Familia Meston Help please

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Familia Meston Help please

#87358 | phoebe03cat | 01 abr 2005 08:28

procuro por certeficados de nascimento para Manzilla Samuel Charles Meston nascido em Lisboa 1850 e Duarte Borges Meston em Lisboa em 1856.Tambem procuro detalhes de Samuel Cherles Meston que casou com Mary Vivian Dyson em Lisboa em 1851 nos pensamos que ele tambem easou com uma senhora portuguesa que talvez sere a mae de Manzilla ou Duarte. Eu ja mande neste site antes e gostaric de agredecer a quelquer um que podesse respondez. Acidentelmente perdi isto por noo felor portugues, agore je tenho um tradutor mais ume vez muito abrigado.


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RE: Familia Meston Help please

#87380 | aeiou2 | 01 abr 2005 12:10 | Em resposta a: #87358

Dear Phoebe,

You need know the parrish,and/or the religion.

Best regards



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RE: Familia Meston Help please

#87420 | phoebe03cat | 01 abr 2005 19:04 | Em resposta a: #87380

Hello Maria,
Thank you for your reply. All I know is that the father, Samuel married at St. George's church Lisbon 4th March 1851, so Duarte and Manzilla could have been registered in the same area. They were both sent to school in England when older. There is also another son Charles, but I don't know anything about him! There is no records of their births over here. I'm stuck!
Thank you for your help,


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RE: Familia Meston Help please

#87465 | aeiou2 | 02 abr 2005 09:19 | Em resposta a: #87420

Hello Debbie,

Have you search at familysearch ?It is no easy to search at st.George's Chur,but the adress is :

St.George's Church
Rua de S Jorge,6

Best regards


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RE: Familia Meston Help please

#87467 | aeiou2 | 02 abr 2005 10:36 | Em resposta a: #87420

Hello Debbie,

Are you sure they are married to St George's Church? Samuel he is married with a portuguese woman ?



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