Bola azul

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Bola azul

#404363 | Menarue | 19 jun 2018 16:19

How is it possible for someone to have this sign(bola Azul) next to his/her name and then no other family mentioned, no parents and no grandparents but is registered as a descendant of Afonso Henriques etc etc.? I am sorry once again to write in English but my written Portuguese is not good.


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Bola azul

#404365 | FilipeFlard | 19 jun 2018 16:48 | Em resposta a: #404363

Dear Menarue,

As far as I know, the blue ball can only be added to a person's profile if said person has Afonso Henriques as one of his/her ancestors. If this person's family tree is not on the database, there must be some kind of mistake.

Warm regards,



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Bola azul

#404367 | saintclair | 19 jun 2018 18:37 | Em resposta a: #404363

.. It's more blue ball, less ball, we Portuguese
we are almost all descendants of D. Afonso Henriques, the Conqueror ....


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