judeu sefardita descendente de Pombal?

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judeu sefardita descendente de Pombal?

#200484 | LAF | 16 jun 2008 06:04

Ao procurar dados sobre um renomado prof. de Física inglês, Edward Neville da Costa Andrade, encontrei vários dados curiosos que proponho ao fórum no sentido de obter mais informação. Repare-se na nota final, prova de que sabia pronunciar o seu nome belissimamente!


Edward Neville da Costa Andrade FRS (December 27, 1887 - June 6, 1971), was an English physicist, writer and poet.

He was born, in London, on 27 December 1887, the second son of Henry da Costa Andrade and Amy Eliza (nee Davis). Despite his Portuguese name-for the family of Andrade came from Portugal to England during the Napoleonic era and included among its ancestors the Portuguese statesman, the Masquess of Pombal - Andrade was nevertheless a Londoner through and through.

Andrade is a Sephardi Jew and descendant of the British banker Moses da Costa, through whom he is related to the comedian and radio personality, Sam Costa.

He studied for a doctorate at the University of Heidelberg and then had a brief but productive spell of research with Ernest Rutherford at Manchester in 1914. They worked to show the wave nature of gamma rays, and on X-ray spectra. He then joined the Royal Artillery.

He was Quain Professor of Physics at the University of London from 1928 to 1950, and then Fullerian Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Institution for three years.[1]

Andrade was also was a broadcaster, on BBC radio's Brains Trust.
He told The Literary Digest his name was pronounced "as written, i.e., like «air raid», with «and» substituted for «air»."


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