former president, Lula, knowing where one comes from gives one a true reason to fight for one's goals. I was not received at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a diplomat ultimately because of ideological reasons. Brazil has a strong ideological government which displeases my wife and I very much. She comes from a family of doctors and military officers, who are hated by the leftist administrations. I am a poor monarchist who cannot accept a president who has amassed a fortune of 2 billion reais (1 billion dollars)... Genealogy functions as a kind of resistance, thus, as far as politics is concerned. In addition, we can use it to back up history and not to accept the history that is being told about the making of Brazil. Above all, and this is my thesis, we can use genealogy to recover our memory.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#320008 | dsilva1964 | 02 jan 2013 03:40 | Em resposta a: #320007


Thank you very much for opening up to me about yourself and your family. As I said, you are the very first person I have interacted with on Genall, although I have been enjoying it for a couple of years and have been slowly building my tree.

You are right that I descend from Joao Correia da Silva. I do not know why he and his sister and perhaps more of the family came to the US, but I imagine it was economic. Although the family has an interesting past, in the several generations prior to theirs, they were shop keepers and poor farmers. I would love to know the generational progress of their social and economic conditions. I will most likely never know. But the more I study their environment, the clearer they will be in my mind. I enjoy all of the details surrounding their lives even if it is just a few words on a death record. Joao is my great grandfather. I know quite a lot about him and his sister and know of one other brother. I am lucky to have many photos and some stories. I have also studied my mother's family with similar interest. I am hoping that one day the Graciosa records will be made available online. That day, I will celebrate and become very focused.

You mention Pedro Machado de Sousa and Ana de Melo e Gusmao. All I know of them is from her death record and the mentions of their children's records. If you know anything else, please let me know. I do not have access and a knowledge of Portuguese. Just enough to read the records.

I have always been a tireless reader and history interests me. When I started the genealogy study, I had no idea where it would lead. My parents did not talk very much about their roots, especially my father. I was very close to my grandmother who loved to tell me everything. So, I do this to remember her. In some ways her life was a bit solitary with the rather early death of her parents and my grandfather. She was alone and all my formative years, I was her companion. The discovery of the history of her people and her husband's history I view as a kind of reward for her attention to me and her attempt to be the best teacher and example.

Genealogy does provide an interesting history lesson and perspective. I feel that I am recovering the memory for my family, for when they one day decide to notice. And if not, its a wonderfully interesting hobby.

I go back to work tomorrow after a few days off. Perhaps the same for you. I look forward to your next message.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#320251 | Eduardo10 | 06 jan 2013 14:10 | Em resposta a: #320008


The good thing about an Azores ancestry is that it is quite often possible to trace one's ancestors thanks to the work of previous genealogists and the new genealogical editions, such as that of the Ilha Terceira by Forjaz, whom I met in Rio de Janeiro over ten years ago.

Yes, the probable reason for Azoreans to have left their homeland was overpopulation and a local limited economy, which was unable to support the population. That happened in the 18th century and that is why my ancestors came to Brazil. I must say that life in Brazil was magnificent: vast lands, prosperity, affluence and, above all, the possibility of keeping the same values as those in Portugal. Up until 1930 the Brazilian social pattern allowed us to maintain our traditions. With the Vargas dictatorship, power changed hands dramatically. During the military regime (1964-1985) there was relative order and a partnerchip with the United States. My father-in-law, was invited to live in Washington DC to teach military doctrine at the Interamerican College of Defense. But the military were divided: a part of them wanted to hand political power back to society in a democratic regime; another, which won, decided to keep political power and held a firm anti-communist position. As a result, all those who had been arrested and. sometimes tortured under the military regime are now back in politics. The president of this country is a good example... In her DOI-COD file (a military file for subversives) she is said to have other names, such as Luisa, to have helped kidnapping important politicians, to have held up two or three banks in São Paulo, to be an embezzler, a murderer etc.

