Friedrich I of Württemberg

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Friedrich I of Württemberg

#82414 | Bzzz | 22 jan 2005 01:55

Friedrich I of Württemberg, or Frederick I of Württemberg (November 6, 1754 - October 30, 1816) became Duke of Württemberg in 1797 on the death of his father: he assumed the title of Elector in 1802, and the title of King in 1806.

He was obese: behind his back he was known as "The Great Belly-Gerent", and Napoleon Bonaparte later remarked that God had created the Prince to demonstrate the utmost extent to which the human skin could be stretched without bursting.


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RE: Friedrich I of Württemberg

#82415 | Bzzz | 22 jan 2005 01:56 | Em resposta a: #82414

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