Alguns comentários escritos por Frederico o Grande

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Alguns comentários escritos por Frederico o Grande

#81913 | Bzzz | 16 jan 2005 03:02

Alguns comentários escritos por Frederico II, o Grande, rei da Prússia, em relação a questões ou sentenças que lhe haviam enviado para responder, ratificar ou corrigir:

1· Answer to the request of a parish in Pommerania to send a new priest, as the present one had ventured to deny the resurrection on judgement day:
"Der Pfarrer bleibt. Wenn er am Jüngsten Tage nicht mit aufstehen will, kann er ruhig liegen bleiben."
("The priest will stay. If he does not want to get up with the others on judgement day, he may well keep lying on his back.")

2· Answering a question by a mayor how to punish a man that had committed blasphemy and insulted the king and the City Council:
"Dass der Arrestat Gott gelästert hat, ist ein beweis, dass er ihn nicht kennt. Daß er mich gelästert hat, vergebe ich ihm; daß er aber einen edlen Rat gelästert hat, dafür soll er exemplarisch bestraft werden und auf eine halbe Stunde nach Spandau kommen."
("That the arrested man has commited blasphemy is a proof that he does not know God. That he has slandered me, I pardon him. But for his insulting of an honourable member of the council, he shall be punished as an exemple and be sent to Spandau prison for half an hour.)

3· Note on a verdict against a soldier who was sentenced to a fine of 2000 Taler for smuggling:
"Bevor ich gegenwärtiges Urteil bestätige, bin Ich doch neugierig, die Mittel zu wissen, deren man sich bedienen will, einen Soldaten 2000 Taler bezahlen zu lassen."
("Before I endorse this sentence, I am curious to hear of the measures you want to employ for making a simple soldier pay 2000 Taler.")

(Da Enciclopédia Wikipedia)


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