I do not hold much information on Pedro Machado de Souza and his wife Ana de Melo e Gusmão, but there must be Azorean genealogist who do. They were noble people who must have lived with the few privileges that had been left, although Graciosa was a poor island and live was limited for everyone. Anyway, their ancestry is traceable because of that. The Gusmão come from Ornelas de Gusmão and there is a bastardy in the 15th century more or less. Is is described in Pedatura Lusitana and I have already entered such info on GeneAll but they have not yet made the connections. The good thing is that the Internet has actually provided information to circulate at a much higher speed than before and for genealogists that is excellent.

When I read about your grandmother I remember mine. My maternal grandmother was, let us say, a genealogist for her generation, her parents and grandparents. Every detail was noticed, histories, family connections, property. But that is an emotional genealogy, which is basic to impell one to a more professional and objetive inquiry into one's family and other people's family, too. I like tracing an ancestry and, then, analysing the genealogical profile, trying to understand the reasons for the migration movements, the survival techniques used, such things that may help me, today, devise my own survival techniques. In a country such as Brazil, where there is a melting pot of nations, no official religion, where diversity is the most noticeable feature in social terms, it seems fundamental not only to recover, but also to experience one's traditions, in order to keep one's identity in society. As a hobby, genealogy has proved both efficient and relaxing, when it comes to tracing one's ancestry, however hard it often is. My paternal ancestral line has been beating me over the last 25 years. Now I can envisage an ancestry, based on documents to reach as far back as the Middle Ages but, alas, knowing that there will be no documented evidence to go further back: my ancestors were warlike, as were most of the Scottich clans and the Sinclairs, from whom I also descend from the Grants and Erskines, were benefited considerably and received the lands that had once belonged to clan Gunn in the north of Scotland. If I can prove as far back as George Gunn of Ulbster, the Crowner (circa 1450) I will be happy.

If you keep on reading in Portuguese you will end up by accumulating the necessary knowledge to speak Portuguese fluently. It is a very interesting language, from the linguistic point of view. A rich one.

What you are doing for your relatives is priceless but normally your or my or anyone's relatives do not value that. I think that it may be bacause living the present without knowing much about the past is easier. Now, living the present with knowledge of the past is intellectual, much more interesting. Perhaps a great-nice of yours or a great-great-nephew of yours, whom you will never meet, will value your genealogical endeavours. In my family, they are usually interested in jewels, silver, property, such things, which were shared accordingly. But the most important things is the ancestry itself. There is a Furtado de Mendonça will here in Rio de Janeiro (and is not my ancestor's) which states that, first and foremost, the deceased man bequeathed to his children his ancestry. There is no other comparable beauty as leaving one's ancestry in a will to the future generations.

I also came back to work last Thursday. Have a nice work.

I look forward to hearing from you.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#320265 | dsilva1964 | 06 jan 2013 19:21 | Em resposta a: #320251

Hello Cousin Eduardo-

i like to hear of your pleasant memories of Brasil with the land to enjoy and the traditions brought from Portugal with its people.

The beaches near my home town in California are said to have reminded my great grandfather's immigrant generation of the beaches and rocky shorelines of the Azores. My father told a story told to him by his father of my great grandparents meeting at the Holy Spirit festival on Faial and falling in love. Her family was soon to emigrate and there were tears and promises. She was to go ahead and he would follow. The story is that he did follow, jumping ship off the coast of California near her new home, where a network of Portuguese families helped them find each other . There are stories of a glorious reunion followed by a marriage in 1886. It is a nice story.

I hope to one day find out more information about the details of my ancestors' lives. I have at least one Frojaz book and am impressed that you were able to meet him. I actually have quite a little genealogy library, half genealogy data and half literature. Just today I was reading a translation of Almeida Garrett's Travels to my Homeland. There is a series on memoirs and novels called The Portuguese in America Series. I have a few of those. I have also studied Felgueiras Gaio and a few Jose Mattoso books and others things.

