Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

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Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

#42199 | fredm25 | 22 mai 2003 15:42


Im sorry but I do not speak Portuguese. I understand it so you can reply in Portuguese.
Im French. My grandfather was Portuguese. According to the French documents I have, he was born in 1902 in Vimioso.
I sent a letter to the Town Hall in Vimioso but they could not find his name in their registers. Maybe he was born in Sao Joanico, which is located in the North-East of Vimioso.
Can anyone of you help me to find his 'acto do nacimento'.
Where do I have to send my letters??
My grandfather : Eduardo Augusto MARTINS 1902
His parents : Manuel MARTINS and Merencia DE JESUS

Thanks in advance for your very precious help,

Frederic MARTINS


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RE: Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

#47682 | jvaldeira | 12 set 2003 23:27 | Em resposta a: #42199


You can try to get his birth certificate (Certidão de Nascimento) from the Conservatória do Registo Civil de Vimioso. That's where you get it, not the Town Hall.
You don't need to write them you can order it in the Internet. The site is called INFOCID and you can get the adress by searching it in SAPO (Genea rules forbid me from mentioning adresses in this forum).
In Infocid choose "Serviço Público Directo", then "certidões", then "de Registo Civil".
The rest is easy as you have the details.
Hope it helps,


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RE: Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

#47744 | fredm25 | 15 set 2003 11:58 | Em resposta a: #47682

Thanks a lot for your help.
It makes me hope again!!
Im gonna try this way,

Best regards,

Frederic Martins


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RE: Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

#253190 | Caro75 | 15 abr 2010 17:13 | Em resposta a: #42199

Bonjour Fréderic,

avez-trouvé l'acte de naissance de votre grand-père?




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RE: Ajuda/Help in Sao Joanico/Vimioso - Please!

#296493 | fredm25 | 05 fev 2012 17:23 | Em resposta a: #253190


Je n'ai malheureusement jamais trouvé l'acte de naissance de mon grand-père malgré mes recherches. Je cherche toujours.

Merci d'avance pour votre aide,



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