Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

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Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#67971 | phoebe03cat | 20 jun 2004 20:30

Trying to trace Manzilla Samuel Charles Meston. Born Lisbon 11th October 1850 or Duarte Borges Meston Born Lisbon 1856. Father Samuel married a Portugese citizen. Help please.


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87668 | aeiou2 | 04 abr 2005 13:41 | Em resposta a: #67971

Hello Debbie,

I had search at familysearch,St George's Church,Lisbon and I don't found the Meston family.Do you know another parrich name of Lisbon ?



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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87688 | aeiou2 | 04 abr 2005 16:32 | Em resposta a: #67971

Are you sure? Are they born in Lisbon, or Oporto.


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87730 | phoebe03cat | 04 abr 2005 20:39 | Em resposta a: #87688

Hi Maria,
Thank you so much for your trouble. The family thinks they were born in Oporto, but the British census says Lisbon! Very confusing! Yes there is a possibility they could have been born in Oporto.


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87863 | aeiou2 | 06 abr 2005 14:52 | Em resposta a: #87730

Hi Debbie,
Have you the Oporto parrish were they are born ? Can you look in the family thinks.

The adress of British Church in Oporto,is

British Church of S.James

Largo da Maternidade de Júlio Dinis

4050-371 Porto

In Lisbon they are not Meston in St George's Church.
Best regards


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87916 | phoebe03cat | 07 abr 2005 08:31 | Em resposta a: #87863

Hi Maria,
Thank you for looking up St. George's Church - what a pity they are not there. The family has no more information - we only know they were born in Portugal in either Lisbon or Oporto.
Thank you so much for trying so hard Maria, I will write to the church in Oporto. These boys are impossible to find!
Best wishes,


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87917 | phoebe03cat | 07 abr 2005 08:51 | Em resposta a: #87863

Hello again!
The only thing I have remembered is that the family called their house in England Braganza. Is that an area near Oporto?

Best wishes,


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87919 | phoebe03cat | 07 abr 2005 09:07 | Em resposta a: #87863

Hi Maria,

I wonder if it could be Braganca?



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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87920 | aeiou2 | 07 abr 2005 09:22 | Em resposta a: #87917


No Bragança it is not near of Oporto.

Bes regards


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#87922 | aeiou2 | 07 abr 2005 10:21 | Em resposta a: #87919

Hi Debbie,

You can tried, Arquivo Distrital de Bragança

Quinta da Trajinha Lote 75/76
5300 Bragança

They are only two parrish,Santa Maria and S.João Baptista,Sé

Best wiches


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RE: Meston-Lisbon birth certificates

#90030 | aeiou2 | 04 mai 2005 20:42 | Em resposta a: #87916

Hi Deborah,

You can rigth to the S James Church in Oporto,I have give you the adress,because I supopse you can know something.
Best regards


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