As I mentioned I have my branch of the church records up to Ana de Melo's death record. Her death record says that she was buried in her grandparent's grave at the Chapel of the Holy Spirit on Graciosa and that her children paid for two ceremonies. I wonder if that chapel still exists or was a victim to one of the big earthquakes. Some of the more recent burials were for a while in the main church, with the exact location given such as to the right of the altar etc.

I noticed your biographical entries and your various titles and memberships. That is wonderful.

I am also hoping that one day a great grand niece or nephew will find all my binders and books interesting. I have been asked information several times, but so far no one else in my family has shown much interest. I have many years ahead to enjoy this work and chart more discoveries.

Speaking of the past and the stories in my head...In my youth in California there were still undeveloped areas for more farm land and grazing fields and I have many memories of wandering around creating adventures. Even then I was fixated on the past and would position myself amid the noble knights on horseback and the beautiful maidens indoors. I am also reading a book about life in medieval Portugal. I enjoy learning about customs, dress, etc. and placing our people their.

Have a wonderful week.

I look forward to your next message.



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RE: Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#330059 | Velosa | 30 mai 2013 23:08 | Em resposta a: #320265

Boa Noite
Sou um curioso no que à genealogia diz respeito e nas minhas pesquisas relativamente à arvore genealógica da minha família, constatei que sou descendente de um indivíduo de nome Francisco José Spínola, natural dos Açores, casado no Funchal em 14/02/1814, filho de Manuel Spínola de Sousa e de Margarida de Jesus, naturais da Ilha Graciosa.
Gostaria de saber se algum de vós terá alguma informação acerca destas pessoas e onde poderei obter informação sobre os seus ascendentes.



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de Souza Spinola

#336757 | rpalma78 | 14 out 2013 21:40 | Em resposta a: #330059


Busco informações dos 3 irmãos Joseph, Francisco e Timoteo que chegaram a região de Rio de Contas (Brasil) na segunda metade do Século XVIII, como dizimeiros do Império Português. Sei que vieram da Graciosa.
Desde já agradeço


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Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#351925 | Jorge Velosa | 07 nov 2014 14:17 | Em resposta a: #157051

Após longa pausa nas minhas investigações, voltei a consultar o site do arquivo regional do Açores, tendo verificado que no presente se encontram digitalizados os registos paroquiais da Ilha Graciosa, o que me permitiu prosseguir a investigação do meu ramo dos Açores, iniciado em Francisco José Spínola, natural da Ilha das Flores e casado no Funchal.
Após consulta dos registos fiquei bloqueado nos seguintes ascendentes (da freguesia de Guadalupe) que gostaria de saber se constam de algum dos vossos arquivos e que passo a citar:

Manuel dos Ramos (morador nas Guardas) filho de André Pereira e de Maria da Conceição (julgo que André Pereira é o André Pereira de Melo (viúvo de Maria de Ávila) c.c. Paula Spínola (filha de Manuel Spínola e de sua mulher Antónia Gomes moradores no Caminho George Gomes), em 1717, casado em 1/3/1745 com
Maria da Conceição bat. em 1/6/1730 filha natural de João Spínola de Sousa, solteiro, morador no Caminho George Gomes e de Catarina Spínola, mulher solteira, moradora no Caminho da Vitória, padrinhos António Vaz de Mendonça e sua mulher D. Catarina moradores no Caminha da Vitória.

Gaspar de Avis de Mendonça filho de António Lobam (Lobão??) e de Isabel de Mendonça, casado em 6/11/1740 com
Isabel Novais de Bettencourt filha de Manuel xxxxxxxx Cardozo e de Inês Furtado da Câmara.


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Espínola de Mendonça da Ilha Graciosa, Açores

#449168 | pedro8226 | 27 jul 2023 23:22 | Em resposta a: #319972

Olá Eduardo

Você teria informações a respeito da filiação de Ana de Mello Gusmão cc Pedro Machado? Existem provas ou bibliografias?



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